14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Modern megacities, breathtaking natural backdrops, and a varied cultural landscape with a long tradition - China captivates with its contrasts and unbelievable diversity. The most populous country in the world can be seen here in over 500 impressive photographs.

30,81 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
30,81 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Fotografovi Janu Mlčochovi vychází jeho první monografie. Tento mladý autor je již na veřejnosti známý prostřednidtbím výstav a publikováním v časopisech. Výběr fotografií je pouhá část jeho rozsáhlé zajímavé tvorby s názvem Levitace. Znázornuje fotografie žen jež jsou originálně nasvíceny a jeví se nám jakýmisi přízraky.

Barvy času
7,73 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Barvy času
7,73 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Výjimečná kniha Barvy času pokrývá přes sto let světových dějin – od vlády královny Viktorie a americké občanské války ke kubánské krizi a počátkům vesmírného věku. Zaznamenává vzestup a pád impérií, vědecké objevy, průmyslový vývoj, umění, tragédie válek, politiku míru a životy mužů a žen, kteří tvořili dějiny. Ilustrovaný text je společným dílem nadané brazilské umělkyně a britského historika, autora bestsellerů žebříčku The New York Times. Na základě vzácných fotografi í vytvořila Marina Amaralová dvě stě úchvatných obrazů, které přivedla k životu s pomocí digitálního kolorování. Dan Jones napsal ke každému z nich text, jenž jej zasazuje do historického kontextu a tká z nich živoucí obraz světa, v němž dnes žijeme. Barvy času, spojení nádherných fotografi í a dobře zvolených slov, nabízí jedinečný vhled do minulosti.

75,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
75,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Na knižný trh prichádza ďalšia - v poradí už štvrtá umelecká knižná publikácia Antona Diváckého. Tentokrát je to komentovaná fotografická publikácia, ktorá nadväzuje na autorovu samostatnú fotografickú výstavu v Oravskej galérii na jeseň roku 2017 a následnú samostatnú výstavu v Slovenskom dome v Prahe na jar roku 2018. Kniha nás prostredníctvom obrazu podrobne zoznámi s konštruktivistickým a štrukturalistickým pohľadom autora na svet postmoderny a za pomoci písaného slova s jeho osobným i osobitým vnímaním každodennej reality a života okolo nás...

26,34 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
26,34 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Fotografie a doprovodné texty z autorova dobrodružného cestování po exotických zemích (Albánie, Alžír, Barma, Mongolsko a další.)

66,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
66,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Gain new perspective on the vibrant and innovative world of contemporary African fashion design, bursting with fresh creativity and free from reductive stereotypes. From the runway in Lagos and music festivals in Casablanca or Nairobi, to the "image makers" of Marrakech and the influencers of Dakar or Accra, a new gener­ation of African fashion designers, photographers, bloggers, and hair and makeup artists are redefining the aesthetic contours of the continent. Audacious, humorous, disruptive, and innovative are the bywords of these young creatives who, while drawing upon and reval­orizing their heritage, offer an ultra-contemporary perspective on fashion today. A creative revolution is spreading in an extension of continental revindication through cultural reappropriation and the invention of a visual language. Appliqué figures straight from Ghanaian Asafo flags seem to chant modern slogans as they march across silk dresses, traditional textile prints give power back to women, and Xhosa beaded embroidery serves as an inspiration for modern knitwear. Body-artists transform themselves into platforms for activism, and photographers--using clothing and finery--question identity, gender, and environment. Urban neighborhoods are reframed in a new light through the lens of ubiquitous smartphones. This volume celebrates a creative, effervescent gener­ation, which--by breaking the rules and rewriting the narrative of the African continent--is inventing a new and resolutely African chapter in the history of fashion that is now resonating across the globe.

The Republic
23,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Republic
23,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

An award-winning photojournalist returns to his home country to capture in images the spirit of Irish life in the centenary of Easter 1916. One hundred years after Ireland's 1916 Rising, the revolt that ultimately lead to independence, who are the Irish and what has become of the republic they made? Photographer Seamus Murphy, exile and escapee, digs deep to discover the forces and mysteries that drive - and have often beguiled - the country since its birth. From the streets of Dublin, and the suburbs of towns and cities adapting to new multicultural life, to the older habitats of Ireland's wilder western shores, Seamus Murphy endeavours to capture the spirit of contemporary Ireland in this witty, closely observed and beautiful photographic book.

