Sing a Song - Pesničky pre detičky + USB
8,08 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Sing a Song - Pesničky pre detičky + USB
8,08 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Pesničky v anglickom jazyku pre 4- až 9-ročné deti – balenie obsahuje spevník a USB nosič. Až 15 tradičných piesní pre deti v anglickom jazyku na USB kľúči. Počúvanie a spievanie ako prirodzená forma budovania slovnej zásoby detí. Obsahuje notové zápisy aj preklady všetkých piesní. Pesničky si môžu precvičovať s deťmi pani učiteľky v materskej škôlke, ale pomôcka je ideálnym doplnkom výučby aj na 1. stupni základných škôl na hodinách angličtiny, alebo hudobnej výchovy. Pesničky rovnako spríjemnia rodičom a deťom cestu v aute, doma.

Moje prvé anglické slovíčka - Melanie Hibbertová
7,51 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Moje prvé anglické slovíčka - Melanie Hibbertová
7,51 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Malé deti spoznávajú svet pozorovaním vecí okolo seba, ktoré sa následne učia pomenúvať. V dnešnom modernom svete však dosť skoro prichádzajú do kontaktu aj s cudzími jazykmi. Tento obrázkový anglicko-slovenský slovník plný farebných fotografií prináša slová z každodenného života aj s ich anglickými ekvivalentmi. Deti si tak osvoja slovíčka z prostredia domu, škôlky či prírody, ale aj slová, ktorými pomenúvame zvieratá a ich mláďatá, časti tela, základné tvary, veci každodennej potreby či športové vybavenie. Vďaka tejto knihe si môžu rozšíriť svoju slovnú zásobu tak v rodnom, ako aj v anglickom jazyku.

Carve the Mark 2 The Fates Divide - Veronica Roth
9,98 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Carve the Mark 2 The Fates Divide - Veronica Roth
9,98 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

In the second book of the Carve the Mark duology, globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth reveals how Cyra and Akos fulfill their fates. The Fates Divide is a richly imagined tale of hope and resilience told in four stunning perspectives. The lives of Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth are ruled by their fates, spoken by the oracles at their births. The fates, once determined, are inescapable. Akos is in love with Cyra, in spite of his fate: he will die in service to Cyra's family. And when Cyra's father, Lazmet Noavek - a soulless tyrant, thought to be dead - reclaims the Shotet throne, Akos believes his end is closer than ever. As Lazmet ignites a barbaric war, Cyra and Akos are desperate to stop him at any cost. For Cyra, that could mean taking the life of the man who may - or may not - be her father. For Akos, it could mean giving his own. In a stunning twist, the two will discover how fate defines their lives in ways most unexpected.

Anglické křížovky/krížovky
3,79 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Anglické křížovky/krížovky
3,79 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Súbor tematických krížoviek nielen pre deti. Každá krížovka je doplnená obrázkami pre ľahšie zapamätanie si nových anglických slovíčok a tiež správnym riešením.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down - Jeff Kinney
8,50 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down - Jeff Kinney
8,50 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Get ready, Book 11 in the phenomenally bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is coming! The pressure's really piling up on Greg Heffley. His mom thinks video games are turning his brain to mush, so she wants her son to put down the controller and explore his 'creative side'. As if that's not scary enough, Halloween's just around the corner and the frights are coming at Greg from every angle. When Greg discovers a bag of gummy worms, it sparks an idea. Can he get his mom off his back by making a movie . . . and will he become rich and famous in the process? Or will doubling down on this plan just double Greg's troubles?

Le Comte de Monte-Cristo - Livre - Alexandre Dumas
7,59 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo - Livre - Alexandre Dumas
7,59 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Le Comte de Monte-Cristo - Livre

Učíme sa s deťmi po anglicky
6,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Učíme sa s deťmi po anglicky
6,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Maľovanky s nálepkami na praktické vyučovanie anglického jazyka. Farebné nálepky v kombinácii s ľahkými a zaujímavými textami zrýchlia a zatraktívnia vyučovanie jazyka. Cvičenia obohatia slovnú zásobu dieťaťa. Praktické informácie, preklady a fonetický zápis textov uľahčia rodičom a učiteľom prácu s dieťaťom.

Dragons - Meet the Croods + CD - Michael Watts,Nicole Taylor
10,07 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Dragons - Meet the Croods + CD - Michael Watts,Nicole Taylor
10,07 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. This Starter Level Popcorn ELT Reader introduces the characters from the DreamWorks hit film _The Croods_.

