ELI - I - Prime Letture - I vestiti nuovi dell´imperatore + CD
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
ELI - I - Prime Letture - I vestiti nuovi dell´imperatore + CD
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Una bella storia da leggere e tanti facili giochi da svolgere. Utili vocabolari illustrati presentano: - l’abbigliamento - per cucire - nel salotto - la città

ELI - N - Lesen Leicht gemacht - Die Feldmaus und die Stadtmaus + CD
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
ELI - N - Lesen Leicht gemacht - Die Feldmaus und die Stadtmaus + CD
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Eine schöne Geschichte zum Lesen und viele einfache Spiele zum Üben. Illustrierter Wortschatz: - Adjektivpaare - die Transportmittel - der gedeckte Tisch - Präpositionen

ELI - Š - Mis Primeros Cuentos - La casita de chocolate + CD
9,31 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
ELI - Š - Mis Primeros Cuentos - La casita de chocolate + CD
9,31 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Un bonito cuento para leer y un montón de actividades para jugar. Argumentos presentados: - el bosque de día - el bosque de noche - los dulces - las tareas domésticas

Buried Secrets (Hello Neighbor, Book 3) - Carly Anne West
9,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Buried Secrets (Hello Neighbor, Book 3) - Carly Anne West
9,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Don't miss the thrilling finale to the Hello Neighbor prequel trilogy, based on the hit video game from tinyBuild! Nicky Roth should be happy - he's finally proven that his best friend, Aaron, and Aaron's younger sister, Mya, are missing. Better yet, the police are actually doing something: they've plastered the town with missing posters, and have organized weekend search parties for the kids. But Nicky can't seem to pry his eyes from the house across the street, especially after he sees a frantic SOS coming from Aaron's room in the Peterson house. After what happened in the winter, and the warnings they got from their parents, Nicky's friends insist they can't help him investigate his neighbour anymore. If Nicky wants to find out what's going on in the Peterson house, he's going to have to do it alone. Don't miss the electrifying conclusion to the Hello Neighbor official prequel trilogy, which includes two-colour illustrations throughout to help readers unwind the mystery at the heart of the game. Other titles in the series: Hello Neighbor 1: Missing Pieces Hello Neighbor 2: Waking Nightmare Hello Neighbor: The Neighbor's Notebook

Teen Eli Readers: LA Terre Est Ronde + CD - B. Brunetti
6,37 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Teen Eli Readers: LA Terre Est Ronde + CD - B. Brunetti
6,37 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Une belle histoire qui démontre qu’en étant soi-meme, on a tout a gagner... Marquat est un garçon d’origine africaine qui se sent pleinement français. C’est un éleve intelligent et sensible, mais tout le monde ne le voit pas comme il mérite d’etre considéré... Lorsqu’il se heurte contre un fâcheux épisode de racisme, il découvre d’avoir de vrais amis. "Krásny príbeh, ktorý ukazuje boj s predsudkami a silu priateľstva. Marquatovi rodičia pochádzajú z Afriky, no on sa cíti byť Francúzom, pretože sa v tejto krajine narodil. Je inteligentný a citlivý študent, ale nikto si ho nevšíma a nevidí ho vo svetle, v ktorom si zaslúži byť vnímaný. Keď prekoná zlé obdobie plné rasizmu, zistí, že má skutočných priateľov."

Rozprávky z dobráčkova - Jiří Vondrák,Lukáš Luk,Lucia Ondreičková
4,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Knižočka Rozprávky z Dobráčkova je určená pre najmenšie deti predškolského veku, ale jej desať príbehov zaujme i začínajúcich čitateľov. Rozprávky sú písané s humorom, ale zároveň nesú i posolstvo dobra zrozumiteľné detskej duši. Dedinka Dobráčkovo je súčasťou kráľovstva, kde žijú ľudia, ktorí si pomáhajú a sú na seba slušní. V knihe sú milí nielen ľudia, ale príjemný je i drak, vodník, a dokonca i čert pomôže chudobnej babičke. Najhoršou postavičkou z celej knihy lakomý sedliak, ktorého vytrestá čert, lebo klame a ruší ho pri odpočinku... Autor tieto príbehy vymýšľal, písal a rozprával vlastným deťom, keď boli malé. Chcel im ponúknuť alternatívu proti prílivu "akčných rozprávok". V Čechách kniha vyšla v roku 1994 a následne v Divadle šansonu, či Divadle Bolka Polívku sa jednotlivé príbehy hrávali ako divadelné predstavenia. Niekoľkokrát boli rozprávky adaptované v českých súkromných rádiách (Proglas, Rádio Pohádka) i v štátnom rozhlase. Naše vydanie je upravené a vychádza edícii kníh pre deti – PROLES. Bohato ilustrovanú knihu akademickou maliarkou Luciou Ondreičkovou preložil Lukáš Luk. Dizajn knihy Barbora Šajgalíková, typograficky knihu upravil Marek Kianička. Prvé slovenské vydanie.

