The Wanderer - Luca D'Andrea, Quercus Publishing
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
The Wanderer - Luca D'Andrea, Quercus Publishing
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

",A beguiling read . . .A cold-case whodunnit [and] a Shadow of the Wind-style quest", - John Dugdale, Sunday Times",Bestselling writer Luca D'Andrea has concocted a fearsome witches' brew of myth, memory and mayhem", Sunday Times Crime ClubA haunting thriller drawing on myths, legends and fairy tales, set in a mysterious Italian valley - from Italy's bestselling answer to Stephen King. ",D'Andrea piles on the action and the atmosphere with the panache of a seasoned writer", Marcel Berlins, The TimesIt begins with a slap in the face. Out walking his St Bernard, Tony Carcano is confronted by a girl on a motorbike who shows him a photograph from his past.Of him posing with the body of a young woman. Smiling. ",Why were you laughing?",It's not the last Tony sees of Sybille Knapp, an orphan whose mother drowned herself in Kreuzwirt lake in 1999.That was the official verdict. Before long, Tony, a bestselling writer, is turning his imagination to working out what really happened. But Kreuzwirt is a sullen, silent community, loyal to the powerful Perkman family, who will stop at nothing to keep the truth buried.And there are other forces at work in this valley. Stories of an ancient evil. Whispers of a figure who stands between this world and the next.The Wanderer sings and his song is the wind. Translated from the Italian by Katherine Gregor

Zlaté české pohádky - Lucie Lomová
16,03 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Zlaté české pohádky - Lucie Lomová
16,03 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Přední česká autorka komiksů vytvořila tuto půvabnou knížku, ve které najdete pět klasických českých pohádek, a navíc ještě něco o jejich původu. Komiksové zpracování přibližuje moderním, svižným a vysoce estetickým způsobem bohatost českých lidových pohádek. Jemný, srozumitelný, poetický styl Lucie Lomové, renomované ilustrátorky a autorky komiksů pro děti i dospělé zaručuje, že tyto pohádky úspěšně představí českou pohádkovou tradici. Pohádky: Dlouhý, Široký a Bystrozraký, Dvojčata, Otesánek, Obuchu, hýbej se, Rozum a štěstí.

První žena na kole kolem světa - Annie Londonderry 1894-1895 - Zheutlin Peter
15,62 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Kdo vlastně byla první žena, která objela svět na kole? Do současnosti se o ní u nás nikdo nezmínil ani slovem. A to přesto, že byla v Americe jednou z nejslavnějších žen 19. století. Byla volnomyšlenkářkou spojující v sobě sportovkyni, odvážnou obchodnici a světoběžnici.Onou první ženou, která na bicyklu obkroužila zeměkouli, byla Annie „Londonderry“ Cohen Kopchovsky. Narodila se jako Annie Cohen v židovské rodině v Rize v dnešním Lotyšsku v roce 1870 a emigrovala do Spojených států s rodiči ještě jako dítě. V osmnácti letech se provdala za Maxe Kopchovského a měla s ním v následujících čtyřech letech tři děti.V roce 1894 opustila dočasně manžela a své malé děti ve věku 5, 3 a 2 roky a odstartovala 25. června v Bostonu před davem 500 lidí. Jejím cílem bylo objet zeměkouli v čase 15 měsíců a vydělat si tím 5000 dolarů. Cestou vyměnila vlající sukni a korzet za pánské podkasané kalhoty sahající pod kolena a svůj ženský 42 liber vážící bicykl Columbia zaměnila za pánský Sterling vážící pouhých 21 liber. Kvůli zimě stočila směr své cesty více na východ a poté už směřovala do Evropy. Do francouzského Le Havre připlula 3. prosince 1894. Přes mnohé byrokratické překážky Londonderry vzpomínala, že její cesta přes Francii byla vrcholem jejího putování. I přes to, že byla severně od Marseille přepadena a okradena. Z Paříže na jih země se přesunula za dva týdny. Přepravila se parníkem přes Středozemní moře do Egypta, kde podnikla krátké výlety. Pak pokračovala do Jeruzaléma, do současného Jemenu a přes Ceylon stále na východ až do Singapuru. Přes Koreu se dostala do Japonska a z Jokohamy se plavila lodí zpět na americký kontinent do San Franciska. Cestou si musela v hlavních městech obstarávat podpisy amerických konzulů, aby dokázala, že země skutečně navštívila.Do San Franciska připlula 23. března 1895 a pokračovala do Los Angeles a na sever do Denveru. Během cesty měla četné obecenstvo, které o ní často vyprávělo někdy až smyšlené příběhy. Někteří se dokonce ptali, zda je vůbec žena. Do Bostonu dorazila s velkou slávou 24. září 1895, opravdu 15 měsíců poté, co ho opustila. I přes kritiku, že cestovala více s kolem než na něm, dokázala, že byla impozantní cyklistkou. Nebyl to jen fyzický výkon, nebyla to jen zkouška psychické odolnosti a odvahy ženy, byl to test schopností postarat se sama o sebe v tehdejším světě. Její počin byl později popsán v listu New York World jako „jedna z nejpozoruhodnějších cest, kterou kdy žena podnikla“.Kniha vyšla v USA teprve před nedávnem, přesto v ní autor Peter Zheutlin poutavě popisuje příběh starý bezmála sto dvacet let. Čirou náhodou se mu podařilo zachránit sbírku diapozitivů, které Annie poslala z cesty domů a dokonce vypátral její vnučku Mary.vychází poprvé v českém překladu s dobovými fotografiemi

