24,69 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 17.09.2024

The homes of some of the world's most celebrated artists are featured in this lavishly illustrated volume. From Frederic Church's castle on New York's Hudson River to Claude Monet's house and garden at Giverny in France to Giorgio de Chirico's sophisticated Roman apartment and William Morris's Arts and Crafts-style Kelmscott Manor, this book reveals each artist's tastes and fashionable flair."Artists'

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The homes of some of the world's most celebrated artists are featured in this lavishly illustrated volume. From Frederic Church's castle on New York's Hudson River to Claude Monet's house and garden at Giverny in France to Giorgio de Chirico's sophisticated Roman apartment and William Morris's Arts and Crafts-style Kelmscott Manor, this book reveals each artist's tastes and fashionable flair."Artists' Houses "is a close-up look at the intimate hideaways that 15 great European and American artists created for themselves. The beautiful, private worlds revealed here will captivate all those interested in interior design and the lives of our most renowned artists.

Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda

Na našej stránke v kategórii Umenie nájdete podkategóriu Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda, ktorá je určená pre všetkých milovníkov krásy, štýlu a estetiky. V tejto sekcií prezentujeme najnovšie trendy, inšpirácie a inovácie v oblasti dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módy.

Naša stránka je miestom, kde sa môžete dozvedieť všetko o dizajne – od grafického návrhu, interiérového dizajnu až po produktový dizajn. Nájdete tu články, tipy a návrhy od skúsených odborníkov, ktorí vám pomôžu objaviť a porozumieť svetu dizajnu. Získate informácie o najnovších technikách, materiáloch a trendoch v dizajne, ktoré vám pomôžu obohatiť váš priestor, vylepšiť vizuálne aspekty vašich produktov alebo len rozšíriť vaše vedomosti o tejto kreatívnej oblasti.

V našej sekcií úžitkové umenie vám predstavíme umelcov a remeselníkov, ktorí vytvárajú jedinečné a funkčné umelecké objekty. Vyzdvihneme ich umenie a techniky, ktoré sú použité na vytvorenie týchto diel. Zistíte, ako sa môžete stať súčasťou tohto umenia, napríklad potenciálne si zakúpiť ich výrobky alebo si ich sami vytvoriť.

Móda je ďalšou dôležitou súčasťou tejto kategórie. Na našej stránke vám predstavíme najnovšie kolekcie od renomovaných dizajnérov, popíšeme trendy v oblasti módy a poskytneme vám inšpiráciu pre váš štýl. Nájdete tu nielen články o módnych prehliadkach a dizajnových víziách, ale aj tipy na vkusné kombinácie oblečenia a príslušenstva pre mužov a ženy.

Stručne povedané, na našej stránke v kategórii Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda nájdete širokú škálu informácií a inšpirácií v jednom mieste. Choďte s nami na objavovanie najnovších trendov v dizajne, objavte krásu a funkcionalitu v oblasti úžitkového umenia a nájdite si štýl, v ktorom sa budete cítiť sebavedomo a unikátne. Prichádzajte na našu stránku pravidelne, pretože sa vždy snažíme prinášať čerstvé a zaujímavé obsahy, ktoré vám pomôžu objaviť novú kreatívnu stránku v sebe.

Chloe Catwalk Chloe Catwalk

The first comprehensive overview of Chloe\'s collections presented through catwalk photography, published in collaboration with Chloe to celebrate the house\'s 70th anniversary in 2022. Founded by Egyptian-born Gaby Aghion in 1952, Chloe pioneered luxury ready-to-wear that was all about ease and femininity, offering an elegant haute bohemian style for the modern, liberated Parisienne. Resolutely contemporary,

Iconic - The Masters of Italian Fashion Iconic - The Masters of Italian Fashion

For centuries, Italian fashion has been known for its craftsmanship and luxury, but also for its creativity and, most of all, its passion. Lace, leopard print and show-stopping red dresses - the masters of Italian fashion know how to make a statement. From the workshops of Florence to the runways of Milan, join Megan Hess on an unforgettable journey beneath the seams of ten iconic Italian designers:

This Human This Human

There are many great design books in existence that teach us about design process, tools and methods. With the increasing popularity of Design Thinking and Human-Centred Design we’ve also seen more material discussing various aspects of the practice. One missing aspect, almost in an ironic twist, is what it takes to be the actual person who is doing the designing. The name THIS HUMAN is referring to

The New Designer The New Designer

How to develop an ethical design practice and build a better world. The choices made by designers have a significant effect on the world. Yet so much of the discourse on design focuses on aesthetics rather than ethics. In The New Designer, acclaimed author Manuel Lima aims to change this by challenging common myths and preconceptions about what comprises good design. He argues that designers must take

AEROFLOT – Fly Soviet AEROFLOT – Fly Soviet

Despite the borders of the USSR being closed to majority of its population, Soviet citizens were among the world\'s most frequent flyers. Following the 1917 Revolution, Vladimir Lenin made the development of aviation a priority. Assisted by advertising campaigns by artists such as Alexander Rodchenko, Soviet society was mobilised to establish an air fleet - from the very beginning of the USSR through

How To Break Up With Fast Fashion How To Break Up With Fast Fashion

\'A funny, achievable guide\' Observer \'Lauren Bravo is one of my favourite writers\' Dolly Alderton \'Bravo will inspire you to repair, recycle and give old items a new lease of life\' Stylist You probably know the statistics: global clothing production has roughly doubled in just 15 years, and every year an estimated 300,000 tonnes of used clothing ends up in UK landfill. Fast fashion is the ultimate

The Glossy Years The Glossy Years

Diana touched your elbow, your arm, covered your hand with hers. It was alluring. And she was disarmingly confiding. \"Can I ask you something? Nicholas, please be frank...\" Over his 30-year career at Condé Nast, Nicholas Coleridge has witnessed it all. From the anxieties of the Princess of Wales to the blazing fury of Mohamed Al-Fayed, his story is also the story of the people who populate the glamorous

Fashion Illustration step by step Fashion Illustration step by step

Módní ilustrace je především o převedení myšlenky do reality. Jedná se o první krok k převedení nápadu do skutečného modelu. V této knize najdeme stovky módních ilustrací mnoha stylů a naučíme se postupně krok za krokem nakreslit svůj vlatní módní návrh.