Moje prvé anglické slová - Môj dom
4,74 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Moje prvé anglické slová - Môj dom
4,74 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Séria interaktívnych kníh pre deti pomáha zábavnou formou pri učení angličtiny. Najprv prečítajte slová na strane v slovenčine, potom potiahnite šípky a slová sa premenia na anglické. Tiež si môžete spolu zahrať hádanku, aké slovo sa ukáže po potiahnutí šípky.

Sisters - Vintage Minis - Louisa May Alcott
6,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Sisters - Vintage Minis - Louisa May Alcott
6,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Your sister might be the kindred soul who knows you best, or the most alien being in your household; she might enrage you or inspire you; she might be your fiercest competitor or closest co-conspirator, but she'll always share with you a totally unique bond. Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy are four of the most famous sisters in literature, and these stories of the joys and heartaches they share are a touching celebration of the special ties of sisterhood. Selected from the books Little Women and Good Wives by Louisa May Alcott. VINTAGE MINIS: GREAT MINDS. BIG IDEAS. LITTLE BOOKS. A series of short books by the world's greatest writers on the experiences that make us human. Also in the Vintage Minis series: Fatherhood by Karl Ove Knausgaard; Motherhood by Helen Simpson; Babies by Anne Enright; and, Love by Jeanette Winterson.

A kincses sziget - Klasszikusok magyarul - angolul - Robert Louis Stevenson
5,33 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

A sorozat az ifjú nyelvtanulóknak készül: az angol nyelvű irodalom nagy, klasszikus köteteit dolgozza fel olyan formában, hogy az egyik hasábban az angol, míg mellette a magyar szöveg olvasható. Remek módja a szókincs fejlesztésének, és az olvasás révén fejlődik kifejezőkészségük is, miközben remekül szórakozhatnak a nagy klasszikusokon.

Young Eli Readers: Tonton Jean ET Les Pingouins + CD - Jane Cadwallader,Gustavo Mazali
5,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Enthousiasmantes et instructives, les aventures de Tonton Jean sont faites pour ętre dévorées ! Thčmes : - Aventure - Histoire d’animaux - Jeux et activités - Enregistrement de l’histoire et du chant - Vocabulaire illustré Allons vivre des aventures dans l’Antarctique ! Des pingouins empereurs ne peuvent pas aller pondre leurs oeufs dans leur endroit habituel. Tonton Jean va-t-il pouvoir les aider ? Voilŕ une histoire drôle oů vous apprendrez beaucoup de choses sur les pingouins empereurs. Suivons Tonton Jean et les autres pour savoir comment ils vont faire pour permettre aux pingouins de pondre leurs oeufs. Contenus Lexique Les vętements Les éléments naturels La description physique la nourriture Structures Le présent de l’indicatif L’impératif La forme négative

Young Eli Readers: Le Passage Secret + CD - P. Bellini
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Young Eli Readers: Le Passage Secret + CD - P. Bellini
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Que se passe-t-il quand un passionné de jeux vidéo débarque dans un petit village de montagne ? Thčmes : - Aventure - Nature - Jeux et activités linguistiques - CD audio - Dictionnaire illustré Simon doit passer les vacances de neige avec ses parents et il est trčs en colčre : il préfčre rester chez lui avec ses jeux vidéo ! Mais le petit village de montagne lui réserve une belle surprise ! Contenus Lexique La nature Les conditions atmosphériques Les sentiments Grammaire Les semi-auxiliaires : devoir, pouvoir, vouloir La forme négative Les subordonnées de temps