Mirumilovné myšlenky - Gabriela Čanigová
5,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Mirumilovné myšlenky - Gabriela Čanigová
5,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Malá kniha úspěšné autorky, v níž jsou uvedeny afirmace pro pozitivní myšlenky a motivační úkoly. Záleží jak chce čtenář vidět svůj život a svět kolem sebe. Myšlenky si totiž tvoříme sami ve své hlavě tím, jakým způsobem na sebe a kolem sebe hledíme. Pozitivní přístup a udržování čistých myšlenek přispěje k tomu, že budete s úsměvem a radostí žít.

Sankcie zamestnávateľa - Marek Švec, Andrea Olšovská
16,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Sankcie zamestnávateľa - Marek Švec, Andrea Olšovská
16,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Klasický proces sankcionovania či „trestania" zamestnancov za porušenie pracovnej disciplíny alebo neuspokojivé plnenie pracovných úloh zo strany zamestnávateľa nie je v pracovnoprávnej úprave zakotvený. Hoci Zákonník práce upravuje určitý proces pri riešení porušenia pracovnej disciplíny či neuspokojivého plnenia pracovných úloh, je nastavený všeobecne a stroho, a preto si aplikačná prax vytvára podrobnejšie upravené procesy pre sankcionovanie zamestnancov. Tento proces je často prísne individualizovaný na podnikovej úrovni, keďže zohľadňuje špecifiká daného zamestnávateľa a pracovného prostredia.Autorský kolektív preto pripravil publikáciu, ktorá sa primárne zameriava na vedenie disciplinárneho procesu u zamestnávateľov vrátane ukladania sankcií zamestnancom bez skončenia pracovného pomeru. Predmetom odborného výkladu sú situácie, keď zamestnávatelia ukladajú zamestnancom iné druhy a formy sankcií, ako je skončenie pracovného pomeru podľa príslušných ustanovení Zákonníka práce. Autori zároveň poukazujú aj na príklady nesprávnej aplikačnej praxe vyskytujúcej sa u zamestnávateľov.Publikácia je určená pre odborníkov, ktorí prichádzajú do každodenného kontaktu s realizáciou individuálnych a kolektívnych pracovnoprávnych vzťahov, personálnym riadením, HR agendou, či nastavujú motivačné procesy pre zamestnancov.

Rok ušatého Majka - Rezková, Lukáš Urbánek Milada
20,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Rok ušatého Majka - Rezková, Lukáš Urbánek Milada
20,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Čus rámus, křiklouni!Víte, jaké je nejuřvanější zvíře na světě? Čemu zvukaři říkají klopák? Kdo letí vzduchem rychleji? Letadlo, nebo písnička? Je cool poslouchat rádio? Funguje v budově Českého rozhlasu páternoster? A proč má Majk tak veliké uši?Tohle je knížka, která vás provede světem zvuku, rámusu, hluku, randálu, hřmotu, brajglu, bugru, rambajzu, halasu, rachotu a rozruchu. Dozvíte se, kde se bere, kudy leze člověku do hlavy nebo jak se ho lidé naučili reprodukovat. A teď to nejdůležitější. Také se tu dočtete, jak založit kapelu!Kniha je plná drobných příběhů, veselých komiksů a návodů, jak si ledacos vyzkoušet.Je to hlasitá jízda a legrace. Takže volume doprava a hurá na to!

