Žižkov Praha a něco navíc
13,31 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Žižkov Praha a něco navíc
13,31 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Účelem této publikace je seznámit veřejnost s unikátními, širšímu publiku dosud neznámými fotografiemi Františka Pavlíčka, který na svých snímcích zachytil atmosféru Prahy a především Žižkova na přelomu 50. a 60. let dvacátého století. Kniha ukazuje mnohdy v umělecky, ale hlavně poeticky laděných fotografiích nejen dnes již neexistující domy a ulice, ale i život lidí v tehdejší době. Téměř všechny snímky byly pořízeny fotoaparátem Rolleiflex – dvouokou zrcadlovkou. Publikace, obsahující více než sto padesát černobílých fotografií, je doplněna několika snímky z Čech a Moravy, jakož i dobovými články vztahujícími se k osobnosti Františka Pavlíčka.

Průvodce neklidným územím
41,54 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Průvodce neklidným územím
41,54 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Jak srozumitelně přiblížit historii české a slovenské forografie i její současné podoby? Průvodce neklidným územím III navazuje na úspěšné předchozí díly, věnované modernímu českému výtvarnému umění a architektue. Tentokrát se tvůrci zaměřují na oblast fotografie, na osudy jejich autorů a příběhy, které je doprovázejí. Jejich záměrem je opět vytvořit publikaci mapující srozumitelnou a atraktivní formou vývoj fotografie na našem území od první poloviny 19. století do dneška. Jádro knihy tvoří výběr více jak šesti desítek nejvýznamnějších autorů, představuje jejich dílo a životy. František Drtikol, Jaromír Funke, Josef Sudek, Jan Lukas, Dagmar Hochová, Josef Koudelka, Jan Saudek, Jindřich Štreit, Libuše Jarcovjáková, Karel Cudlín, Antonín Kratochvíl, Tono Stano, Ivan Pinkava, Miroslav Tichý a další. Text je doplněn o komiksově zpracované příběhy zachycující zásadní okamžiky vývoje naší fotografie.

Costa Rica
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Costa Rica
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Costa Rica captivates with tropical rain forest, high mountain ranges, volcanoes, and fertile high valleys with coffee and fruit plantations. The two coasts of the country boast fine white sandy beaches, coral reefs, and palm groves. Of special fascination is the versatile fauna and flora which is protected in twenty-seven natural parks. In 280 photographs, this illustrated book shows the impressive beauty of this green oasis.

Jan Svoboda
24,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Jan Svoboda
24,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Publikace se věnuje historii sbírání umělecké fotografie. Mapuje tuto specifickou činnost od období založení sbírky fotografie MG na začátku 60. let, až do doby přelomu tisíciletí. Text hodnotí akviziční možnosti státních institucí muzejního typu v podmínkách státního monopolu a volného trhu, který přišel na začátku 90. let. Změny situace a podmínek pak konfrontuje s akviziční politikou, jež byla v průběhu času volena pro získávání díla J. Svobody. Vedle teoretických úvah o trhu s fotografií a poslání soupisů uměleckého díla v teorii a praxi, jimž je vyhrazena první část publikace, je druhá část publikace věnována kompletnímu soupisu díla J. Svobody ve sbírkách MG. Tedy vědeckému katalogu, který má sloužit odborníkům a poučeným zájemcům z řad veřejnosti v hodnocení a užívání díla tohoto důležitého autora domácí a stále více i světové fotografie.

Czech Nature Photo - fotografie a jejich příběhy
36,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Czech Nature Photo - fotografie a jejich příběhy
36,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Kniha Czech Nature Photo obsahuje všechny oceněné fotografie z uplynulých pěti ročníků a jejich příběhy vzniku. Součástí jsou i snímky českých a zahraničních porotců jako je například Ami Vitale, Peter Delaney, Michal Krause, Václav Šilha, Pavel Krásenský, Miroslav Bobek, Petr Bambousek a fotografie z premiérové výstavy při zahájení soutěže. V knize je zastoupeno celkem 95 autorů.