Teen Eli Readers: Le Roman De Renart + CD - Anónimo
9,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Teen Eli Readers: Le Roman De Renart + CD - Anónimo
9,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Le Roman de Renart est un ensemble de récits médiévaux. Une critique sociale des classes dominantes et une parodie des chansons de geste et romans courtois. Themes: Amitié, Animaux, Themes sociaux Dans cet ouvrage: des dossiers culturels; un glossaire des mots et expressions difficiles; des exercices DELF; des activités ludiques tres variées. Le Roman de Renart raconte les aventures d’un goupil qui vit dans le royaume du Roi Noble. Il aime jouer mauvais tours aux autres habitants, en particulier au loup Exaspéré, celui-ci le dénonce au tribunal des animaux

Angličtina s Jankom Hráškom žltý zošit 54 samolepiek - Malgorzata Pilarczyk,Dorota Wolska
3,33 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Výučbové zošity s Jankom Hraškom sú prvými učebnicami pre najmenších, vďaka ktorým si dieťa hravou formou začína osvojovať angličtinu. Ku každému zošitu sú priložené farebné samolepky, ktoré výučbu angličtiny urobia pre deti príťažlivejšou.

Sing a song: Special Days in a Year - Agnieszka Suska,Janusz Oblucki
10,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Sing a song: Special Days in a Year - Agnieszka Suska,Janusz Oblucki
10,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Nejnovější soubor písniček pro nejmenší. Ideální začátek výuky anglického jazyka ve školce, škole i ve volném čase s rodinou. Na CD je 20 písniček v anglickém jazyce s jednoduchými texty a příjemnými melodiemi. Text je nejdříve pomalu předříkán anglickou lektorkou, která tak pomáhá dětem lépe si slova písniček zapamatovat. V knize najdete texty písniček v anglickém jazyce s českým překladem a notovým zápisem.

Ako išlo vajce na vandrovku Rozprávka a cvičenia + CD - Marie Zahálková
4,99 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Ak nás bude viac, nebudeme sa vlka báť...Rozprávkový príbeh o vajci, zvieatkách a lúpežníkoch, ktorý nájdete v tejto knižke súčasne v slovenskej aj anglickej verzii spolu s pútavými obrázkami, uľahčí a spestrí malým čitateľom začiatky v cudzom jazyku.Rozprávku dopľňa pestrý výber obrázkových cvičení. Deti si pri ich riešení precvičia nové slovíčka, jednoduché gramatické konštrukcie aj anglický pravopis.Pri počúvaní nahrávky na priloženom CD deti spoznajú hovorenú podobu angličtiny a opakovaním počutého si osvoja správnu anglickú výslovnosť. Navyše, počúvať rozprávku a prezerať.

Amanda álma - Shelley Admont
7,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Amanda álma - Shelley Admont
7,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

English Hungarian Bilingual Children's Book. Perfect for kids studying English or Hungarian as their second language.In this children's book, Jimmy, the little bunny, explores autumn, his favorite season. He enjoys being outside and playing with colorful leaves. When it starts raining, he and his family find interesting activities to do at home. They spend a wonderful day together, no matter the weather.

The Tethering - ORussell Megan
1,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
The Tethering - ORussell Megan
1,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children meets Percy Jackson in this magic-filled fantasy romance. All he wants is to win her love. A dark spell may separate them forever. ????? - “It's the magic we loved in Harry Potter, but happening right here and right now.” ????? - “A must if you like adventure and suspense!” ????? - “Would suggest this read to anyone who liked Beautiful Creatures, Harry Potter, and The Lightning Thief. Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children.” ????? - “A delightful read…I couldn’t put it down!” – D.M. Cain, Author of The Phoenix Project A high school loner in a perfect town—that was Jacob’s life. Until his school was ripped apart by magic. After losing everything, Jacob is thrown into a world of enchantment. But the wonder of being a wizard isn’t enough to hide the danger lurking in the shadows. Emilia is the heir of her clan, raised to help her people hide right under the humans’ noses. She can’t escape her duty as a witch. But there are some wishes even spells can’t grant. When fate binds Jacob and Emilia together, war threatens to destroy all they hold dear. Wizards are under attack, and Jacob and Emilia find themselves at the center of a battle that will decide the survival of magic. Jacob wants to protect Emilia. Emilia has to save the world. Facing an enemy that can shatter their souls, will they find love or be devoured by flames? The Tethering is an action-packed tale of modern magic. If you’re ready for an epic love story, crave a dose of magic, and need an adventure to carry you away from the ordinary, join Megan O’Russell’s 350,000+ satisfied readers. Download The Tethering and begin your journey now! Full series now available in eBook, print, and audio format! For film and TV rights inquiries: Megan@MeganORussell.com

