Igor Cvacho Monografia
17,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Igor Cvacho Monografia
17,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Monografia sprevádza výtvarnou tvorbou maliara, grafika a pesničkára Igora Cvacha.

Bím 70. Ohlédnutí
39,71 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Bím 70. Ohlédnutí
39,71 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Bohatě vypravená publikace přináší průřez tvorbou tohoto originálního českého malíře. Množství barevných reprodukcí je doplněno dosud nepublikovanou studií prof. Fr. Dvořáka a texty výtvarníkových přátel. Kniha vychází při příležitosti Bímovy výstavy v Novoměstské radnici v Praze, uspořádané k jeho letošním sedmdesátinám.

Trauma, tíseň, extáze, prázdnota
8,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Trauma, tíseň, extáze, prázdnota
8,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Bohatě ilustrovaná publikace věnovaná proměnám „formulí patosu“, tj. emocionální řeči lidského těla, jak ji zachycuje výtvarné umění a vizuální kultura v posledních zhruba sto dvaceti letech. Autor originálně rozpracovává psychologickou teorii umění a model umělecké historie významného německého historika umění a kultury Abyho Warburga (1866?1929) a rozšiřuje ji do současnosti. Warburgův pojem „formule patosu“ (Pathosformeln) se v jeho práci stává průsečíkem, v němž ožívají a vzájemně se protínají velká témata humanitních a sociálních disciplín, ale také věd zabývajících se lidskou myslí: otázky mechanismů, skrze něž obrazy působí na své diváky, vzájemného ovlivňování biologických a kulturních aspektů tělesného výrazu a prožívání emocí, vztahu mentálních a materiálních reprezentací či racionality a afektu. Odkazují ale i k eticko-politickým dimenzím těchto otázek, které jsou dnes stejně palčivé jako za Warburgova života a souvisí kupříkladu s potřebou porozumět tomu, jak je lidské vědomí manipulováno obrazy. Kniha navazuje na stejnojmennou výstavu pořádanou Západočeskou galerií v Plzni počátkem roku 2018.

Anime - tipy a triky
18,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Anime - tipy a triky
18,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Jak kreslit ještě lepší a vychytanější postavy Naučte se ty správné tipy a triky a posuňte své kreslířské dovednosti dál. V této knize najdete víc jak stovku důležitých rad, které vám v různých situacích pomůžou, abyste ze základních kreseb vytvořili fascinující obrázky. Populární autor Christopher Hart sestavil řadu jednoduchých a názorných návodů, ve kterých vám ukáže, jak nakreslit věrohodné anime postavy a zapojit je do naprosto úžasných scén. Začnete samozřejmě základními tvary obličeje a postavy a postupně budete přidávat detaily, díky kterým stvoříte originální anime hrdiny. Vše završíte výběrem barev a stínováním, které obrázek oživí a dodá mu ten správný šmrnc. Když budete chtít, můžete pak začít pracovat na pozadí a celkové atmosféře a dotáhnout váš anime příběh do finále. Vstupte do světa anime!

Slovník českých a slovenských výtvarných umělců H
44,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Slovník českých a slovenských výtvarných umělců H
44,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Slovník českých a slovenských výtvarných umělců 1950 — 1998 3.díl Třetí díl Slovníku českých a slovenských výtvarných umělců.

What Paintings Say - 100 Masterpieces in Detail
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
What Paintings Say - 100 Masterpieces in Detail
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Under the microscope: Paintings hidden secrets revealed This important addition to our understanding of art history s masterworks puts some of theworld's most famous paintingsunder a magnifying glass to uncover their most small and subtle elements andall they reveal about a bygone time, place, and culture.Guiding our eye to theminutiae of subject and symbolism, authors Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen allow even the most familiar of pictures to come alive anew through theirintricacies and intrigues.Is the bride pregnant? Why does the man wear a beret? How does the shadow of war hang over a scene of dancing? Along the way, we travel fromAncient Egypt through to modern Europe, from theRenaissanceto theRoaring Twenties.We meetGreek heroes and poor German poetsand roamfrom cathedrals to cabaret bars, from the Garden of Eden to a Garden Bench in rural France.As we pick apart each painting and then reassemble it like a giant jigsaw puzzle, these celebrated canvases captivate not only in their sheer wealth of details but also in the witness they bear to thefashions and trends, people and politics, loves and lifestylesof their time. About the series: Bibliotheca Universalis Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, the name TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing.Bibliotheca Universalisbrings together nearly 100 of our all-time favorite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.Bookworm s delight never bore, always excite! "

Milan Pagáč
18,91 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Milan Pagáč
18,91 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Obsiahly katalóg k rovnomennej medzinárodnej výstave je koncipovaný ako katalóg umeleckých máp od takmer 60 autorov krajín V4, s odkazmi, témami a návodmi na ich kritické čítanie".