101 umělců v České republice
17,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
101 umělců v České republice
17,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Kniha fotografií dokumentujících osobnosti českého uměleckého života. Americký fotograf Ch. E. Wyatt, jehož dílo má kořeny v newyorských a pařížských uměleckých komunitách, nedávno dokončil deset let trvající práci na souboru fotografií českých umělců. Wyatt původně přijel do Prahy hledat příbuzné své ženy, od nichž neměli od roku 1948 žádné zprávy. Podařilo se jim najít nejen je, ale zároveň i téma, jež se rozrostlo do historicky závažného dokumentu, zachycujícího 101 osobností současné české umělecké scény.Kniha je zároveň katalogem k výstavě v pražské galerii Beseda na přelomu září a října 2000. Vychází v česko-anglické verzi s esejem Miroslava Vojtěchovského.

An Alternative History of Photography
49,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
An Alternative History of Photography
49,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The real history of photography is a vast collection of inter- connected stories stretching from East Asia to West Africa, from New Zealand to Uzbekistan. It parallels acknowledged greats with forgotten masters, and lesser-known works with regional champions. It is a complex interplay of fine art, scientific, anthropological, documentary, and amateur traditions forged by women and men alike. Drawn from the extraordinary Solander Collection, this pioneering, alternative history of photography is based on principles of diversity and democracy, allowing famous works to be seen with fresh eyes, and giving more obscure works the platform they deserve. Images by Robert Frank, Diane Arbus, Man Ray, Ansel Adams, and Edward Weston are seen alongside those of Helen Stuart and John Lindt, early, self- trained practitioners Lady Augusta Mostyn and Major Francis Greeley, and African studio photographers Sanle Sory, Michel Kameni, and Malick Sidibe. It contains many rarities and "firsts" and spans photography's early decades with linchpin works by Sir John Herschel, William Henry Fox Talbot, Hippolyte Bayard, and Julia Margaret Cameron. Contemporary in outlook, visually captivating, and with contributions from leading curators and photo historians, this book will prove essential reading for those looking for an introduction to the field, as well as informed readers looking for more complete knowledge.

Herlinde Koelbl: Angela Merkel - Portraits 1991-2021
52,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Herlinde Koelbl: Angela Merkel - Portraits 1991-2021
52,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Angela Merkel: an era ends-and with it a project unique in the world. Between 1991 and 2021 this remarkable politician was photographed year after year, with a short hiatus, by Herlinde Koelbl. Each time they came together, a headshot and a three-quarter-length shot were taken before a plain white background; images that document with authenticity the astonishing ascent of a 37-year-old political outsider to one of the most powerful politicians in the free world. This long-term photo study strikingly shows how the traces of power changed Merkel, who at the start of this extraordinary photographic ritual was still almost 15 years away from becoming the first woman chancellor of Germany. What did she have to learn, how did she have to change in order to persist, indeed to survive politically? How did politics impact her private life? The renowned photo artist succeeded in capturing Merkel's human side through other means apart from her camera lens. Usually extremely reserved, the politician answered Koelbl's questions with such surprising openness and intimacy that, according to the Guardian, the two women share "one of the most unusual relationships in modern politics." Herlinde Koelbl presents a documentary portrait in words and images, of a kind that does not exist for any other global leader. It travels through time, spanning the Angela Merkel epoch-from the first year to the last. It is the portrait of an extreme physical and psychological transformation, and the written record of a unique rapport. Also available as an Art Edition of 125 copies (No. 1-125), with the print Angela Merkel, 1994/2018, signed by Herlinde Koelbl

Pets Rock
17,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Pets Rock
17,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Sure, sometimes dog and owner look astonishingly similar-but sometimes there's a celebrity in a poodle, too! Anyone who loves pets and has a soft spot for glossy magazines will find their passions perfectly combined in this unique photo book from the cult label Pets Rock. Pets Rock the book discovers the celebrities in our four-legged friends. Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, pigs and more are photographed in a species-appropriate manner and then receive their digital makeover into a mini celebrity, right down to the hairstyle and accessories. Roll out the red carpet for animal royals, rappers, rock stars and film icons! Text in English, German, and French.