Dragon Heart - Thompson Rees Angharad
3,63 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Dragon Heart - Thompson Rees Angharad
3,63 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

When the moon-marked are called, the darkness will follow... The evil witch Emrysa is gathering strength to summon her Dark Army to life, and the Cheval sisters must find a way to thwart her once and for all. But while Morganne and Amara study dark magic with the king’s magician in Camelot, Fae discovers darker secrets hidden beneath an alchemist’s castle built on lies and deceit—a secret that will bring her closer to the evil witch than she ever anticipated. But with the evil army rising, the darkness descending, and the moon-marked morphing into otherworldly beings, Fae needs to do more than learn the art of alchemy to help protect the people of Camelot. She needs to learn how to open portals into other worlds, enlist help from ancient magical beings, and allow her dragon heart to roar. There are darker things than secrets, but can Fae handle the truth?

The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar: Volume 15 - Takayama Seiichi
5,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Hárbarth has finally been defeated—though at the cost of Rífa’s life. Yuuto, now faced with the imminent destruction of Yggdrasil, has no time to mourn and must move forward with his plans to save the continent’s people. As the new þjóðann, he has issued a decree mandating that all patriarchs fall under his banner. However, Oda Nobunaga, patriarch of the powerful Flame Clan, defiantly continues his march upon the Holy Capital... The epic battle between the two summoned patriarchs is about to begin! Can Yuuto’s cheat abilities defeat the legendary warlord of old? The final showdown between the two mighty leaders begins in this 15th volume!

Colors - Roberts Ruth
2,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Colors - Roberts Ruth
2,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Mr. Pete, owner of the Splashy Paint Shop, teaches Chris and Lisa all about colors. They learn about mixing colors to come up with a completely different color and they learn about shades of colors. As they explore each color Mr. Pete shows them examples of everyday items that are the color. The audio EPUB ncludes every word in the book and a musical background.

Peter Cottontail - Marcus Gary
2,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Peter Cottontail - Marcus Gary
2,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Peter Cottontail is supposed to lead the Easter parade and announce the coming of his favorite holiday. Unfortunately he has lost his voice. Everyone has an idea of what he should do but it his friends, the hens, who come to the rescue. The audio EPUB includes every word in the book and a musical background.

A Faerie's Curse - Morgan Rachel
4,17 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
A Faerie's Curse - Morgan Rachel
4,17 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

A witch’s curse. A world-ending prophecy. A daring rescue mission. Don’t miss the heart-pounding finale to Calla’s story! On the run from the Guild of Guardians, Calla Larkenwood and her team of fellow outlaws plan a daring rescue operation into the Seelie Court itself. As if that isn’t enough to keep them busy, the power-hungry Princess Angelica has begun preparations for a horrifying prophesied spell that will forever change both the magic and non-magic realms. When Calla is blindsided by an unspeakable tragedy before the rescue can be carried out, she struggles to remain focused on her mission. She believes she’s reached her lowest point—until a witch reveals the final blow: she has cursed Calla’s magic. With time running out, can Calla save the one she loves and stop the prophecy from being carried out before the curse claims her life? Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling.

Thrown to the Lions
2,53 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Thrown to the Lions
2,53 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Despite the prophet Jeremiah's warnings, the Hebrew people continue to disobey God. And God is not pleased. He allows their enemies to destroy Jerusalem and take the Hebrews back to Babylon. Taken into captivity, Daniel finds favor with King Darius. But the Magi are jealous of Daniel's special friendship with the king. They hatch a plan to get rid of him for good... Filled with colorful illustrations and biblical truth, Thrown to the Lions is part of the Bible Pathway Adventures® series of biblical adventures. If your children like gripping action and courageous Israelites, then they'll love this biblical adventure series from Bible Pathway Adventures®. The search for truth is more fun than tradition! Defenders of the Faith SERIES: Long before The Avengers, long before The Justice League, these are the ORIGINAL Super Heroes. Read and be inspired by what really makes a Hero: a firm belief in what is right and the true Faith. Follow the incredible stories and real life adventures of God’s chosen people.