Jaroslava Pešicová - Kočky, psi a Robert Rauschenberg
22,33 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Jaroslava Pešicová - Kočky, psi a Robert Rauschenberg
22,33 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Cílem publikace, kterou v roce 2021 vydala GAVU Cheb ve spolupráci s Ústavem dějin umění AV ČR, v. v. i. u příležitosti stejnojmenné výstavy, není souhrnné zpracování tvorby Jaroslavy Pešicové. Soustřeďuje se na určité momenty, které byly pro směřování malířky rozhodující. Nástrojem interpretace je strukturální rozbor jejích prací, konfrontovaný s dobovými teoretickými texty. Na základě toho je možné její tvorbu pochopit v širším kontextu umění druhé poloviny 20. století, a to nejen v rámci nové figurace, ale i jiných směrů.

Kresba - výtvarné techniky
36,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Kresba - výtvarné techniky
36,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Kniha o technice kresby z edice "Výtvarné techniky" je určena každému, kdo se pokouší o vlastní tvorbu nebo se aspoň zajímá o abecedu kreslení. Obsahuje základní zákonitosti kreslířského řemesla a vědomosti o metodách výuky kreslení, přičemž seznamuje s jednotlivými žánry, jako jsou zátiší, portrét, autoportrét, akt, krajina apod.

Codex Seraphinianus
141,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Codex Seraphinianus
141,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Published to coincide with the 40th anniversary of its original publication, this special edition of the beloved, best-selling cult classic features a new design, new cover illustration, and 15 never-before-seen drawings. Featuring a handsome new package redesigned by the author himself, this edition is a must-have for fans and collectors of Luigi Serafini’s art. First published in 1981 in Milan by F.M. Ricci, the book has been hailed as one of the most unusual yet beautiful art books ever made. A visual encyclopedia of an unknown world written in an unknown language, it has fueled much debate over its meaning. Written for the information age and addressing the import of coding and decoding in genetics, literary criticism, and computer science, it has now fascinated and enchanted two generations. While its message may be unclear, its appeal is obvious: it is a most exquisite artifact, blurring the line between art book and art object. This edition presents it in a new, unparalleled light complete with 15 new illustrations by the author. With the advent of new forms of communication, continuous streams of information, and social media, the Codex is more relevant and timely than ever. A limited numbered deluxe edition, bound in real cloth and presented in a handsome slipcase, is also available. It includes a signed print of a new illustration made by the author to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the death in 1321 of Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s greatest writers and creator of The Divine Comedy.

1000 illustrations for children
21,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
1000 illustrations for children
21,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Discover beautiful and inspiring illustrations from children's stories in 1,000 Illustrations for Children! Colorful, whimsical drawings fill the pages, brought to you by expert contributors from around the world, including: -Wolf Erlbruch (Germany) -Julia Wauters (France) -Nadia Budde (Germany) -Marije Tolman (The Netherlands) -Kitty Crowther (Belgium) -Suzy Lee (Korea) -Komako Sakai (Japan) -Owen Davey (UK) -Oliver Jeffers (USA) -Renato Moriconi (Brazil) -Rilla Alexander (Australia) -And many others

Graffiti 365
21,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Graffiti 365
21,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Graffiti 365 delivers the first real insider's view into the contemporary graffiti and street-art scenes, as well as their antecedents. A fun, wide-ranging survey of the international graffiti movement, this book uses more than 600 rare, previously u npublished, or legendary images to introduce and describe important artists--from Blade to Banksy--and styles--from bubble to wild. Along the way, Graffiti 365 covers different eras, cities, legendary walls and crews, police and public responses to g raffiti, and more. The author of Graffiti 365, J.SON, has been an artist and historian of the graffiti movement for decades--he started writing graffiti in 1973 and retired in 1984. Unparalleled in its breadth and depth of coverage, Graffiti 365 is a wide-angle snapshot of an entire movement.