Young Eli Readers: Pb3 ET Les Legumes + CD - Jane Cadwallader
5,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Young Eli Readers: Pb3 ET Les Legumes + CD - Jane Cadwallader
5,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Le courage et l’amitié sont toujours vainqueurs ! Thčmes : - Amitié - Aventure - Intéręts des humains - Jeux et activités - Enregistrement de l’histoire et du chant - Vocabulaire illustré Voilŕ l’aventure d’un extraterrestre et de Nath, son ami courageux. Quand Nath aide son ami extraterrestre, PB3, et son robot Martine ŕ acheter des fruits et légumes terrestres, il ne sait pas qu’une étrange pâte verte va l’aider ŕ punir un garçon de l’école qui n’est pas trčs gentil. Contenus Contenu lexical Les fruits et légumes Les couleurs Le temps qu’il fait Contenu grammatical Le présent de l’indicatif Les prépositions de lieu La forme négative

Hurra, Ferien! - Book + DVD-Rom - Dominique Guillemant
5,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Hurra, Ferien! - Book + DVD-Rom - Dominique Guillemant
5,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Sven hat Sommerferien. Er ist mit Oma und Opa am Meer. Auch sein kleiner Hund Flecki ist dabei. Sie spielen am Strand, baden im Meer und erleben viele kleine Abenteuer… Wie schön mit der ganzen Familie in den Urlaub zu fahren… und mit dem eigenen, innig geliebten Hund. Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen; Audioaufnahme der Geschichte; Bildwörterbuch Themes: Strand, Freundschaft Sven hat Sommerferien. Er ist mit Oma und Opa am Meer. Auch sein kleiner Hund Flecki ist dabei. Sie spielen am Strand, baden im Meer und erleben viele kleine Abenteuer…

The Canterville Ghost + CD - Oscar Wilde
5,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
The Canterville Ghost + CD - Oscar Wilde
5,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Do you believe in ghosts? Well, the Otis family didn’t until they met the Canterville Ghost. This is a story of life and death and love … of a ghost trapped in the present because of the bad thing he did in the past and how a young girl helps him to move on. Tags The Supernatural | Human values In this Reader you will find: Games and language activities | An audio recording of the story | A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Time, family and friends, the home, weather Grammar and structures Present, present continuous, past Verb + infinitive Adverbs Descriptive adjectives Prepositions of place

Young Eli Readers: Pepe Y El Apagon + CD - Jane Cadwallader
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Young Eli Readers: Pepe Y El Apagon + CD - Jane Cadwallader
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

En esta historia de detectives nuestro héroe Pepe debe resolver un misterio: żpor qué hay apagones en la comisaría de policía? Temas: - Aventura - Robos Misterio - Magia - Juegos y actividades lingüísticas - Una grabación de la historia y de la canción - Un diccionario ilustrado En esta historia de detectives nuestro héroe Pepe debe resolver un misterio: żpor qué hay apagones en la comisaría de policía? Pepe y sus compańeros de la policía deben descubrir el secreto de un extrańo y famoso mago... ˇpero es un secreto peligroso! Pepe debe salvar a sus compańeros y resolver este misterio. żLo consigue? Sílabo Gramática Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Estar + gerundio Pronombres (sujeto, complemento directo y complemento indirecto) Demostrativos Frases relativas con que Frases temporales Vocabulario Alimentos, a la mesa Ladrones y policías Magia Describir personas

Young Eli Readers: Abuelita Anita Y El Pirata + CD - Jane Cadwallader
5,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Esta es una historia sobre Abuelita Anita y el pirata Barbalarga, muy triste porque no tiene sombrero, ni papagayo ni cofre del tesoro. Temas: - Amistad - Aventura - Magia - Juegos y actividades lingüísticas - Una grabación de la historia y de la canción - Un diccionario ilustrado Esta es una historia sobre Abuelita Anita y el pirata Barbalarga, muy triste porque no tiene sombrero, papagayo ni cofre del tesoro. Ahmed y Julia conocen, por arte de magia, al pirata Barbalarga. Está triste porque es un pirata sin sombrero ni tesoro... ˇpero Abuelita Anita está aquí! ˇQué bien! Sílabo Vocabulario Colores Números Muebles Gramática Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Artículos determinados e indeterminados Verbos ser, estar y tener Verbo hay Indicar dónde están las cosas