Gótikus templomok a történelmi Magyarországon
40,14 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Gótikus templomok a történelmi Magyarországon
40,14 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

A gótika a középkori kultúra virágzásának kora volt, amely során lélegzetelállító építészeti alkotások készültek Európa-szerte, és természetesen Magyarországon is. A magyar történelem hagyatékát fényképezőgépével hosszú évtizedek óta megörökítő Kaiser Ottó fotográfus új albumában a történelmi Magyarország területén fellelhető gótikus remekműveket mutatja be. A kecses, égbe törő építményeken és az ezeket ékesítő szobrokon és festményeken keresztül feltárul előttünk a középkori Magyarország fénykora, Nagy Lajos, Zsigmond és Mátyás király uralkodása. Bár a török megszállás évtizedei és a történelem más viharai alaposan megtépázták a gótika örökségét, Kaiser Ottó fotói ékesen tanúsítják a gótikus építményköltemények időtlen szépségét.

Rock on Film
37,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Rock on Film
37,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

When the use of Bill Haley's "Rock Around the Clock" turned 1955's Blackboard Jungle into a teen sensation and a box-office smash, it proved the opening shot in a cinematic and cultural revolution. Starting with Elvis Presley and the teensploitation films of the '50s and '60s, in Rock on Film award-winning author and former Rolling Stone editor Fred Goodman takes readers on a wide-ranging journey through film and pop history. Along the way, he measures the transformative impact of the mid-'60s landmarks A Hard Day's Night and Dont Look Back and how they seeded an almost unbelievably broad genre of films made by increasingly ambitious musicians and filmmakers across the past seven decades. From the carefree to the complex, the mindless to the mind-bending, rock films have staked out their own turf by simultaneously celebrating innocence and challenging artistic and social conventions. With an insightful round-up of fifty must-see rock films spanning crowd-pleasers, art-house favorites, underground gems, and undisputed classics, Rock on Film surveys the nearly seventy-year canon of a genre like no other. A series of original interviews with Cameron Crowe, Jim Jarmusch, Penelope Spheeris, Taylor Hackford, and John Waters illuminates how rock has influenced the work of some of the most divergent and thoughtful directors in movie history. Illustrated throughout by more than 150 full-color and black-and-white images, Rock on Film brings the history of music in the movies to vivid life.

Iconic New York
54,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Iconic New York
54,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

- Updated new edition with new images and in a larger format - A touching tribute to the beloved metropolis, photographed by a true New Yorker - A must for all those who can't get enough of New York The new edition of the classic Iconic New York surprises with an even larger format, and previously unpublished photographs of the world-famous metropolis on the Hudson River. Christopher Bliss, is a true New Yorker, and who else could depict this great city in a more authentic way? Because there is so much more to the probably most famous city on the U.S. East Coast than the Empire State Building, Times Square and the Statue of Liberty. It is the hidden squares and buildings in Manhattan, Brooklyn or Queens that reflect the city's culture, everyday life and attitude to life. Bliss knows them all and has photographed them all. The photo artist's work, compiled over many years, is exhibited in several galleries and is installed as a permanent exhibition at the Museum of New York City. For all USA lovers and fans of New York, this coffee-table book is a must-have in the bookcase. Discover the city's landmarks, get to know the people who live there, and get an idea of the turbulent life in the megacity. Text in English and German.

Hory- obrazová publikace
8,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Hory- obrazová publikace
8,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Hory nemají pouze jednu jedinou tvář. Nabízejí jich tisíce, každou jinou a ani jedna není stejná jako ostatní. Různé přírodní podmínky vyplývají z rozdílů v jednotlivých prvcích utvářejících výsledný celek. Lišit se může naprosto vše: nadmořská výška, horniny, množství sněhu a vody, tvar roklí a údolí, lesní pokrývka, rozloha pastvin a luk.