František Tichý /malý/
16,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
František Tichý /malý/
16,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Kathe Kollwitz
68,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Kathe Kollwitz
68,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

An extraordinary gathering of rare drawings, prints and sculptures focusing on themes of motherhood, grief and resistance In the early 20th century, when many artists were experimenting with abstraction by way of colorful painting, Käthe Kollwitz remained committed to an art of social purpose through figurative, black-and-white printmaking and drawing. Through her work, she brought visibility to the hardships of the working class and asserted the female point of view as a necessary and powerful agent for change. Published in conjunction with the largest exhibition of her work in the United States in more than 30 years, and the first major retrospective devoted to Kollwitz at a New York museum, this book surveys the artist’s career from the 1890s through the early 1940s. It features approximately 120 drawings, prints and sculptures drawn from public and private collections in Europe and North America. Examples of the artist’s most iconic projects showcase her political engagement, while rarely seen studies and working proofs highlight her intensive, ever-searching creative process. Essays explore crucial aspects of Kollwitz’s art, career and legacy, including her professional life and connections in Berlin, her groundbreaking approach to the subject of women’s grief and her work’s reception among artists in the US. Käthe Kollwitz (1867–1945) was born in the Prussian city of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia). One of history’s most outstanding graphic artists, she was widely recognized for her art of social advocacy and compassion and was one of the few women artists of the early 20th century to achieve international renown in her own lifetime.

Seth - On Walls
37,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Seth - On Walls
37,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Seth: On Walls collects the colorful, visual universe of a globe-trotting street artist who paints with purpose. For street artist Seth, walls around the world have been canvases for resilience, a space where imagination and real-life encounters become murals of expression, dialogue, and community. Children are often a part of his work, taking him—and us—through city streets on a poetic discovery of their universe, like the rabbit hole into which Lewis Carroll’s Alice plunges. Seth: On Walls is an insightful, visual exploration of a decade of his travels and the paintings he created in locations such as the working-class districts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and the war-torn Donbas region of Ukraine. Drawing inspiration from local myths, legends, and tales, and often collaborating with other artists, Seth works within the social, political, and cultural contexts of the places he visits. Through an emphasized mixture of murals and photography, Seth captures the story of a multidimensional globe that is simultaneously fascinating and under threat. Although his work consists mostly of paintings, the photography he shares not only immortalizes the ephemerality and memory of his work but also conveys the spirit of the place and the relationship between the artwork and its environment. Seth: On Walls is a delicate illustration of the beauty and shadows of the world we live in.

František Foltýn 1891-1976
37,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
František Foltýn 1891-1976
37,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Monografie Františka Foltýna, který patří k výrazným postavám českého moderního malířství dvacátého století. Zatímco rozsáhlá fotodokumentace knihy zpřítomňuje lidský zjev malíře františka Foltýna, jeho přátel i podobu jeho výstav, obrazová část monografie soustředila 126 barevných a 49 černobýlých reprodukcí vývojově charakteristických děl.

Leonardo da Vinci
3,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Leonardo da Vinci
3,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

'In this painting of Leonardo's there was a smile so pleasing that it seemed divine rather than human.' Often called "the first art historian", Vasari writes with delight on the lives of Leonardo and other celebrated Renaissance artists . Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions. Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574). Vasari's works available in Penguin Classics are Lives of the Artists Volume I and Volume II.

Dutch and Flemish Masterworks from the Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Collection
47,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Highlights from one of the world's most impressive private collections of Dutch Golden Age masterpieces Over the past 35 years, husband-and-wife collector duo Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo have acquired an unparalleled private collection of 17th-century Dutch and Flemish paintings, representing a selection of work by the Dutch Golden Age's most important artists. This volume compiles some two dozen masterworks from the van Otterloo Collection, which was donated by the couple to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in 2017, as one of the most generous gifts in the museum's history. Included among these visually splendid paintings is one of the world's best-preserved Rembrandts, previously housed in a private collection: his 1632 piece Portrait of Aeltje Uylenburgh, which depicts its elderly sitter in dark robes and a delicate white millstone collar. Works by other Dutch Masters such as Cuyp, Rubens, Anthony van Dyck and Jan Brueghel the Elder round out the collection with a variety of pictorial subjects, from genre scenes to seascapes to still lifes. Accompanied by biographical and art historical information to provide context for the artists and their work, the series of lavish reproductions assembled in this volume invites readers to immerse themselves in the careful composition and beautiful light quality of this era's finest paintings.