Young Eli Readers: Pb3 Y LAS Verduras + CD - Jane Cadwallader
5,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Young Eli Readers: Pb3 Y LAS Verduras + CD - Jane Cadwallader
5,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Una aventura de extraterrestres en la que un chico malo se lleva una sorpresa. Temas: - Aventura - Amistad - Valentía - Juegos y actividades lingüísticas - Una grabación de la historia y de la canción - Un diccionario ilustrado Una aventura de extraterrestres en la que un chico malo se lleva una sorpresa. El extraterrestre PB3 y la robot Robina quieren fruta y verdura para su planeta. Guille ayuda a sus nuevos amigos, y descubre que una sustancia verde del espacio le puede ayudar contra un chico malo del colegio. Sílabo Gramática Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Verbos ser y estar hace impersonal hay impersonal Verbo tener Artículos determinados e indeterminados Vocabulario Fruta y verdura Colores

Jó éjt, kicsim! - Shelley Admont
7,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Jó éjt, kicsim! - Shelley Admont
7,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

English Hungarian Bilingual Children's Book. Perfect for kids learning English or Hungarian as their second language."Goodnight, My Love!" by Shelley Admont won the Gold Medal in 2019 Readers' Favorite annual international book award in the Children - General categoryAlex finds it hard to go to sleep, so he starts making up excuses. After reading a bedtime story, his father suggests planning a dream that he would like to see when he falls asleep. Find out where their imagination takes them as they plan his dream together.This bedtime story will help kids feel loved and relaxed, preparing them for a peaceful, sleep-filled night.

Creator's Conspiracy - Sutantar
2,63 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Creator's Conspiracy - Sutantar
2,63 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

About the book: With this first book of mine I am introducing a new theory and idea about life, and our earth creation. This is a completely new theory and concept, about which no talked about yet or I think even don’t have this type of thought in mind. I can clearly says that, I am touching a hidden concept and theory with my this book and its upcoming series. I don’t know what type of book this is, is it fiction? No because I felt this theory or way of thinking is real, it is my minds creation but I felt it as a true reality. Is it non-fiction? No, I also don’t think so. Because this is a totally new concept or way, and I know it is very difficult to believe something new. So I don’t know what type of book or series is this, but I will tell you the reality of how this idea hit my mind! I have studied seAbout the author: I belong from a small village of Amritsar, Punjab. I had completed my senior secondary from Punjab, India and went to Australia for my higher education and completed my bachelors and masters degree in Communication and Mass Media from Griffith University, Goldcoast Campus.While completing my higher studies I start feeling that my views and thought process is very different from rest of my batch mates and other known friends.And after realizing it I start creating small notes of my thoughts and ideas. And I found that my friends starts listening to my views and they found it very interested and very different, so their gesture motivates me more and I start writing books and articles and blogs.And writing for few months I start realizing that people are more influenced by videos or audios in comparison with readings. And people click points very easily from videos and audios rather than readings.So I realize that cinema is a very big medium to reach more people. So I start attending theaters to gain information and knowledge about making videos and films.But theater is something very different from what I am looking for. When I realized it, my studies were completed and I have opportunity to work for myself or to work for society and mankind.This was a very difficult choice for me at the age to 23, but I get a strong voice from my heart to choose work for mankind and society.So for that, I went back to Punjab to complete my writings and work hard on my thoughts.After completion of my book and thoughts, I moved to Mumbai because Mumbai is the economic capital of India and have everything which I need for my views to reach more and more people.Now I am in Mumbai and working on my production company and trying to reach as much people as I can with my writings and creations.

Cross Stitching Masterpieces - Mendez Kim
3,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Cross Stitching Masterpieces - Mendez Kim
3,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

This Is Your #1 Guide & Template For A The Bahamas Flag Cross-Stitch Pattern! Are you a big fan of cross-stitching and love handicrafts? Have you been thinking about starting a hobby that is fun and relaxing at the same time? If so, then this book is perfect for you! The Bahamas Flag Cross-Stitch Pattern is a quick and handy guide that gives you all the most important information and tips, as well as a ready-made pattern to create a gorgeous, cross-stitched The Bahamas Flag Pattern. Not only is this information-packed guide easy to read, but it’ll also provide you with the exact, step-be-step instructions you need to become a master at cross-stitching, while also being able to easily create an unforgettable The Bahamas Flag Pattern! Thanks to this guide and unique pattern, it couldn’t be any easier! Inside the The Bahamas Flag Cross-Stitch Pattern guide, you’ll discover: How to Read the Pattern How to Prepare the Fabric and Floss How to Easily Center Your Fabric for the Pattern The Art of Creating Beautiful Cross Stitches How to Cover More Space with a Row How to End the Thread or the Project …And, of course, you’ll also get the complete The Bahamas Flag Cross-Stitch Ready Pattern, all the necessary colors and a visual breakdown of the symbols! Making something that you will love and cherish, or that others will love or be impressed by, is easier than you may think, and The Bahamas Flag Cross Stitch Pattern will help you create something that is far beyond your expectations, in just a few short lessons. Order now and start creating a masterpiece of your own!