Big Wave Surfer
54,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Big Wave Surfer
54,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Over the last decade, a handful of surfers have been progressing the sport of big wave surfing to new extremes. Kai Lenny, one of the preeminent big wave surfers, offers readers a glimpse into this world. Lenny shares his personal stories and perspectives, and invites over 30 elite surfers from legends who pioneered the way, to young guns who are the future of the sport to contribute personal tales of the greatest waves ever ridden. These are the stories we ve been waiting for: Shane Dorian pushing the boundaries in the gladiator arena of Pe ahi (Jaws), Maui; Peter Mel on riding the greatest wave ever caught at Mavericks, California; Keala Kennelly breaking the women s glass ceiling at the death-defying slabs of Teahupoo, Tahiti; Kai Lenny and Lucas Chumbo s groundbreaking wins at the incredible Nazare, Portugal; Brett Lickle s epic incident at the mystical Pyramids with Laird Hamilton, and many more. Accompanying stunning photographs from the world s top surf photographers capture the drama of life and death, and the unwavering commitment of these brave extreme athletes.

Wild Seas
47,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Wild Seas
47,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

One of Nat Geo's most popular nature photographers shares 200 breathtaking images - and the stories behind them - from a wide swath of wild ocean locales around the globe. From whales plying the waters of Baja California to manta ray ballets in the Maldives to the surprisingly abundant desert shores of Arabia, National Geographic fan favorite Thomas Peschak has spent a lifetime documenting the beauty and fragility of underwater life and coastal landscapes. This awe-inspiring book of photography charts his transformation from studious marine biologist to full-time conservation advocate, armed with little more than a snorkel mask and a camera. In these vivid pages, Peschak photographs sharks in a feeding frenzy, tracks crabs the size of jack rabbits, and dodges saltwater crocs, revealing the splendor of pristine seas as well as the dark side of pollution, overfishing, and climate change. Filled with magnificent images from Galapagos, Africa, the Seychelles, and more, this illuminating collection offers an impassioned and compelling case for change. Complete your collection of National Geographic books for ocean explorers with 100 Dives of a Lifetime and Secrets of the Whales by world-renowned photographer Brian Skerry.

American Silence: The Photographs of Robert Adams
60,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
American Silence: The Photographs of Robert Adams
60,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

For fifty years, Robert Adams has made compelling, provocative, and highly influential photographs that show us the wonder and fragility of the American landscape, its inherent beauty, and the inadequacy of our response to it. American Silence: The Photographs of Robert Adams examines Adams's reverential act of looking at the world around him and the almost palpable silence of his photographs. It includes works that capture the sense of peace and harmony that the beauty of nature can instill in us, created through what Adams calls "the silence of light" of the American West (as seen on the prairie, in the woods, and by the ocean), as well as pictures that question our moral silence to the desecration of that beauty by consumerism, industrialization, and lack of environmental stewardship. The book features some 175 works from Adams's most important projects and includes pictures of suburban sprawl, strip malls, highways, homes, and stores, as well as rivers and skies, the prairie and the ocean. While Adams's photographs lament the ravages that have been inflicted on the land, they also pay homage to what remains.

28,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
28,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Tuscany captivates with its gently rolling hilly landscape, its cypress avenues and pine forests, its magnificent castles, palaces and country villas amidst of blooming vineyards and olive groves. Cities like Pisa, Florence or Siena with outstanding cultural treasures, tiny mountain villages and last but not least la dolce vita make the region one of the most popular in Italy.

Cindy Sherman: Untitled Horrors
39,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Cindy Sherman: Untitled Horrors
39,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Throughout her career, Cindy Sherman (*1954 in Glen Ridge, New Jersey) has been interested in the derailed and deviant sides of human nature, noticeable both in her selection of subject matter (fairytales, disasters, sex, horror, and surrealism) and in her disquieting interpretations of well-established photographic genres, such as film stills, fashion photography, and society portraiture. This richly illustrated publication seeks to highlight and acknowledge these aspects of her work based on selected examples and accompanied by texts by well-known authors, filmmakers, and artists who likewise deal with the grotesque, the uncanny, and the extraordinary in their artistic practice.(German edition ISBN 978-3-7757-3486-8 ) Exhibition schedule: Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst Oslo, May 4, 2013 | Moderna Museet, Stockholm, October 19, 2013 | Kunsthaus Zurich, June 2014

