39,43 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 17.09.2024

Just as film, art, music, and literature have the power to move people, Stefan Sagmeister's innovative work shows that graphic design can also cut to the emotional core. Stefan's desire is to transform stale thinking and "Sagmeister: Made You Look" will do just that. Fully illustrated, with a red PVC slipcase, this monograph covers twenty years of his graphic design and features images from the studio

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Just as film, art, music, and literature have the power to move people, Stefan Sagmeister's innovative work shows that graphic design can also cut to the emotional core. Stefan's desire is to transform stale thinking and "Sagmeister: Made You Look" will do just that. Fully illustrated, with a red PVC slipcase, this monograph covers twenty years of his graphic design and features images from the studio archive as well as specific influences and reference points for his projects and ideas.

Cudzojazyčná literatúra

Vitajte na našej webovej stránke venovanej cudzojazyčnej literatúre! Tu nájdete široký výber kníh pre všetkých milovníkov jazykov a kultúr z celého sveta.

Naša podkategória Cudzojazyčná literatúra je plná fascinujúcich príbehov, básní a románov, ktoré vás prenesú do rôznych časov a miest. Objevte bohatstvo rôznych jazykov a objavte nové perspektívy prostredníctvom týchto diel.

Máme knihy vo viacerých jazykoch vrátane angličtiny, španielčiny, francúzštiny, nemčiny, taliančiny a mnohých ďalších. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste začiatočník alebo pokročilý jazykový nadšenec, nájdete u nás niečo pre seba.

Prehľadávajte našu rozsiahlu zbierku podľa jazyka, žánru, autora alebo krajiny pôvodu. Sme hrdí na to, že ponúkame aj diela mnohých renomovaných autorov a autorky z rôznych kútov sveta.

S našim používateľsky priateľským rozhraním a dotváraním ponuky nových kníh pravidelne máte jednoduchý prístup k najnovším dielam a pevným klasikám. Okrem toho, ak máte akékoľvek špecifické požiadavky, neváhajte nás kontaktovať a radi vám pomôžeme nájsť správne dielo pre vás.

Cudzojazyčná literatúra ponúka jedinečné možnosti rozšíriť svoje znalosti jazyka, objaviť nové kultúry a nakuknúť do rôznych spoločností a histórie. Bez ohľadu na to, či máte záujem o klasickejších alebo súčasné diela, u nás nájdete to, čo hľadáte.

Objavte tajomstvá cudzojazyčnej literatúry u nás a zažite nové dobrodružstvo každýkrát, keď otvoríte našu knihu. Tešíme sa na vašu návštevu a dúfame, že si u nás nájdete knihu, ktorá vás vzruší, zabaví alebo inšpiruje.

Last Bus To Woodstock Last Bus To Woodstock

The death of Sylvia Kaye featured dramatically in the \"Oxford Mail\". By Friday evening Inspector Morse had informed the nation that the police were looking for a dangerous man - facing charges of wilful murder, sexual assault and rape. Other books featuring Morse include \"The Dead of Jericho\".

Junky - Burroughs (Penguin Essentials) Junky - Burroughs (Penguin Essentials)

\'Junk is not, like alcohol or weed, a means to increased enjoyment of life. Junk is not a kick. It is a way of life\' William Burroughs, legendary drug addict, founder member of the Beats and author of \"Naked Lunch\", relates with unflinching realism the addict\'s life: from initial heroin bliss to an unabated hunger for the needle, and the horrors of cold turkey and back again.

Assassin Assassin

When a high-level intelligence source reveals that Iranian agents are planning to bomb the United Nations, US Intelligence begins desperate counter-measures. Only maverick CIA agent, Ryan Kealey, sees it as a smokescreen for another, far more terrifying plot. But no-one is prepared to follow his hunch. Worse still, it would seem that even the halls of the CIA are no longer safe from possible espionage

The Burning Land The Burning Land

The latest in the bestselling Alfred series from number one historical novelist, Bernard Cornwell. In the last years of the ninth century, King Alfred of Wessex is in failing health, and his heir is an untested youth. The Danes, who have failed so many t

Without Merit Without Merit

From the No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of It Ends With Us and November 9 comes a moving and haunting novel of family, love, and the power of the truth. \'Not every mistake deserves a consequence. Sometimes the only thing it deserves is forgiveness.\' The Voss family is anything but normal. They live in a repurposed church, newly baptized Dollar Voss. The once cancer-stricken mother lives

Mr Mercedes Mr Mercedes

A cat-and-mouse suspense thriller featuring Bill Hodges, a retired cop who is tormented by \'the Mercedes massacre\', a case he never solved. Brady Hartsfield, perpetrator of that notorious crime, has sent Hodges a taunting letter. Now he\'s preparing to kill again. Each starts to close in on the other in a mega-stakes race against time.