Born to Ice
95,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Born to Ice
95,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

SeaLegacy co-founder, National Geographic photographer, acclaimed ocean conservationist, and TED Talks favorite, Paul Nicklen traces his extraordinary love affair with the polar regions in his most recent book, Born to Ice. His powerful images of iconic arctic and antarctic wildlife and scenery, coupled with his inspiring photographic storytelling, blends ethereal beauty of the icy landscape with a compelling call to action. To witness the Arctic and Antarctica through Paul Nicklen's lens is to experience hope in action. Born to Ice showcases the life's work of an artist whose love for the landscape-and each animal in it-is so palpable that emotion echoes throughout every image. As a collection, the images build in scope and power, leaving you profoundly affected and deepening your sense of commitment to protect these stunning parts of our planet. - Leonardo DiCaprio, June 2018

Guy Bourdin
46,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Guy Bourdin
46,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

With the eye of a painter Guy Bourdin created images containing fascinating stories, compositions and colours. Using fashion photography as his medium, Bourdin explored the provocative and the sublime with a relentless perfectionism and sharp humour. Famed for his suggestive narratives and surreal aesthetics, Bourdin radically broke conventions of commercial photography and in the process captured the imagination of a generation. The late 1970s, recognised as the high note of his career, is the focal point of this new edition, which combines in one book the two volumes of the original 2006 publication. The first part of A Message for You shows the legendary, nearly forgotten images and rarely seen variants of a single model, Nicolle Meyer. She appeared in over thirty of Bourdin's famous campaigns for Charles Jourdan and in iconic French Vogue editorials. The second part of the book explores Bourdin's pictorial landscape, a collage of images that maps his artistic vision. The texts, Polaroids, poems, sketches and contact sheets unfold through Nicolle Meyer's memories and capture moments of Bourdin's work in progress.

The Godfather Family Album
52,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Godfather Family Album
52,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

As special photographer on the sets and locations of Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather trilogy, Steve Schapiro had the remarkable experience of witnessing legendary actors giving some of their most memorable performances. Schapiro immortalized Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, James Caan, Robert Duvall and Diane Keaton in photos that have since become iconic images, instantly recognisable and endlessly imitated. Gathered together for the first time in this book are Schapiro's finest photographs from all three Godfather films, lovingly reproduced from the original negatives. With contextual essays and interviews covering the trilogy in its entirety, this book contains over 400 color and black & white images. Schapiro's images take us behind the scenes of this epic and inimitable cinematic saga, revealing the director's working process, capturing the moods and personalities involved, and providing insight into the making of movie history. Previously restricted to 1,000 Limited Edition copies, this is the unlimited trade edition for cinephiles and 'family' members on a budget!

Perfect Palettes
33,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Perfect Palettes
33,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Everybody has their own unique sense of colour, derived from all sorts of sources, from favourite shades of childhood, to which colour of clothes suits an individual and what colours make them feel good in a living room. Often responses to the world around us are formed from perceived colours - the joy of a holiday seascape, the fascinating tonal variations of a forest in Autumn or a perfect plate of complementary tomato and basil salad. These combinations can sometimes be transposed to rooms with great effect, others need toning down to achieve a similarly pleasing emotional response. In Perfect Palettes, the world renowned author and interiors expert Stephanie Hoppen takes inspiration from nature, landscape, food and art to create colour combinations and provides detailed explanations on why they work and how to implement them. Key colour groupings are illustrated with real schemes and palettes for re-creating the look, making Perfect Palettes an indispensable collection of ideas and winning colour combinations for the home. About the Author Stephanie Hoppen has a successful art gallery in London that offers an eclectic selection of prints, paintings, sculpture, glass and furniture to an international clientele. Her previous books include Blue and White Living, Decorating with Style, Decorating with Pictures, The New Curtain Book, Perfect Neutrals and Perfect Palettes.