Portraits: Steve McCurry
23,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Portraits: Steve McCurry
23,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

In 1985, Steve McCurry photographed an Afghan girl for the National Geographic. The intensity of the subject's eyes and her compelling gaze made this one of the most widely and consistently celebrated portraits in the history of contemporary photography. This image accompanies the other remarkable faces he has encountered whilst travelling throughout the world, collected together in an engaging and moving series of unique street portraits: unposed, unstylized images of people that reveal the true universality of the depths of human emotion. This fresh new edition, expanded to feature more photographs than before, including some never-before published, creates an up-to-date and unrivalled collection of McCurry's portraiture. Critically acclaimed and recognized internationally for his classic reportage, over the last thirty years he has worked on numerous assignments, travelling extensively throughout the Middle and Far East. A regular contributor to many international journals, McCurry is a member of Magnum Photos and a recipient of the Robert Capa Gold Medal and an unprecedented four World Press Photo first prizes in a single year; many of McCurry's images have since become modern icons. He is most famous for his evocative color photography, which has captured stories of human experience that, in the finest documentary tradition, transcend boundaries of language and culture.

My Art Book of Love
17,58 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
My Art Book of Love
17,58 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

A tender and wise ode to love, illustrated with an expertly curated selection of fine art for young children Art, like anything else, is only as meaningful and interesting as it is relatable. For toddlers and preschoolers, connecting their own experiences of love to those they see on the canvas allows them to truly engage with the material. 35 full-page artworks feature love in all its forms, accompanied by a brief and gentle read-aloud text. Each artwork's title and artist's name are included as secondary read-aloud text, for true integration of narrative and information. This stylishly compact art book is this first title in the My Art Book series, which suits lovey and artsy families alike!

Martin Parr: Only Human
47,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Martin Parr: Only Human
47,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

A major new book on Martin Parr explores the photographer's most enduring subject - people - as never before By turns witty, surprising, and ingenious, Martin Parr's photographs reveal the eccentricities of modern life with affection and insight. This book - published to coincide both with Parr's 2019 exhibition at London's National Portrait Gallery and also the date the UK will leave the EU - examines what it means to be human at a time of both change and retrospection. Bringing together new work from the last decade, Only Human explores the concepts of Britishness and national identity through the rituals and habits of everyday life.

Chaubin, CCCP
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Chaubin, CCCP
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Elected the architectural book of the year by the International Artbook and Film Festival in Perpignan, France, Frédéric Chaubin’s Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed explores 90 buildings in 14 former Soviet Republics. Each of these structures expresses what Chaubin considers the fourth age of Soviet architecture, an unknown burgeoning that took place from 1970 until 1990. Contrary to the 1920s and 1950s, no “school” or main trend emerges here. These buildings represent a chaotic impulse brought about by a decaying system. Taking advantage of the collapsing monolithic structure, architects went far beyond modernism, going back to the roots or freely innovating. Some of the daring ones completed projects that the Constructivists would have dreamt of (Druzhba Sanatorium, Yalta), others expressed their imagination in an expressionist way (Palace of Weddings, Tbilisi). A summer camp, inspired by sketches of a prototype lunar base, lays claim to Suprematist influence (Prometheus youth camp, Bogatyr). Then comes the “speaking architecture” widespread in the last years of the USSR: a crematorium adorned with concrete flames (Crematorium, Kiev), a technological institute with a flying saucer crashed on the roof (Institute of Scientific Research, Kiev), a political center watching you like Big Brother (House of Soviets, Kaliningrad). In their puzzle of styles, their outlandish strategies, these buildings are extraordinary remnants of a collapsing system.In their diversity and local exoticism, they testify both to the vast geography of the USSR and its encroaching end of the Soviet Union, the holes in a widening net. At the same time, they immortalize many of the ideological dreams of the country and its time, from an obsession with the cosmos to the rebirth of identity. About the series Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, the name TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together nearly 100 of our all-time favorite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia. Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore!
52,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore!
52,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