The Wooden Pony - Thompson Rees Angharad
2,61 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
The Wooden Pony - Thompson Rees Angharad
2,61 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

A Magical Pony, a Curious Boy, and an Unforgettable Friendship - a Heartwarming Adventures for Ages 6-11When Thomas discovers a rocking horse coming to life in his father’s workshop, he believes his dream has come true—he’s always wanted a pony of his own. But the wooden pony doesn’t belong to Thomas and soon its new owner will be at the workshop to take the pony away. Thomas and the wooden pony have but one chance for friendship and adventure before they are separated forever, but they have no idea just how special their adventure will become “A delightful, heartwarming read with a wonderful ending.” - Equus Education Review Scroll up and One Click to discover a magical friendship full of hope and possibilities today! The Wooden Pony is part of the Magical Adventure and Pony Tale series, a collection of 6 standalone books you can read in any order. Read them all! The Painted PonyThe Galloping PonyThe Girl and her PonyThe Runaway PonyThe Desert PonyThe Wooden Pony

Blossom Thoughts - Poralkar Hemlata
4,01 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Blossom Thoughts - Poralkar Hemlata
4,01 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

About the book: This is a poetic collection book. Words have a power and this poetry book is based on it. With this belief of poetess what she feels, experiences and imagines pour in a deep sense. A rays of hope, love, happiness, determination, courage, belief and ambition is liberating from poem. Each word of poem is our thought's mirror image. So, poetess assures from her side that inspiration is within self and we try to explore it. It makes in more adjective form but connects directly to human reality and we feel it with companion. "Poetry, is a running thoughts, gives edge to life." "World is full of words and we born to grasp it." To know more about poetess visit facebook.About the author: BLOSSOM THOUGHTS Hemlata Poralkar, a Science graduate student and her love for books started at childhood makes her voracious creative in a senseand diversifed vision. She describes herself by penning own quote-" I am a kind of bunch of flower, who loves diversity of fragrance always."She loves art, reading, writing, painting, playing, singing, talking, nature, travelling specially historical places and trekking.She believes that we should try all the things and don't say "It is not belongs to me further love it, do it and see it." Her confidence andself-believeness is like a third eye to tackle a failure. With higher education her passion for reading and writing always in a pocket. Though being a Science student she has interest agoglyin a History and Polity to connect with humanity.She writes in a fiction manner but closely related with human society. Marathi, English and Hindi is a language for her to write.She has participated in many Poetry Competitions and writes for many platforms like Storymirror, YourQuote, Pratilipi etc.She has written in a Marathi Magazine also.

I Wont Give Up! - Mehta Naveen
4,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
I Wont Give Up! - Mehta Naveen
4,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

About the book: This is my Real Life story and a story of becoming Man from a Boy next door. Its more of my personal Diary which i wrote when i was fighting Cancer. How life keep on throwing challenges at you and only option life give to you is fight. It not an mercy document but i just want to share my thoughts so as some where some one fighting cancer may get some clues to fight his cancers. About the author: This is my Real Life story and a story of becoming Man from a Boy next door. Its more of my personal Diary which i wrote when i was fighting Cancer. How life keep on throwing challenges at you and only option life give to you is fight. It not an mercy document but i just want to share my thoughts so as some where some one fighting cancer may get some clues to fight his cancers. 

Structural Engineering - Dole Manoj
5,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Structural Engineering - Dole Manoj
5,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

About the book: Structural Engineering is a simple e-Book for Structural Diploma & Engineering Course, Revised Syllabus in 2020, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about the latest & Important about Fundamentals of Engineering Drawings, Construction and Civil Engineering Technology, Structural Fundamentals, Soils and Foundations, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Structural Analysis, Structural Design of Concrete, Structural Design of Steel, Advanced Structural Design, Design and Computing, Structural Engineering Design Project and lots more.About the author: MANOJ DOLE is an Engineer from reputed University. He is currently working with Government Industrial Training- Institute as a lecturer from last 12 Years. His interest include- Engineering Training Material, Invention & Engineering Practical- Knowledge etc.