Moments of Mindfulness: Indian Wisdom
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Moments of Mindfulness: Indian Wisdom
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Each book in the 'Moments of Mindfulness' series pairs the wise words of a great writer, master, philosopher or poet with Olivier Follmi's beautiful and moving photographs. Follmi travelled far and wide to witness the celebrations, landscapes, rituals and traditions of cultures all over the world, discovering new ways of seeing as he sought to understand and capture through photography the connections linking the people to their ancestral lands. The effect is transcendental and transformative, awakening our senses and preparing our souls to receive these simple yet profound teachings.

Moments of Mindfulness: Latin Spirit
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Moments of Mindfulness: Latin Spirit
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Each book in the 'Moments of Mindfulness' series pairs the wise words of a great writer, master, philosopher or poet with Olivier Follmi's beautiful and moving photographs. Follmi travelled far and wide to witness the celebrations, landscapes, rituals and traditions of cultures all over the world, discovering new ways of seeing as he sought to understand and capture through photography the connections linking the people to their ancestral lands. The effect is transcendental and transformative, awakening our senses and preparing our souls to receive these simple yet profound teachings.

World Press Photo 2013
20,89 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
World Press Photo 2013
20,89 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Publishing the results of the most recent annual World Press Photo Contest, this exceptional book contains the very best press photographs from the year 2012 pictures submitted by photojournalists, picture agencies, newspapers and magazines throughout the world. Selected from thousands of images, these prizewinning photos capture the most powerful, moving and sometimes disturbing images of the year.

35,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
35,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Karel Novák: Přirozeně, je kniha fotografií Karla Nováka s texty Romana France, který je i kurátorem stejnojmenné výstavy. Devětasedmdesátiletý prostějovský fotograf Karel Novák představí unikátní fotografie z naturistických komunit v bývalém Československu, Německu (NDR) a Maďarsku z let 1962–1996. Jedná se tak o unikátní pohled do světa naturistů, a to okem fotografa, který je sám naturistou. Jaký je autorův vztah k naturismu? Co pro něj naturismus znamená z hlediska životního postoje? A jak vnímá přirozenou nahotu současná společnost? Tyto otázky zodpoví zmíněná kniha, jíž se dočkáme už 27. října. Týž den proběhne také release party, tedy slavnostní uvedení na trh, v pražském prostoru Ex Post, kde bude také kniha poprvé dostupná veřejnosti. Fotografie: Karel Novák Koncepce: Roman Franc Text: Roman Franc, Karel Novák, Tomáš Pospěch Redakce: Petr Turek Obrazová redakce: Lucia L. Fišerová Překlad: Lawrence Wells Grafická úprava: Milan Nedvěd 144 stran, 91 fotografií

Best Unique Hotels & Retreats
75,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Best Unique Hotels & Retreats
75,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Just by looking at the luxurious hotels and retreats in this book, holiday mood and relaxation sets in. The lushly-illustrated volume from the Review Books series presents outstanding and unique getaways all over the globe-some still undiscovered. Over almost 300 pages, Best Unique Hotels & Retreats presents absolute highlights of the hospitality industry and brings together a hand-curated collection of properties across the globe for both aesthetes and lovers of the special. Whatever you're looking for-safari lodges, boutique hotels, ocean retreats, or ski hotels and chalets-this lush compendium of hotels and retreats has something to capture your heart and imagination. With breathtaking images, accompanied by vivid and informative texts, this new book in the Review Book series brings the holiday home and provides all the inspiration and information you need to plan for your next vacation. Curated by Sebastian Schoellgen and Martin Kunz, experts in specialist and boutique hotels, this is the ultimate address book for stylish places to switch off, retreats to recharge your batteries, and blissful places to have some time for yourself. In addition to this Coffee Table Book you will receive a QR code for the free accompanying image recognition app. By holding your smartphone camera on any image in the book, you will be redirected to the property page, allowing you to visit related websites, watch video content, browse extended image galleries, listen to corresponding soundtracks, or even book your stay. Let us take you on a picture tour to the most beautiful places in the world-from European cities over the Alps, on to the USA, Mexico and the Caribbean to India, Thailand, Vietnam, or Bali.