A beautifully photographed insider's look at the highly influential personal style and wardrobe of Isabella Blow, one of fashion's most courageous, outrageous, and imaginative muses. Isabella Blow was said to have been a one-off of her own creation in a world of copycats. She had a gift for spotting fashion genius-her discoveries included Alexander McQueen, Hussein Chalayan, and Sophie Dahl, all of whom became instantaneously iconic. Her eye put her at the center of the high fashion scene, yet Isabella's pedigree, intoxicating energy, wicked sense of humor, boundaries-pushing aesthetics, and her willingness to wear the outrageous made her into a fashion icon. This elaborate volume-published with Somerset House and in association with the Isabella Blow Foundation and Central Saint Martins to accompany the fall 2013 exhibition-is an exhaustive survey of Isabella's personal collection. With over 100 gorgeous full-color and black-and-white photographs shot exclusively for this publication by Nick Knight, this volume is the first to catalogue her own famous wardrobe that includes thousands of pieces by the most important contemporary designers, including McQueen, Philip Treacy, and Manolo Blahnik. The impact of Isabella's influence can be seen within this captivating and inspiring volume, an essential addition to libraries of the fashionable, cultured, and eclectic.

The Godfather family album
32,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Godfather family album
32,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

This is an offer you can't refuse. It goes behind the scenes of Coppola's masterpiece. As special photographer on the sets and locations of Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather trilogy, Steve Schapiro had the remarkable experience of witnessing legendary actors giving some of their most memorable performances. Schapiro immortalized Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, James Caan, Robert Duvall, and Diane Keaton in photos that have since become iconic images, instantly recognizable and endlessly imitated. Gathered together in this book are Schapiro's finest photographs from all three Godfather films, lovingly reproduced from the original negatives. With contextual essays and interviews covering the trilogy in its entirety, this book contains over 400 color and black & white images. Schapiro's images take us behind the scenes of this epic and inimitable cinematic saga, revealing the director's working process, capturing the moods and personalities involved, and providing insight into the making of movie history.

17,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
17,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Kniha přináší soubor dosud nepublikovaných fotografií významné, humanisticky orientované české fotografky Dagmar Hochové z Vietnamu počátku 60. let 20. století.

Zhmotnený čas
14,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Zhmotnený čas
14,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Už ako chlapec sa Tibor Huszár živil fotografiou vo viacerých novinách a časopisoch, dokonca fotografii venoval viac času ako škole. Hovorí o fotografii ako o zhmotnenom čase. Dnes si ho váži oveľa viac. V ohrození prehodnotil život a zmenil rebríček hodnôt. I keď nad zákernou chorobou vyhráva, čas nestráca a vychováva svojich nasledovateľov. Život v čiernobielej fotografii neoberá o farebnosť života ani o jeho spektrum emócií.

Ravens & Red Lipstick
42,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Ravens & Red Lipstick
42,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Ravens & Red Lipstick provides a visually bold survey of Japanese photography's recent history. Drawing together extensive research and a succession of engaging dialogues with both emerging and established photographers, Lena Fritsch traces its development chronologically from the severity of post-war Realism to the diverse ingenuity of photography in contemporary Japan, via the work of movements and groups such as Vivo in the 1960s and`Girl Power' in the '90s. Interspersed are fascinating original interviews with some of the most influential photographers of each era, from Daido Moriyama to Nobuyoshi Araki and Rinko Kawauchi. Interrogating the business, education and art-institutional backdrops to each movement, Fritsch masterfully demonstrates the centrality of these contexts to the form and reception of a cross-section of Japanese photographic works. Fritsch's great achievement is to bring observations from a range of disciplines to bear on her commentary with imagination and clarity. As a result, this comprehensively illustrated volume is both an accessible introduction and an illuminating work of analysis for general readers and aficionados alike.

