28,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

150 Best Loft Ideas ukazuje nepřeberné množství řešení loftu a pomůže vám utvořit si svůj vlastní, přesně podle vašich představ.Bydlení v loftových bytech už dávno není jen pro umělce. Co začalo jako cenově dostupná alternativa k bydlení na Manhattanu v 5

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150 Best Loft Ideas ukazuje nepřeberné množství řešení loftu a pomůže vám utvořit si svůj vlastní, přesně podle vašich představ.Bydlení v loftových bytech už dávno není jen pro umělce. Co začalo jako cenově dostupná alternativa k bydlení na Manhattanu v 5

Cudzojazyčná literatúra

Vitajte na našej webovej stránke venovanej cudzojazyčnej literatúre! Tu nájdete široký výber kníh pre všetkých milovníkov jazykov a kultúr z celého sveta.

Naša podkategória Cudzojazyčná literatúra je plná fascinujúcich príbehov, básní a románov, ktoré vás prenesú do rôznych časov a miest. Objevte bohatstvo rôznych jazykov a objavte nové perspektívy prostredníctvom týchto diel.

Máme knihy vo viacerých jazykoch vrátane angličtiny, španielčiny, francúzštiny, nemčiny, taliančiny a mnohých ďalších. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste začiatočník alebo pokročilý jazykový nadšenec, nájdete u nás niečo pre seba.

Prehľadávajte našu rozsiahlu zbierku podľa jazyka, žánru, autora alebo krajiny pôvodu. Sme hrdí na to, že ponúkame aj diela mnohých renomovaných autorov a autorky z rôznych kútov sveta.

S našim používateľsky priateľským rozhraním a dotváraním ponuky nových kníh pravidelne máte jednoduchý prístup k najnovším dielam a pevným klasikám. Okrem toho, ak máte akékoľvek špecifické požiadavky, neváhajte nás kontaktovať a radi vám pomôžeme nájsť správne dielo pre vás.

Cudzojazyčná literatúra ponúka jedinečné možnosti rozšíriť svoje znalosti jazyka, objaviť nové kultúry a nakuknúť do rôznych spoločností a histórie. Bez ohľadu na to, či máte záujem o klasickejších alebo súčasné diela, u nás nájdete to, čo hľadáte.

Objavte tajomstvá cudzojazyčnej literatúry u nás a zažite nové dobrodružstvo každýkrát, keď otvoríte našu knihu. Tešíme sa na vašu návštevu a dúfame, že si u nás nájdete knihu, ktorá vás vzruší, zabaví alebo inšpiruje.

Paměti Sherlocka Holmese - zrcadlová četba B1-B2 Paměti Sherlocka Holmese - zrcadlová četba B1-B2

Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

A Darker Shade of Magic A Darker Shade of Magic

Most people only know one London; but what if there were several? Kell is one of the last Travelers - magicians with a rare ability to travel between parallel Londons. There\'s Grey London, dirty and crowded and without magic, home to the mad king George III. There\'s Red London, where life and magic are revered. Then, White London, ruled by whoever has murdered their way to the throne. But once upon

Counting One\'s Blessings Counting One's Blessings

Emma Emma

This Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition celebrates 200 years of Austen\'s beloved novel. With a beautiful cover designed by illustrator Dadu Shin and comprehensive notes sourced from the Jane Austen Collection, this is an edition to be treasured by students and collectors alike. With its imperfect but charming heroine and its witty and subtle exploration of relationships, Emma is often seen as Jane Austen\'s

The Pike The Pike

WINNER OF THE 2013 SAMUEL JOHNSON PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION Now also shortlisted for the Costa Biography award 2013, this is the story of Gabriele D\'Annunzio, poet, daredevil - and Fascist.

A világirodalom története A világirodalom története

„Ha a három pompás köteten, a világirodalom regényes életén, mohón és szinte megállás nélkül átvágtuk magunkat, s az első kábulatból ocsúdva visszaidézzük a szinte fizikai jóérzést, amit a rohanás okozott, rájövünk, hogy fiatalságunk támadt fel, és sodort szeszélyes törtében magával... Csak a húszas éveink ismerték a céltalan vélemények, sommás ítéletek pergőtüzét, az értékelések és újjáértékelések,

Harrow County Volume 4 Harrow County Volume 4

The Southern horror series continues and is now under development for a SyFy Network television show! Emmy believes she is one of a kind, that there is no one else in the world quite like her. As strangers arrive in Harrow County, though, she discovers just how wrong she is. Are these beings--each possessing strange and ghastly supernatural abilities--her family? Collects the Dark Horse comic series