Soundless Soundless

For as long as Fei can remember, there has been no sound in her village. Her people are at the mercy of a mysterious faraway kingdom, which delivers food in return for precious metals mined from the treacherous cliffs surrounding them. When villagers begin to lose their sight, their rations shrink and many go hungry. Fei\'s home, the boy she loves, and her entire existence is plunged into crisis, under

Keeper Keeper

He\'s been looking in the windows again. Messing with cameras. Leaving notes. Supposed to be a refuge. But death got inside. When Katie Straw\'s body is pulled from the waters of the local suicide spot, the police decide it\'s an open-and-shut case. A standard-issue female suicide. But the residents of Widringham women\'s refuge where Katie worked don\'t agree. They say it\'s murder. Will you listen

Survivors: Childrens Lives After the Holocaust Survivors: Childrens Lives After the Holocaust

Told for the first time from their perspective, the story of children who survived the chaos and trauma of the Holocaust How can we make sense of our lives when we do not know where we come from? This was a pressing question for the youngest survivors of the Holocaust, whose prewar memories were vague or nonexistent. In this beautifully written account, Rebecca Clifford follows the lives of one hundred

The Infernal Devices 1: Clockwork Angel 10th Anniversary Edition The Infernal Devices 1: Clockwork Angel 10th Anniversary Edition

Celebrate the tenth anniversary of the first title in Cassandra Clare\'s internationally bestselling Infernal Devices trilogy with this sumptuous new edition. Brand new content, including the first chapter of Chain of Gold. Love is the most dangerous magic of all... First in the bestselling prequel series to The Mortal Instruments, set in Victorian London. Something terrifying is waiting for Tessa

Love Design Love Design

Love and design have more in common than one might think at first glance: they can both break old habits and shape new ways in our day-to-day lives, they can both be exhilarating, a true revelation, but also potentially disrupting, both individually and collectively, and they can both have the power to make us see the world in a new light. Love Design explores the multifaceted relationship between

Cutting Edge Intermediate Class CDs Cutting Edge Intermediate Class CDs

More detailed information on this product coming soon! For general information on this course, see the Cutting Edge course page.

Senses Teneues Senses Teneues

This startling collection showcases the work of internationally acclaimed fashion and glamour photographer Frank De Mulder. His work has graced top advertising campaigns and leading magazines. Known for the electric eroticism of his work, De Mulder u ses light and contour to create compositions with painterly clarity. Respectful of his subjects De Mulder captures feminine beauty at its most intimate

Digipop Digipop

“Ornamentation is a modus operandi for communication, for providing dimension, texture, pattern, depth, and spirit—it is a way to liven up space, to create complementary conditions, to move the eye and break up surfaces, to bring illusion or entropy, to embellish and give richness to surfaces and materials and objects.” — Karim Rashid

Warten auf Dunkelheit Warten auf Dunkelheit

Prag in den neunziger Jahren. Pavel Fuks, Kameramann und gelegentlicher Regisseur, wurde durch seinen Beruf zum Augenzeugen und aktiven Teilnehmer an den Demonstrationen vor und während der »samtenen Revolution«. Schon in den fünfziger Jahren hatte er einen mißlungenen Fluchtversuch unternommen und dafür einige Jahre im Gefängnis gesessen. Danach ging Pavel zum Staatsfernsehen und drehte dort als Paradestück

Memoirs of a Geisha Memoirs of a Geisha

Memoirs of a Geisha is one of the great stories of our time. We follow Sayuri’s life: her early years in a small fishing village and as a geisha in Gion. And throughout her struggle, we know of her secret love for the only man who ever showed her any kindness — a man who seems to be out of her reach.

CLE LFF 1 Michel Strogoff CLE LFF 1 Michel Strogoff

La Russie est en danger et le tsar charge Michel Strogoff d\'une mission secrte : porter une lettre son frre, le grand-duc, qui se trouve dans la lointaine Sibérie. Pour aller de Moscou Irkoutsk, Michel Strogoff change de nom et devient le marchand Nicolas Korpanoff, car personne ne doit savoir qui il est réellement : ni Nadia, une jeune fille qu\'il rencontre au début de son voyage et qui ne le quittera

Zeitsprung Zeitsprung

Wendezeit. Die westdeutsche Chirurgin Dorothea Mayfeld fliegt zu einem Kongreß nach Prag, trifft ihren amerikanischen Kollegen und Geliebten Henry Goldstein und dessen ostdeutschen Freund Hermann Nehmer, ohne den Goldstein, so erzählt er Dorothea, nicht am leben wäre. Eine schicksalhafte Beziehung aus NS-Zeit und Krieg, in die auch die Frau sich unversehens hineingezogen fühlt. Aber auch bei ihr durchdringen

Der Zauberberg Der Zauberberg

Hans Castrop geplanter Kurzbesuch in Davos wird zum siebenjährigen Aufenthalt, und Thomas Manns Novellenplan wächst zu einem der gewaltigen Werke der Weltliteratur: Ein eindringliches Porträt der europäischen Gesellschaft vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Der Textabdruck folgt der Erstausgabe von 1924. In der Textfassung der Großen kommentierten Frankfurter Ausgabe (GKFA), mit Daten zu Leben und Werk.

The Seven Good Years The Seven Good Years

Over the last seven years Etgar Keret has had plenty of reasons to worry. His son, Lev, was born in the middle of a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv. His father became ill. And he has been constantly tormented by nightmarish visions of the Iranian president Ahmadinejad, anti-Semitic remarks both real and imagined, and, perhaps most worrisome of all, a dogged telemarketer who seems likely to chase him to

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