Magnum Cycling
41,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Magnum Cycling
41,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

This book draws upon the Magnum archive to present a celebration of the great photographers who have captured those most fugitive of moments in cycling: the personalities, emotions and human endurance. It is grouped into thematic chapters, with works by a range of photographers, showing carefully picture-edited images with discursive captions. Each chapter also features one 'story' of an iconic moment, event or scene captured by a single photographer. They explore themes such as the Tour de France, track racing in the velodrome, winter training and the revelry of the fans and crowds, with images by a variety of iconic photographers, including Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Guy Le Querrec and Harry Gruyaert.

Stredné Považie na starých pohľadniciach
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Stredné Považie na starých pohľadniciach
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Po úspešných knihách z viacerých slovenských miest pripravilo vydavateľstvo DAJAMA v tomto roku prvú publikáciu, ktorá predstavuje prostredníctvom starých pohľadníc celý región. Kniha Stredné Považie na starých pohľadniciach je malou pohľadnicovou prechádzkou stredným Považím v prvej polovici 20. storočia. Predstavuje jeho obraz tak, ako ho zachytili viacerí fotografi a vydavatelia pohľadníc. Súbor takmer 250 starých pohľadníc je zoradený geograficky podľa jednotlivých okresov regiónu, ktorý s iaha od Piešťan na juhu až po Strečno na severe a je v podstate vymedzený rozvodnicou Váhu, resp. slovensko-českou hranicou. Zostavovatelia sem zaradili okrem okolitých pohorí aj povodie Rajčianky a Kysuce, teda regióny Rajeckej doliny a Kysúc. Začín a sa okresom Piešťany a končí sa okresom Kysucké Nové Mesto. Texty o jednotlivých častiach miest a vidieckych obcí opisujú nielen ich históriu, ale sú obohatené aj o rôzne zaujímavosti, ktoré čitateľom pomôžu lepšie priblížiť charakter regiónu v prve j polovici 20. storočia. Obsahová štruktúra a členenie jednotlivých kapitol tiež prispievajú k plnšiemu precíteniu stredného Považia, ktorého zákutia iste zaujmú každého návštevníka.

Invisible City
33,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Invisible City
33,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

For a decade, Ken Schles watched the passing of time from his Lower East Side neighborhood. His camera fixed the instances of his observations, and these moments became the foundation of his “invisible city.” Friends and architecture come under the scrutiny of his lens and, when sorted and viewed in the pages of this book, a remarkable achievement of personal vision emerges. Twenty-five years later, Invisible City still has the ability to transfix the viewer. A penetrating and intimate portrayal of a world few had entrance to ? or means of egress from ? Invisible City stands alongside Brassai’s Paris de Nuit and van der Elsken’s Love On The Left Bank as one of the twentieth century’s great depictions of nocturnal bohemian experience. Documenting his life in New York City’s East Village during its heyday in the tumultuous 1980s, Schles captured its look and attitude in delirious and dark honesty. Long out of print, this “missing link” in the history of the photo book is now once again made available. Using scans from the original negatives and Steidl’s quadratone technique to bring out nuance and detail never seen before, this new edition transcends the original of this underground cult classic.