32,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
32,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

It has been called the single most historic event of the 20th century: On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins met John F. Kennedy's call for a manned Moon landing by the end of the 1960s. A decade of tests and training, a staff of 400,000 engineers and scientists, a budget of $24 billion, and the most powerful rocket ever launched all combined in an unprecedented event watched by millions the world over. And no one captured the men, the mood, and the machinery like Norman Mailer. One of the greatest writers of the 20th Century, Norman Mailer was hired by LIFE magazine in 1969 to cover the Moon shot. He enhanced his reportage in the brilliantly crafted book, Of a Fire on the Moon, which is excerpted here. Equally adept at examining the science of space travel and the psychology of the men involved—from Saturn V rocket engineer Wernher von Braun, to the crucial NASA support staff, to the three astronauts—Mailer provides provocative and trenchant insights into this epoch-making event. Illustrating this volume are hundreds of photographs and maps from the NASA vaults, magazine archives, and private collections. These images document the development of the agency and the mission, life inside the command module and on the Moon’s surface, and the world’s jubilant reaction to the landing. This edition includes an original introduction by Colum McCann and captions by leading Apollo 11 experts, explaining the history and science behind the images, citing the mission log and publications of the day, and post-flight astronaut interviews. The book you couldn't get your hands on is finally available as the first publication in TASCHEN's new series of GOLDEN BOOKS, created to celebrate the company's 30th anniversary! Originally published as a TASCHEN Limited Edition, Norman Mailer's MoonFire sold out instantly and earned accolades from publications the world over.

The Art of Pin-up
156,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Art of Pin-up
156,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

One big slice of cheesecake. Pin-up travels the long road from barracks wall to high art. In the 15 years since TASCHEN released The Great American Pin-up, international interest in this distinctly American art form has increased exponentially. Paintings by leading artists such as Alberto Vargas, George Petty, and Gil Elvgren that sold for $ 2,000 in 1996 are going for $ 200,000 and more today. Pin-up: drawings, paintings and pastels of an idealized female face and figure intended for public display, was produced between 1920 and 1970, for use on calendars, and magazine covers and centerfolds. The majority of original paintings were discarded by publishers and calendar companies after printing, making the surviving art that much more precious. Today it s popularity is huge, and ripe for an equally huge and truly comprehensive collector s edition. Formidably sized, The Art of Pin-up is an impressive book that will be coveted by casual fans as well as hardcore pin-up collectors. The top 10 artists are profiled in depth. Each chapter opens with a tipped-in reproduction of an original calendar or magazine cover by that artist. The reproduction quality of the paintings, pastels, and preparatory sketches that follow largely sourced from the original art invites the viewer to trace the brush strokes, while the exquisite period calendars, vintage prints, and original model photos document the artists creative process. Much of these ephemera were photographed on-site at the historic Brown & Bigelow Company, home to the world s largest archive of vintage pin-up calendars. In addition to the chapters on the 10 featured artists, the book includes thumbnail bios and representative art of 80 additional artists, the most complete compendium of pin-up artists ever compiled. All this adds up to a hard-to-beat book on this popular subject.

Motel Fetish T25
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Motel Fetish T25
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Behind closed doors. Lustful places, luscious women. A number of years ago I began to see distinctive layouts in "Hustler's Leg World" that got me nervous. The photographs were that good. Whoever it was had style and made the women his women. Krider women. Women I began to desire on a monthly basis. In the world of professional golf there is an expression "the world's greatest golfer not to win a major tournament." Chas Ray Krider was the world's greatest erotic photographer not to have a book. Thanks to TASCHEN we now have over 160 Krider images to pore over. To salivate over. Like a good film noir, he takes us to lustful places. Is it a crime scene or a sea of lust? These beautiful, languid women wait for whom? For me. For you. They play the "waiting game" beautifully. An ass in the air, a pair of crossed legs in nylons, all bathed in warm tones. A still life unstuck in time. So this is what goes on behind closed doors? Oh, I almost forgot. Alongside these many Midwest femme fatales is Dita, raven-haired icon. Not since Betty Page has a woman fleshed out so correctly a vintage girdle and bra ensemble. Enjoy. He takes you places where you only vaguely think you have been.