Manga step by step Manga step by step

Díky této knize se naučíte krok za krokem nakreslit všechny vaše oblíbené hrdiny manga. Najdeme tu více než 40 kompletních lekcí včetně mnoha tipů a triků používaných nejlepšími profesionálním ilustrátory manga - od první skicy až po finální stínování a vybarvování.

Less and More: The Design Ethos of Dieter Rams Less and More: The Design Ethos of Dieter Rams

This is Dieter Rams’s 808-page book about his work, back in print in its original form with a PVC softcover and slipcase. The relevance of famous Braun designer Dieter Rams in ­modern design remains unbroken. In his more than 40 years at Braun, Rams established himself as one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century. True to the principle of “less but better” his elegantly clear visual

Mid-Century Modern - Icons of Design Mid-Century Modern - Icons of Design

The mid-20th century was one of the most popular, collectable and dynamic periods of international design. Drawing on the inventive style of the era, this range of gift products features exclusive illustrations of iconic mid-century designs, from Eames chairs to Poul Henningsen lamps and George Nelson clocks, all rendered in a distinctive graphic style. Featuring over ninety pieces by sixty designers

Product Design Product Design

The main task for modern product designers is how to combine creativity and functionality. This book showcases different types of products such as furniture and industrial designs for the household and personal use, introducing projects from all over the world. It includes product descriptions, photographs, and designers\' sketches showing the design processes.

Shops Now Shops Now

This book is bursting with some of today\'s most original and impressive work in the field of shop design. Leading designers and architects showcase their finest projects to create a dazzling compendium of ideas full of imagination, while at the same time intelligently designed for a specific purpose: to sell the products. Explanatory texts accompany striking, full-colour photographs which highlight

Manifesto Manifesto

V září 2015 se v Drážďanech na zámku Pillnitz v Kunstgewerbemuseum uskuteční kolektivní výstava pedagogů a studentů Ateliéru skla, a to pod kurátorským vedením Tulgy Beyerle a pod záštitou Českého kulturního centra v Berlíně. Tato expozice je vyvrcholením výstav předešlých – londýnské Glassmania (2014) a sympozia Glassmania v Jesenném (2014). Katalog, vydaný právě při příležitosti drážďanské výstavy,

Czech Glass Czech Glass

Publikace je 2. revidovaným, doplněným a rozšířeným vydáním z roku 2001, jehož podstatná část byla zničena při povodních a mezi odbornou i laickou veřejnost se dostala pouze sporadicky. Prioritně se publikace věnuje vývoji výtvarných forem části české sklářské produkce, která bývá nazývána autorským sklem (skleněnou plastikou a tvorbou objektů) nebo také individuálním designem. Analyzuje specifickou

Type. A Visual History Type. A Visual History

For The Love of Letters A history of fonts and graphic styles from 1628 to 1938 This comprehensive book offers a thorough overview of typeface design from 1628 to the mid-20th century. Derived from a distinguished Dutch collection, a series of exquisitely designed catalogues trace the evolution of the printed letter via specimens in roman, italic, bold, semibold, narrow, and broad fonts. Borders, ornaments,

Design v českých zemích 1900 - 2000 Design v českých zemích 1900 - 2000

Vývoj posledních desetiletí dává za pravdu všem, kteří v designérské tvorbě již dříve spatřovali důležitý integrující faktor moderní či postmoderní kultury a poukazovali na jeho zprostředkující roli mezi oblastí materiální každodennosti a světem umění. Jestliže se design stává předmětem široce založeného interdisciplinárního výzkumu, je tomu proto, že stále více je patrný jeho význam pro utváření předmětného

The Bike Book Lifestyle,Passion, Design The Bike Book Lifestyle,Passion, Design

Bicycles are more than just a sporty gadget that are ecofriendly and available for anyone: For fans of the Tour-de-France or the Giro d\'Italia, the racing bicycle is in the center of more than a century of history of heroic legends and athletic top performances. On the other side, the fans of the more robust bicycle have let the Mountain bike live up a golden era during the 90\'s - with its funky

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\"Basics Fashion Design 10: Jewellery Design\" looks at the origins of jewellery and how to assess historical references and trends. It explores how inspiration and research can be used to build a jewellery collection. It gives an overview of how the design process evolves. It demonstrates that even on a limited budget it is possible to carve out a niche in this exciting genre. Each chapter includes

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Create a stylish home without breaking the bank. \"Cheap Chic\" shows you how to combine well-chosen high-street basics with individual finds to create a relaxed and welcoming home. Emily Chalmers and Ali Hanan reveal the best ways to invest a modest budget and how to combine colours, textures and materials with confidence. The first section, The Elements, looks at colour, pattern, fabric and window

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