Kamenne kříže Čech a Moravy
15,51 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Kamenne kříže Čech a Moravy
15,51 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Kniha představuje unikátní soupis všech dosud známých a v přírodě dochovaných kamenných křížů, známých také pod názvem smírčí kříže . Druhé, doplněné vydání.

Typewriter Art
25,18 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Typewriter Art
25,18 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The first typewriter artist to find fame was Flora F. F. Stacey, with her butterfly drawing of 1898; but since the very beginning of the typewriter's existence, artists, designers, poets and writers have used this rigorous medium to produce an astounding range of creative work. This beautiful book brings together some of the best examples by typewriter artists around the world. As well as key historical work from the Bauhaus, H. N. Werkman and the concrete poets, there is art by contemporary practitioners, both typewriter artists who use the keyboard as a 'palette' to create artworks, and artists/typographers using the form as a compositional device. The book will appeal to graphic designers, typographers, artists and illustrators, and anyone fascinated by predigital technology.

Poem of the Pillow and other stories
41,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Poem of the Pillow and other stories
41,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Shunga, such as the famous Japanese erotic pillow books, also known euphemistically as 'spring images', were vibrant, curious and explicit documents of sexual life, designed to inform, thrill and entertain. This book presents a comprehensive modern study on Japanese erotic art, illustrating a large selection of the best works from public and private collections from around the world. Far from being a separate genre, Shunga constitutes at least half of the output of all ukiyo-e art, and often the largest part of any given artist's production. Once surprising, this is now only recently beginning to be taken for granted, and the qualities usually given to the greatest masterpieces of ukiyo-e art, acclaimed for their subtlety, elegance, refinement and novel composition, are now being attributed to the blatantly pornographic images produced by the same artists. The social and religious attitudes of pre-modern Europe both prevented the appreciation of Shunga prints. The cultural context of pre-modern Japan was markedly different to that of Europe, and allowed a vibrant, uninhibited and widely circulated genre of erotic imagery to develop. Edmond de Goncourt first started to collect Japanese art works including Shunga prints, and published the first monograph on a Japanese artist in 1891. De Goncourt's interest in Utamaro gave sexualized prints particular importance, making them integral to the history of Japanese art and its reception in the Western world. Artists such as Edgar Degas, Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin among others were known for their love of Shunga prints and were influenced by the unusual framing and arbitrary colors of Japanese printing methods. Shunga notably came to the West during the Art Nouveau period when collecting Japanese prints became popular, and traces of Shunga styles and elements have visibly influenced this artistic period. The most famous and recognizable shunga work is Hokusai's depiction of a young woman being ravished by an octopus in his album "Pining for Love". Compared to Western perceptions of the nude and its associations with sex and the Christian concept of original sin, mere nakedness held little erotic interest to the Japanese viewer. This explains why Japanese erotica is so extreme in its sexual depictions and why many of the prints, paintings and scrolls illustrated in this book depict clothed or half clothed figures. Some Shunga images illustrate famous tales, while others present unrelated sequences of sexual tableaux, often depicting all ages from virginal teenagers to old married couples, as well as all types of sexual activities, be it masturbation, heterosexual, homosexual or group sex. Much if not most Shunga was published in book form, as opposed to the single sheets that dominate the 'normal' ukiyo-e market, which allowed pictures to be easily carried about and, importantly, stored unobtrusively. This is the case of Utamaro's famous album, "Poem of the Pillow", which is reproduced in this publication in its entirety, as are many albums notably by Hokusai, Harunobu, Kuniyoshi and many others. The book also illustrates some of the rarer Shunga works such as the beautiful handscrolls made by such artists as Kyonobu, Sukenobu and Shuncho. These demonstrate particularly the expressive vibrancy of color and interest in surface pattern that are aesthetically important in the Japanese print. Gian Carlo Calza's insightful text is accompanied by 350 color images, offering a great variety of examples from traditional Japanese erotica. The book comprises of a general introduction which sets the artists and their work in their social, historical and artistic context. The book is then organized by artist with a short text on each artist, introducing the illustrated works. The author references the latest in art historical scholarship, but this book is also aimed at readers who may not have specialist knowledge or extensive familiarity with Japanese culture.