Beyond Klimt - New Horizons in Central Europe
47,03 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Beyond Klimt - New Horizons in Central Europe
47,03 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

1918 marked the end of a golden era: it was the year that Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Koloman Moser, and Otto Wagner died. Artistic activity, however, had already freed itself of their influence. Hardly affected by the political disruptions taking plac e, artists in the countries of the former Austro - Hungarian monarchy were busily productive, driven by a desire for a new start. The period between the two World Wars is characterised in the arts by international networks that transcended political and id eological borders. A lively artistic exchange took place, stimulating constructive, expressionist, and fantastic tendencies. An increasingly important role was played by magazines that disseminated new positions. The outbreak of World War II abruptly inter rupted these cosmopolitan art networks. This publication examines the fascinating, artistically fruitful epoch between the wars.

Helmut Newton WORK
37,91 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Helmut Newton WORK
37,91 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Svět Helmuta Newtona je nanejvýš složitý a mnohovrstevný. Jestliže bylo jeho dílo považováno v 60. letech za šokující a provokativní, dnes se ukazuje, že Helmut Newton předvídal obraz ženy, jak se nám jeví na počátku nového tisíciletí: ženy, která raději sama udává tón, než aby se podřizovala; ženy, která se těší z překypující vitality svého těla, o němž sama rozhoduje; ženy zodpovědné za sebe i svoje touhy. Módní fotografie, akty a portréty – to jsou tři kategorie, do nichž Newton rozdělil svoje dílo. Ale tak jednoduché to není: módní fotografie může být též portrétem nebo aktem a naopak. Tato kniha společně s výstavou v berlínské Neue Nationalgalerie představila Newtonovo dílo v celé šíři a oslavila 80. narozeniny tohoto výjimečného fotografa, který se narodil v roce 1920 v Berlíně, hlavním městě intelektuální a umělecké avantgardy, s níž je odjakživa spojován.

Ostrava. Viktor Kolář
60,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Ostrava. Viktor Kolář
60,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Viktor Kolář je nejvýznamnějším "městským fotografem" České republiky. Kromě let 1969 - 1973, která strávil v Kanadě (a vytvořil zde vynikající soubor New World Encounters), se autor věnuje až na výjimky Ostravě, rodnému městu a zároveň symbolu komunistického pokroku provázeného devastací prostředí i lidské duše. Městu zobrazovanému Kolářem s nenávistnou láskou. Pokračuje v tradici humanistické tradice a lpí na náročném stylu rozhodujících okamžiků. Fotografuje takřka výhradně v ulicích a na veřejných prostranstvích. Vedle bezkonkurenčně precízního řemesla překvapuje vynalézavými kompozicemi, ale to všechno je druhořadé. Přestože postihuje svébytnost tohoto hornického města, všímá si i některých charakteristických rysů městské společnosti, především odcizení. Jeho filosofie i prožitky jsou blízké existencialismu. Nesnaží se o subjektivizaci nebo objektivizaci dokumentu, jak je to módou v posledních letech a desetiletích, zaujímá jedinečnou pozici filozofujícího a psychologizujícího mudrce, neboť je schopen svými fotografiemi odhalovat víc než jiní. Tak se také proměňuje: ne do šířky, nepřibírá si další oblasti fotografování, nýbrž do hloubky. Snaží se, aby objektiv jeho kamery ukázal vizualitu lidského světa ve stavech, symbolických funkcích, gestech a konfiguracích kladoucích otázky, upozorňujících na vztahy a problémy. Podstatná část díla se točí kolem vztahu časnosti a věčnosti, kultury a antropologické konstanty v lidském chování. Obrazy nacházené Kolářem jsou podobné jeho jedinečné slovní komunikaci. Inspiruje ho cokoli a s nevyčerpatelnou důkladností dovede určitý motiv probírat z nejrůznějších aspektů, aby se dostal až "na dřeň". Nezabývá se ale ničím nedůležitým.

