8,08 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

The sequel to the number-one bestseller Girl Online. Penny's bags are packed ...When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her

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The sequel to the number-one bestseller Girl Online. Penny's bags are packed ...When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her family, her best friend Elliot ...and her blog, Girl Online. Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer?

Cudzojazyčná literatúra

Vitajte na našej webovej stránke venovanej cudzojazyčnej literatúre! Tu nájdete široký výber kníh pre všetkých milovníkov jazykov a kultúr z celého sveta.

Naša podkategória Cudzojazyčná literatúra je plná fascinujúcich príbehov, básní a románov, ktoré vás prenesú do rôznych časov a miest. Objevte bohatstvo rôznych jazykov a objavte nové perspektívy prostredníctvom týchto diel.

Máme knihy vo viacerých jazykoch vrátane angličtiny, španielčiny, francúzštiny, nemčiny, taliančiny a mnohých ďalších. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste začiatočník alebo pokročilý jazykový nadšenec, nájdete u nás niečo pre seba.

Prehľadávajte našu rozsiahlu zbierku podľa jazyka, žánru, autora alebo krajiny pôvodu. Sme hrdí na to, že ponúkame aj diela mnohých renomovaných autorov a autorky z rôznych kútov sveta.

S našim používateľsky priateľským rozhraním a dotváraním ponuky nových kníh pravidelne máte jednoduchý prístup k najnovším dielam a pevným klasikám. Okrem toho, ak máte akékoľvek špecifické požiadavky, neváhajte nás kontaktovať a radi vám pomôžeme nájsť správne dielo pre vás.

Cudzojazyčná literatúra ponúka jedinečné možnosti rozšíriť svoje znalosti jazyka, objaviť nové kultúry a nakuknúť do rôznych spoločností a histórie. Bez ohľadu na to, či máte záujem o klasickejších alebo súčasné diela, u nás nájdete to, čo hľadáte.

Objavte tajomstvá cudzojazyčnej literatúry u nás a zažite nové dobrodružstvo každýkrát, keď otvoríte našu knihu. Tešíme sa na vašu návštevu a dúfame, že si u nás nájdete knihu, ktorá vás vzruší, zabaví alebo inšpiruje.

Autor Zoe Sugg
GLS 3,89 €

Bizontalan helyeken búdosunk - András Szabó Bizontalan helyeken búdosunk - András Szabó

Kihallgatás - Kiss Péntek József Kihallgatás - Kiss Péntek József

Hercules - Dominoes Starter - neuvedený,Janos Jantner Hercules - Dominoes Starter - neuvedený,Janos Jantner

The activities in Dominoes keep students engaged in the stories and help to reinforce their understanding of the key language. They can be completed at home or in class. The project activities in Dominoes build on the themes from the story and encourage s

L´Homme aux Cercles Bleus - Fred Vargas L´Homme aux Cercles Bleus - Fred Vargas

Victor, mauvais sort, que fais-tu dehors ? \" Depuis quatre mois, cette phrase accompagne des cercles bleus qui surgissent la nuit, tracés la craie sur les trottoirs de Paris. Au centre de ces cercles, prisonniers, un débris, un déchet, un objet perdu : trombone, bougie, pince épiler, patte de pigeon... Le phénomne fait les délices des journalistes et de quelques psychiatres qui théorisent un maniaque,

New Snapshot Elementary Language Booster - Brian Abbs New Snapshot Elementary Language Booster - Brian Abbs

With New Snapshot you can: * Capture Students\' interest and imagination though real characters and language, and up-to-the-minute teenage topics * Bring language to life * Widen students\' experience of international culture through new culture pages, new projects and a new teenage lifestyles video. * Provide extra support with the unique Language Booster a Workbook and Grammar builder in one, now

Utazás Kelet-Európában - Gabriel García Márquez Utazás Kelet-Európában - Gabriel García Márquez

A kötet García Márqueznek a keleti blokk államaiban 1957-ben tett látogatásáról írt útinaplóit, riportjait tartalmazza. A fiatal újságíró a moszkvai Világifjúsági Találkozó résztvevőjeként Budapesten, Kelet-Berlinben, Csehszlovákiában és Lengyelországban is járt. A riportok egyúttal sajátos korrajzok - a szerzőt itt is az élet izgatja: a mindennapok pulzálása, a szokások, a gesztusok, az emberi arcok.