Stíny souvislostí (Tvarosloví)
8,71 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Stíny souvislostí (Tvarosloví)
8,71 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Malíř (Načeradský), matematik (Nešetřil) a fotograf (Tůma) předkládají jemné předivo své spolupráce ve tvaru latentním a částečně i dekumentárním.Obrazová publikace, která je i místopisem a výletem do světa představivosti.

Masters of Drawing
37,91 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Masters of Drawing
37,91 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The book intends to show the main stages of drawing history from the beginning of 20th century, with particular regard to European development. Through a large selection of images, the reader is introduced to the knowledge of the most important artis tic schools which used drawing as part of their preparation and training for young artists. The reader is also introduced to fundamental graphic techniques and of the classifications that define thevaried areas and types of drawing

Graffiti Bible
18,99 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Graffiti Bible
18,99 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Tectum's illustrated Bible series gets another welcome addition with this new volume fully dedicated to street art. Graffiti exists in all shapes and sizes - from stencil and sticker art to old-school spray painting. It appears on bridges, walls and pavements and nowadays in art galleries! This book contains no text but more than 450 amazing colour photographs demonstrating the astonishing skills of the international graffiti artists. These images speak for themselves - and that is exactly what they were meant to do.

Fritz Kahn
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Fritz Kahn
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Anatomy of ideas The life's work of an infographics pioneer Fritz Kahn (1888-1968) was a German doctor, educator, popular science writer, and information graphics pioneer. Chased out of Germany by the Nazis, who banned and burned his books, Kahn emigrated to Palestine, then France, and finally the United States to continue his life's work. In this revised Bibliotheca Universalis edition, TASCHEN celebrates Kahn as a creative genius, particularly adept at the visualization of complex scientific ideas. In such works as Man as Industrial Palace, we see how Kahn deployed vivid visual metaphors to demystify science and how his concepts have influenced generations of scientific illustrators, visual communications specialists, and infographic artists through to today. The book features more than 350 illustrations with extensive captions, three original texts by Fritz Kahn himself, a foreword by Steven Heller, and an essay about Kahn's life and oeuvre.About the series: Bibliotheca Universalis-- Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, the name TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together nearly 100 of our all-time favorite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.Bookworm's delight -- never bore, always excite!

Understanding the World: The Atlas of Infographics
62,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Understanding the World: The Atlas of Infographics
62,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Dazzling in scale, diversity and detail, the world never ceases to open our eyes and captivate our curiosity. Ever since the earliest cave paintings, humans have looked at this Earth that is our home and endeavored to understand it. This expansive visual atlas presents the most exciting, creative and inspiring ways of explaining the world in information graphics. Divided into five chapters, the book covers the environment, technology, economics, society, and culture to reveal some of the Earth’s greatest intricacies in accessible visual form. Featuring more than 280 graphics, the collection focuses on the 21st century, but also includes historical masterpieces to put our current situation into perspective. Nigel Holmes introduces the book with an exclusive infographic of his own, whileSandra Rendgen provides an illustrated historical essay to explore how we have studied and interpreted our world over the centuries. With graphics drawn from such sources as Fortune, National Geographic, and The Guardian, this is not only a showcase of outstanding data design, but also a fascinating digest of where and how we live. The author: Sandra Rendgen studied art history and cultural studies in Berlin and Amsterdam. Her work both as an editor and in developing concepts for media installations concentrates at the interface between image culture and technology, with a particular focus on data visualization, interactive media and the history of how information is conveyed. She is the author of TASCHEN’s Information Graphics.

20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Despite numbering at just 35, his works have prompted a New York Times best seller; a film starring Scarlett Johansson and Colin Firth; record visitor numbers at art institutions from Amsterdam to Washington, DC; and special crowd-control measures at the Mauritshuis, The Hague, where thousands flock to catch a glimpse of the enigmatic and enchanting Girl with a Pearl Earring, also known as the "Dutch Mona Lisa".In his lifetime, however, the fame of Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675) barely extended beyond his native Delft and a small circle of patrons. After his death, his name was largely forgotten, except by a few Dutch art collectors and dealers. Outside of Holland, his works were even misattributed to other artists. It was not until the mid-19th century that Vermeer came to the attention of the international art world, which suddenly looked upon his narrative minutiae, meticulous textural detail, and majestic planes of light, spotted a genius, and never looked back.This edition brings our complete catalog of Vermeer's work to the compact Bibliotheca Universalis format, presenting the calm yet compelling scenes so treasured in galleries across Europe and the United States into one monograph of utmost reproduction quality. Crisp details and essays tracing Vermeer's career illuminate his remarkable ability not only to bear witness to the trends and trimmings of the Dutch Golden Age but also to encapsulate an entire story in just one transient gesture, expression, or look.