Too Much Imagination - Conoulty Renee
2,53 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Too Much Imagination - Conoulty Renee
2,53 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Imagination is a good thing, right? Amelie has one job to do but her incredible imagination is getting in her way. Will she finish her chores before dinner is served or will the monsters in the shadows eat her?

The Lions’ Den - Beers V. Gilbert,Beers Ronald A.
2,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
The Lions’ Den - Beers V. Gilbert,Beers Ronald A.
2,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

A collection of Bible stories by V. Gilbert Beers and Ronald A. Beers. Each story includes a colorful illustration by Daniel J. Hochstatter.Stories included in the book:David Is Kind to MephiboshethDavid and BathshebaAbsalom Rebels Against DavidDavid Buys a Threshing FloorDavid Plans the TempleSolomon’s WisdomSolomon Builds the TempleSolomon Is Rich and FamousSolomon Turns from GodRavens Feed ElijahA New Room for ElishaNaaman the Leper Is HealedThe Story of JonahDaniel Refuses to Eat the King’s FoodThe Fiery FurnaceThe Handwriting on the WallDaniel in the Lion’s DenThe Story of Queen Esther 

Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe,Kasen Donald
2,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe,Kasen Donald
2,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Robinson Crusoe is stranded on a deserted island for many years. He survives with the help of Friday, a native who befriends and helps Robinson. After fighting the elements and Cannibals Friday and Robinson are finally rescued. An exciting story full of adventure in graphic novel format.

Cheetah - Hargitai Péter
3,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Cheetah - Hargitai Péter
3,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

They call me Cheetah because of my speed. Yesterday I was a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl with dreams of making the Olympics one day. Today I killed a man. I wasn't born a killer. I had a loving mother and father. It all started in front of the Radio Building in Budapest, on October 23, 1956. Now I have no mother and no father. Now the closest thing to my heart is the submachine gun slung around my neck. I am the daughter of the Revolution now.

Popcorn ELT Readers 1: Madgascar 1 + CD - Fiona Beddall
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Popcorn ELT Readers 1: Madgascar 1 + CD - Fiona Beddall
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

In the New York Zoo, Alex, a lion; Marty, a zebra; Melman, a giraffe; and Gloria, a hippo; are best friends. But when Marty escapes in a bid to experience life outside the zoo, his three friends break free to find him. Their travels take them across the ocean en route for Africa, until an accident on board find the animals washed up on the beautiful but bewildering island of Madagascar. Anglická zjednodušená četba pro děti na motivy úspěšných holywoodských kreslených filmů.

Popcorn ELT Readers 2 : Ice Age + CD - Fiona Beddall
10,07 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Popcorn ELT Readers 2 : Ice Age + CD - Fiona Beddall
10,07 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

The heroic trio from Ice Age, Manny, Sid and Diego, realise their valley is under threat from flooding as temperatures rise and the ice around them begins to melt. They set out to find a boat which is said to be at the end of the valley. The friends meet Ellie, a female mammoth, along the way. But will Manny and Ellie be able to overcome their differences and the dangers on their journey to fall in love? Anglická zjednodušená četba pro děti na motivy úspěšných holywoodských kreslených filmů.

Heartstopper Volume One - Alice Osemanová
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024
Heartstopper Volume One - Alice Osemanová
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 01.07.2024

Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. An LGBTQ+ graphic novel about life, love, and everything that happens in between - for fans of The Art of Being Normal, Holly Bourne and Love, Simon. Charlie and Nick are at the same school, but they've never met ... until one day when they're made to sit together. They quickly become friends, and soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance. But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is more interested in Charlie than either of them realised. Heartstopper is about love, friendship, loyalty and mental illness. It encompasses all the small stories of Nick and Charlie's lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us. 'The queer graphic novel we wished we had at high school.' Gay Times This is the first volume of Heartstopper, with more to come.