The Best Photographers V
18,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Best Photographers V
18,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Již po páté vychází pokračování oblíbené kolekce portfolií fotografů z celého světa. Mezi 15ti vybranými autory naleznete jména jako Ara Güler, Roman Sejkot, Monika Požerskyte a Romualdas Požerskis, Virgilio Bardossi, Riccardo Busi, Vitaly Butyrin, Volker Frenzel, Lois Greenfield, Romualdas Rakauskas, Uli Steiger, Elena a Vitaliy Vasilievovi, Lubomír Schmida, Maggie Taylor, Eduard Tevosov a talentovaný objev - Helena Kadlčíková. Věříme, že kvalitou i výběrem vás tato publikace opět zaujme a potěší. Kniha je vytištěna na křídovém papíře Průvodní texty v češtině, angličtině a němčině.

Terry ONeills Rock n Roll Album
61,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Terry ONeills Rock n Roll Album
61,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Terry O'Neill is one of the world's most celebrated and collected photographers. No one has captured the frontline of fame so broadly - and for so long. Terry O'Neill's Rock 'n' Roll Albumcontains some of the most famous and powerful music photographs of all time. At the same time the book includes many intimate personal photos taken 'behind the scenes' and at private functions. Terry O'Neill photographed the giants of the music world - both on and off stage. For more than fifty years he captured those on the frontline of fame in public and in private. David Bowie, Elton John, Led Zepplin, Amy Winehouse, Dean Martin, The Who, Janis Joplin, AC/DC, Eric Clapton, Sammy Davis Jnr., The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Berry and The Beatles - to name only a few. O' Neill spent more than 30 years photographing Frank Sinatra as his personal photographer with unprecedented access to the star. He took some of the earliest known photographs of The Beatles and then forged a lifetime relationship with members of the band that allowed him to photograph their weddings and other private moments. It is this contrast between public and private that makes Terry O'Neill's Rock 'n' Roll Album such a powerful document. Without a doubt, Terry O'Neill's work comprises a vital chronicle of rock 'n' roll history. To any fan of music or photography this book will be a must buy. ACC Editions' first collaboration with this legendary photographer: Terry O'Neill published in 2013, has been greeted with universal acclaim from print and broadcast media.

All American XII Bruce Weber
94,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
All American XII Bruce Weber
94,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Over the past eleven years, the photographer and filmmaker Bruce Weber has published the book series "All-American", an independent portfolio of work by artists, photographers, essayists, poets, and personalities whose lives and accomplishments warrant celebration. The latest volume in the series is again a collection by Weber that is motivated equally by admiration and a desire to connect. Sometimes the subjects are already wellknown in their own right, but just as often the participants are relatively unknown, noteworthy because their stories or accomplishments reveal something that resonates on a deeper, more personal level. "All-American XII" explores the true characters of the American landscape.

The World at Night
34,15 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The World at Night
34,15 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

See the full beauty of our night sky revealed as never before in over 200 photographs from around the world. Bringing together the images of over 40 photographers across 25 countries, be astounded by the lights of the night sky in some of the darkest places on earth; discover the beauty of galaxies, planets and stars; view great celestial events; and see some of the world's most important landmarks against the backdrop of an incredible nightscape. Babak Tafreshi, founder of the international organisation The World at Night, has curated the images in this collection - many of them previously unseen - to reveal the true splendour of the sky at night. A specialist guide to night-sky photography will help you capture your own gorgeous images of the heavens. Commentary on the science, astronomy and photography accompany stunning images organised by theme:Symbols of all nations and religions embraced by one sky of endless beautiesUNESCO World Heritage Sites at nightThe Universe revealed through constellations, sky motions, atmospheric phenomenon, Aurora and other wondersImages highlighting the beauty of dark skies away from light-polluted urban areasCelestial events, from great comets to spectacular eclipsesAstro-tourism destinations, like ancient astronomical monuments and modern observatories