Jakub Špaňhel
44,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Jakub Špaňhel
44,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Jakub Špaňhel bezesporu patří mezi přední představitele současné české malby. Pověst mimořádného talentu, která Špaňhela provázela už za jeho studií na pražské Akademii, byla záhy po absolutoriu potvrzena několika samostatnými výstavami (Galerie hlav ního města Prahy, Národní galerie v Praze), účastí na většině významných přehlídek malby jeho generace (Perfecte Tense v Jízdárně Pražského hradu, stálá expozice Wannieck Gallery atd.). Jeho dosavadní tvorba by se dala rozdělit zhruba do dvou výrazn ě oddělených poloh, propojených společnými znaky, jako je například tíhnutí k monochromii a formální redukci nebo primární důraz na malířské kvality. Obrazy první skupiny jsou založeny na zobrazení konkrétního motivu v jeho typickém gestickém stylu. Vedle asi nejznámějšího cyklu chrámových interiérů sem patří i série aktů, květin, krajin, portrétů či v poslední době benzinových stanic a budov centrálních bank jednotlivých zemí. Prakticky ve všech případech jde o tradiční žánry, některé z nich - například akty, květiny či chrámové interiéry - se dokonce v ikonografii českého umění neobjevily dlouhá desetiletí. Za předlohu mu většinou slouží fotografie nebo reprodukce obrazu. Druhá skupina děl má minimalisticko-seriální ráz, spočívající v mec hanickém opakování jednoduchých prvků za pomoci malířského válečku, třeba "květináčů", křížků, půllitrů či plachetnic.

Wright Complete Works Vol.1
156,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Wright Complete Works Vol.1
156,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is widely considered to be the greatest American architect of all time; indeed, his work virtually ushered in the modern era and remains highly influential today. His wide-ranging and paradigm-shifting oeuvre is the sub ject of TASCHEN's three-volume monograph that covers all of his designs (numbering approximately 1100), both realized and unrealized. Made in cooperation with the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, this collection leaves no stone untur ned in examining and paying tribute to Wright's life and work. From his early Prairie Houses (typified by the Robie House) to the Usonian concept home and progressive living architecture buildings to late projects like the spiral Guggenheim Museum in New York and the development of his fantastic vision of a better tomorrow via his concept of the living city, all of the phases of Wright's career are painstakingly described and illustrated herein. Author and preeminent Wright expert Bruce Brooks P feiffer highlights the latest research and gives fresh insight into the work, providing new dating for many of the plans and houses. A plethora of personal photos gives readers a feeling of what it was like to work in Frank Lloyd Wright's fellowship, traveling each spring from Taliesin West to the old Taliesin complex in Wisconsin and returning the next fall to spend the winter in sunny Arizona again. This volume, Volume 1, covers the early Chicago years and the Prairie Houses, the period which provoked a profound influence on European architects. Wright's architectural work during these early years was mostly residential, as it would be throughout his career, and from his earliest work, Frank Lloyd Wright demonstrated a knowledge of and re spect for natural materials. In the ten years betweeen 1896 and 1906 he developed and perfected the so-called prairie house. Wright believed the architect should have complete charge of architectural design, and for him this meant interior furnishing s as well as exterior landscape. He was not often given this freedom, but the 1908 Avery Coonley residence in Riverside, Illinois is one of the finest examples. With the administration building for the Larkin Soap Company (19031905) and the Unity Te mple (1905) he could realize bigger commissions. In 1910 he worked on his famous publication Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe for the German publisher Wasmuth, which brought his ideas to a worldwide recognition. The personal tragedy of 1914 brought a shadow over his successful, but struggled life: A servant at Taliesin had set fire to the residence and murdered his mistress Mamah, her two children, a draftsman, and three workmen. But this could not stop Wright on his permanent search for a new ar chitecture.

Christopher Wool
52,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Christopher Wool
52,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

In-your-face, achingly simple, deceptively frank, the work of Christopher Wool is so very New York. Christopher Wool became known in the mid-1980s through allover paintings produced with rubber rollers commonly used to simulate decorative wallpaper patterns on walls. This title deals with Christopher Wool's work.