History of Wolves History of Wolves

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Story Of Architecture Story Of Architecture

Dexter by Design Dexter by Design

Being a blood spatter analyst who hates the sight of blood has always made Dexter\'s work for the Miami PD tough. But it means he\'s very neat when it comes to his out-of-hours hobby: murder. Of course, the fact Dexter only kills bad people helps too. Now Dex is facing a disturbing situation. He\'s used to blood at work, and blood when he\'s out with the dark passenger (the voice that guides him on

Death in the Making Death in the Making

Death in the Making will be a reprint of the original book published in 1938. With images by Robert Capa and Gerda Taro, it was a poignant tribute to the men and women, civilians and soldiers alike, who were fighting in Spain against Franco\'s oppressive and fascist insurrection. The book included only one year of images, but covered the spectrum of emotions of a civil war, from the initial excitement

Transmetropolitan Book Two Transmetropolitan Book Two

In a future where consumerism, superficiality and corruption reign supreme, outlaw journalist Spider Jerusalem has decided to stop sitting idly by and watching the world crumble around him. No one in The City is safe. YEAR TWO: I HATE IT HERE Outlaw journalist Spider Jerusalem has covered every flavor of newsworthy depravity in the course of his long and chemically enhanced career. But the legendary

Nightflyers Tv Tie-In Edition Nightflyers Tv Tie-In Edition

Alien meets Psycho with a chilling mystery set on a haunted spaceship in this short story, soon to be an original series on Netflix, by the #1 bestselling author of A Game of Thrones. On a voyage toward the boundaries of the known universe, nine misfit academics seek out first contact with a shadowy alien race. But another enigma is the Nightflyer itself, a cybernetic wonder with an elusive captain

Meltdown Meltdown

For amiable City trader Jimmy Corby money was the new Rock n\' Roll. His whole life was a party, adrenalin charged and cocaine fuelled. If he hadn\'t met Monica he would probably have ended up either dead or in rehab. But Jimmy was as lucky in love as he was at betting on dodgy derivatives, so instead of burning out, his star just burned brighter than ever. Rich, pampered and successful, Jimmy, Monica

As You Like It (Oxford World´s Classics) As You Like It (Oxford World´s Classics)

As You Like It is Shakespeare\'s most light-hearted comedy, and its witty heroine Rosalind has his longest female role. In this edition, Alan Brissenden reassesses both its textual and performance history, showing how interpretations have changed since the first recorded production in 1740. He examines Shakespeare\'s sources and elucidates the central themes of love, pastoral, and doubleness. Detailed

Der Steppenwolf Der Steppenwolf

In gleicher Ausstattung wie die bereits erschienenen Sonderausgaben Das Glasperlenspiel\", \"Unterm Rad\" und \"Siddhartha\" liegt nun auch Hesses einflußreichster Roman \"Der Steppenwolf\" vor. Die Ausgabe enthält in einem Anhang erstmals den kompletten Zyklus der Krisis-Gedichte, einem lyrischen Tagebuch der Jahre 1925 bis 1926, aus dem dieses internationale Kultbuch vieler Generationen hervorgegangen

The Postmistress The Postmistress

This is the Sunday Times bestseller. The Postmistress by Sarah Blake is a heart-rending and profoundly moving story of love and loss in World War II. It is 1940, and bombs fall nightly on London. In the thick of the chaos is young American radio reporter Frankie Bard. She huddles close to terrified strangers in underground shelters, and later broadcasts stories about survivors in rubble-strewn streets.

The Law and the Lady (Oxford World´s Classics) The Law and the Lady (Oxford World´s Classics)

Probably the first full-length novel with a woman detective as its heroine, The Law and the Lady (1875) is a fascinating example of Collins\' later fiction. Valeria Valerie Woodville\'s first act as a married woman is to sign her name incorrectly in the marriage register, this slip is followed by a gradual disclosure of secrets about her husband\'s earlier life, each of which leads to another set of

Christian Art: A Very Short Introduction Christian Art: A Very Short Introduction

This Very Short Introduction decodes the key themes, signs, and symbols found in Christian art: the Eucharist, the image of the Crucifixion, the Virgin Mary, the Saints, Old and New Testament narrative imagery, and iconography. It also explores the theological and historical background of Christian imagery, from the devotional works of the Medieval and Renaissance periods, to the twenty-first century.Williamson

The Little Prince - The Art of the Movie The Little Prince - The Art of the Movie

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