Technický obraz na malířských štaflích
13,17 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Technický obraz na malířských štaflích
13,17 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Petra Trnková se ve své knize zabývá fenoménem tzv. umělecké fotografie na konci 19. a na počátku 20. století, který byl v českých zemích zvláště silně svázán s okruhem česko-německých fotoamatérů. Tato značně rozsáhlá oblast vizuální kultury přesahovala hranice nejen ve smyslu geografickém, a souvisela tak s dějinami českými i německými, ale zároveň rušila i pomyslné hranice mezi tzv. nízkým a vysokým uměním. Na základě důkladného materiálového průzkumu autorka zkoumá umělecké ambice jednotlivých fotoamatérů, vztahy mezi fotokluby, vazby na již etablované umělecké skupiny (např. okruh vídeňské secese), vztah k profesionálům či vázanost na lokální instituce a společenskou hierarchii. První část knihy je věnována tématu amatérské fotografie, a to nejen jeho historickým souvislostem, ale i otázce samotného pojmu fotoamatér se zvláštním důrazem na jeho sociální podmíněnost. Ve druhé části jsou mapovány předpoklady a možnosti uměleckých nároků fotografického média a jejich snahy o prosazení se v rámci stávajícího institucionálního systému a ukotvení v konceptu umělecké fotografie v devadesátých letech 19. století. Zvláštní pozornost je zde věnována především dvěma centrům, která v tomto procesu sehrála klíčovou roli, a sice Hamburku a Vídni. Třetí oddíl knihy pojednává o dění v rámci umělecké a organizované amatérské fotografie ve čtyřech vybraných lokalitách: Teplicích, Praze, Českých Budějovicích a v Brně, přičemž si zvláště všímá jednotlivých specifik. Čtvrtý, závěrečný oddíl knihy se zabývá konkrétními uměleckými snahami fotografů, zvláště v souvislosti s tzv. krajinářskou fotografií.

Alice Springs - Photographs
32,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Alice Springs - Photographs
32,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Starting in 1970, June Newton created own photographic works under the pseudonym Alice Springs. These have been exhibited regularly at the Helmut Newton Foundation since 2005, namely in 'June's Room'. The current retrospective in Berlin provides for the first time a comprehensive look at the four decades that span her work, presenting photographs from advertising and fashion as well as nudes and portraits. Her own photographic oeuvre began with a bout of influenza suffered by Helmut Newton in Paris, 1970. June Newton had her husband show her how to handle the camera and light meter and in his place photographed an advertisement for the French cigarette brand Gitanes. The portrait of the smoking model would be the jump-start of a new career. In the early 1970s, Alice Springs shot several campaigns for the French hair stylist Jean Louis David; the photographs appeared under her byline as a full-page ads in renowned fashion magazines. 1974 later saw the first Alice Springs cover image adorning French Elle. By this time she had also received innumerable commissions for portraits, some of which have become iconic. The roster of artists, actors and musicians depicted by Alice Springs over the last 40 years reads like a 'who's who' of the international cultural scene on both sides of the Atlantic. Many portraits were magazine assignments from Paris to Los Angeles; others resulted from private initiative. Alice Springs does more than document the appearance of celebrities and anonymous contemporaries; she captures their charisma, their aura. It might be that her deep knowledge of acting helps, how to simultaneously look at and beyond the human facade. This is particularly evident in her double portraits, in which the protagonists' interaction is perfectly staged. There is a certain sense of familiarity in her images; actually they oscillate between distance and intimacy. In her subtle portraits, we encounter the haughty stance alongside natural self-confidence as well as the shy glance.

Robert Doisneau: Paris
23,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Robert Doisneau: Paris
23,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Doisneaus work immortalized the magic of Paris for posterity; this stunning compact edition, edited by the artists daughters, includes over six hundred photographs. Doisneau is celebrated for his ability to infuse images of daily life with poetic nuances that have brought enduring popular appeal to his photojournalism. This collection pairs aesthetically-composed photographs alongside snapshots that offer a more personal account of Doisneaus Paris. Organized thematically, this bookunprecedented in scopegives an entrancing tour through the gardens of Paris, along the Seine, and amid the crowds of Parisians who live in and define their magical city. An enchanting cross-section of Parisian life by one of the photographers who best captured its many charms. The New York Times, 2005

French Dog mini
11,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
French Dog mini
11,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

At once touching, ethereal and warm, Rachael's unique viewpoint has made her one of the most successful animal photographers in the world today. When she recently embarked on a new life in France, it was inevitable that she would turn her talents to capturing the beauty of the new world around her. The result has been two stunning new books, The French Cat and The French Dog, in which Rachael has captured a host of captivating felines and canines in a variety of stunning locations, from stately chateaux, to chic Parisian addresses, to cobblestoned streets in quaint villages. These mini editions are the charming follow-ups to these highly popular books, with Rachael's stunning image accented by ephemera and quotes from famous French dog and cat lovers and literary greats.