The Pied Piper of Hamlin - Kasen Donald
2,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
The Pied Piper of Hamlin - Kasen Donald
2,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

The town of Hamelin has a rat problem. Thousands of rats and nobody knows what to do about it. A young man offers to rid the town of rats for a price and the town council gladly agrees. The Pied Piper blows his horn and the rats all follow him right into the sea where they drown. When the Pied Piper returns to collect his fee the town council refuses to pay. The Pied Piper blows his horn again and all the children of Hamelin follow him right through a mountain. The audio EPUB includes every word in the book and a musical background.

La Plus Longue Histoire - Ogunjobi Rotimi
3,09 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
La Plus Longue Histoire - Ogunjobi Rotimi
3,09 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

La petite Minnie Makepiece voulait gagner un voyage de vacances à Disneyland en racontant la plus longue histoire, alors elle est allée parler avec grand-père Makepiece.

The Flood - Beers V. Gilbert,Beers Ronald A.
2,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
The Flood - Beers V. Gilbert,Beers Ronald A.
2,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

A collection of Bible stories by V. Gilbert Beers and Ronald A. Beers. Each story includes a colorful illustration by Daniel J. Hochstatter.Stories included in the book:God Creates a Wonderful WorldAdam and Eve SinCain Kills AbelNoah and the Great FloodThe Tower of BabelAbram Moves to a New LandGod Makes a Covenant with AbrahamAngels Visit Abraham’s TentThe Destruction of SodomHagar and Ishmael Are Sent AwayAbraham Offers IsaacA Bride for IsaacEsau Sells His BirthrightIsaac Refuses to FightJacob’s LadderJoseph’s Coat of Many ColorsJoseph Is Sold as a SlaveJoseph Becomes Governor of Egypt

World Expo Day - W. Goett Vincent
2,49 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
World Expo Day - W. Goett Vincent
2,49 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

The Bus Bunch is a group of kids in the town of Brite Star who live far enough away from school they have to picked up every day at Holly Hill Drive by their favorite bus driver, Mr. Emerson. The adventures they share and life lessons they learn take place in Brite Star and are centered around their trips on the bus. The Bus Bunch takes a field trip to World Expo Day where they learn about people and cultures from other countries.

Kung Fu Panda Holiday + CD
9,98 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Kung Fu Panda Holiday + CD
9,98 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reding material for younger learners. The Kung Fu Panda films are popular around the world, known for their humour and fun characters. Kung Fu Panda Holiday follows the adventures of Kung Fu Panda during Winter Festival.

Rio Blu and Jewel + CD - Fiona Davis
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Rio Blu and Jewel + CD - Fiona Davis
8,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reding material for younger learners. This reader is based on the hit 2011 animated movie Rio about Blu, a domesticated macaw who goes to Rio de Janeiro to save his species. Blu and Jewel is one of three readers based on the film.

Popcorn ELT Readers 2 : Madagascar: Escape Africa + CD - Fiona Beddall
10,07 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Popcorn ELT Readers 2 : Madagascar: Escape Africa + CD - Fiona Beddall
10,07 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Alex and friends are back in the sequel to Madagascar! Marooned on the island of Madagascar, the animals commandeer an old plane with a view to flying back to New York. Instead, the plane takes the zoo-raised posse back to their routes when it crash lands on the plains of Africa. Have they got what it takes to survive in the wild, far away from the urban jungle? Anglická zjednodušená četba pro děti na motivy úspěšných holywoodských kreslených filmů.

Moja prvá angličtina - 2.vydanie - Kolektív autorov
9,42 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Moja prvá angličtina - 2.vydanie - Kolektív autorov
9,42 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Pekne ilustrovaná užitočná knižka dobre poslúži deťom, ktoré sa v tomto veku začínajú učiť anglický jazyk. Skrýva v sebe ilustrovaný dvojjazyčný slovník s prepisom výslovnosti a príkladmi vo vetách - v angličtine aj v slovenčine. Deti sa hravou formou naučia ako sa predstaviť, pozdraviť, poďakovať, ospravedlniť, ako vyjadriť svoje pocity, súhlas či nesúhlas, ako telefonovať, blahoželať a veľa ďalších potrebných vecí.

Look inside a Coral Reef - Minna Lacey
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024
Look inside a Coral Reef - Minna Lacey
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

Open the flaps and peer among spectacular coral shapes to see a magical world of sea creatures living in a reef. From turtles, fish and sharks to octopus, sponges and sea horses. Find out what coral is and how a reef forms, and discover the threat to all coral reefs from warming oceans and pollution.