Dead or Alive - Ein Jack Ryan Roman - Tom Clancy,Kolektív autorov Dead or Alive - Ein Jack Ryan Roman - Tom Clancy,Kolektív autorov

Dead or Alive : Ein Jack Ryan Roman

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Who wants to go on a trip to London? You? Then join us on our A-Z journey through this ancient and modern city. London is a city which is full of surprises and there’s always something to see and do in this exciting capital. If you like art or nature, sport or culture, food or museums then this is the place for you! So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start our journey now and discover everything there

Teen Eli Readers - English: Robin Hood, bez CD Teen Eli Readers - English: Robin Hood, bez CD

The daring and handsome nobleman Robin Hood is forced to live as an outlaw in Sherwood Forest, after the evil Sheriff of Nottingham kills his family and takes his land and money. With the help of his Merry Men, Robin becomes a hero, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Will the wicked Sheriff of Nottingham manage to capture Robin and his friends? Will Robin regain his land and be able to offer

Young Adult Eli Readers: Die Leiden DES Jungen Werthers + CD - Johann Wolfgang Goethe Young Adult Eli Readers: Die Leiden DES Jungen Werthers + CD - Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Der leidenschaftliche Briefroman, der das romantische Thema der Verbindung zwischen Liebe und Tod meisterhaft einführt und zum Manifest einer ganzen Generation wird. - Text mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter als Fußnoten - Übungen zu Leseverständnis, Wortschatz und Grammatik - Übungen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung Fit in Deutsch 2 - Abschlusstest. Themen: - Liebe - Natur Werther verliebt sich in Lotte, und

Poetry in Exile - Josef Hrdlička Poetry in Exile - Josef Hrdlička

In his book Josef Hrdlička opens the question of what exactly constitutes Exile Poetry, and indeed whether it amounts to a category as fundamental as Romantic or Bucolic lyricism. He covers the intricately complex and diverse topic of exile by exploring selected literary texts from antiquity to the present, giving due attention to writers that have influenced the exile discourse; from Ovid, Goethe

Senna - Secondary Level 2 + CD - Fiona Beddall Senna - Secondary Level 2 + CD - Fiona Beddall

Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for motivating graded material that will encourage students to read. Ayrton Senna is a legend in the world of Formula 1, winner of three world championships before his tragic death at the San Morino Grand Prix in 1994. A fascinating biography about a man who lived his life for the sport that he loved.

The Great Gatsby (bookworm) - Francis Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (bookworm) - Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Egyszerűsített olvasmány angol nyelven. Hasznos segítség a nyelvtanulásban. A kötet 5. nehézségi fokozatú, az olvasásához kb. 1800 szavas szókincs szükséges. Gatsby\'s mansion on Long Island blazes with light, and the beautiful, the wealthy, and the famous drive out from New York To drink Gatsby\'s champagne and to party all night long. But Jay Gatsby, the owner of all this wealth, wants only one thing

Through The Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll Through The Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll

I sent a letter to the fish, I told them, \"This is what I wish.\" The little fishes of the sea, They sent an answer back to me. The little fishes\' answer was \"We cannot do it, sir, because ...\" I sent a letter back to say It would be better to obey. But someone came to me and said \"The little fishes are in bed.\" I said to him, and I said it plain \"Then you must wake them up again.\" I said it

Maigret au Picratt´s - Georges Simenon Maigret au Picratt´s - Georges Simenon

Pour l\'agent Jussiaume, que son service de nuit conduisait quotidiennement, quelques minutes prs, aux mmes endroits, des allées et venues comme celle-l s\'intégraient tellement la routine qu\'il les enregistrait machinalement, un peu comme les voisins d\'une gare enregistrent les départs et les arrivées des trains. Il tombait de la neige fondue et Jussiaume s\'était abrité un moment sur un seuil,

The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller

A beautiful new limited edition paperback of The Song of Achilles, published as part of the Bloomsbury Modern Classics list The god touches his finger to the arrow\'s fletching. Then he breathes, a puff of air - as if to send dandelions flying, to push toy boats over water. And the arrow flies, straight and silent, in a curving, downward arc towards Achilles\' back. Greece in the age of heroes. Patroclus,

Punching the Air - Ibi Zoboi Punching the Air - Ibi Zoboi

From award-winning, bestselling author Ibi Zoboi and prison reform activist Yusef Salaam of the Exonerated Five comes a powerful YA novel in verse about a boy who is wrongfully incarcerated. Perfect for fans of the Noughts & Crosses series and The Hate U Give. One fateful night, an altercation in a gentrifying neighbourhood escalates into tragedy. \'Boys just being boys\' turns out to be true only

Confusion - Neal Stephenson,neuvedený Confusion - Neal Stephenson,neuvedený

Neal Stephenson continues his extraordinary \'Baroque Cycle\' in this sequel to his bestselling Quicksilver, bringing to life a cast of unforgettable characters in a time of breathtaking genius and discovery. It is the late 1600s, on the high seas. A g roup of Barbary galley slaves plot as they ply the oars of a pirate ship, hatching a daring scheme to find an enormous cache of Spanish gold. Amazingly,

Counterlife - Philip Roth Counterlife - Philip Roth

The Counterlife is about people enacting their dreams of renewal and escape, some of them going so far as to risk their lives to alter seemingly irreversible destinies. Wherever they may find themselves, the characters of The Counterlife are tempted unceasingly by the prospect of an alternative existence that can reverse their fate. Illuminating these lives in transition and guiding us through the

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick

World War Terminus had left the Earth devastated. Through its ruins, bounty hunter Rick Deckard stalked, in search of the renegade replicants who were his prey. When he wasn\'t \'retiring\' them with his laser weapon, he dreamed of owning a live animal -- th

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