Blacksmithing Techniques (Ares Jose Antonio)
32,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Blacksmithing Techniques (Ares Jose Antonio)
32,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

The perfect resource for starting work in metal forging, this guide introduces the traditional techniques from a modern perspective. It focuses on the basics, and includes classic procedures of the craft like punching and bending, as well as modern processes such as plasma cutting, heating with a blowtorch, or the use of manual power tools. With clear instructions and over 500 detailed full-color photos throughout, the book introduces the craft's materials and tools, from the raw material (iron and steel), to the fuels, to the forge and its accessories. Next, basic techniques in eight key subject areas are taught step by step. The book includes instructions for ten creative projects ranging from a cold-forged table trivet to a candelabra, and even a large sculpture applying industrial processes. A creativity-inspiring photo gallery features a selection of pieces by artists

World Population and Human Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Lutz Wolfgang)
228,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

This book addresses systematically and quantitatively the role of educational attainment in global population trends and models. Six background chapters summarize past trends in fertility, mortality, migration, and education; examine relevant theories and identify key determining factors; and set the assumptions that are subsequently translated into alternative scenario projections to 2100. These assumptions derive from a global survey of hundreds of experts and five expert meetings on as many continents. Another chapter details their translation into multi-dimensional projections by age, sex, and level of education. The book's final chapters analyse the results, emphasizing alternative trends in human capital, new ways of studying ageing and the quantification of alternative population, and education pathways in the context of global sustainable development. An appendix and associated

Ancient Greece and the Olympics (Osborne Mary Pope)
6,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Ancient Greece and the Olympics (Osborne Mary Pope)
6,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

The #1 bestselling chapter book series of all time celebrates 25 years with new covers and a new, easy-to-use numbering system Getting the facts behind the fiction has never looked better. Track the facts with Jack and Annie When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #16: Hour of the Olympics, they had lots of questions. What did the ancient Greeks wear? What did they do for fun? Where were the very first Olympics held? How are our modern Olympics similar to the ancient Olympics? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts. Filled with up-to-date information, photos, illustrations, and fun tidbits from Jack and Annie, the Magic Tree House Fact Trackers are the perfect way for kids to find out more about the topics they discovered in their favorite Magic Tree House adventures. And teachers can use Fact

Understanding English: Vocabulary (Matchett Carol)
6,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Understanding English: Vocabulary (Matchett Carol)
6,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Understanding English is a series of topic-based study books for children in Key Stage 2, providing rigorous practice of key subject areas. Vocabulary covers the following areas: verbs and adverbs, nouns, adjectives, using a dictionary, synonyms, antonyms, and figurative

New GCSE Maths OCR Workbook: Foundation - For the Grade 9-1 Course (CGP Books)
6,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

New GCSE Maths OCR Workbook: Foundation - for the Grade 9-1

All the Days and Nights (Govinden Niven)
8,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
All the Days and Nights (Govinden Niven)
8,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

From the author of 'Black Bread White

Scarlet Sisters (Batten Helen)
12,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Scarlet Sisters (Batten Helen)
12,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

When Helen Batten's marriage breaks down, she starts on a journey of discovery into her family's past and the mysteries surrounding her enigmatic nanna's early life. What she unearths is a tale of five feisty red heads struggling to climb out of poverty and find love through two world

Highly Intuitive People (Sawyer Heidi)
13,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Highly Intuitive People (Sawyer Heidi)
13,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Do you struggle with small talk and prefer deep conversation? Are you extremely sensitive to other people's moods? Do people describe you as highly perceptive? This book is suitable for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed as a result of their natural intuitive abilities and wants to know how they got them, what they're for and how best to use

Grass, Soil, Hope (White Courtney)
15,08 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Grass, Soil, Hope (White Courtney)
15,08 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

This book tackles an increasingly crucial question: What can we do about the seemingly intractable challenges confronting all of humanity today, including climate change, global hunger, water scarcity, environmental stress, and economic instability? The quick answers are: Build topsoil. Fix creeks. Eat meat from pasture-raised animals. Scientists maintain that a mere 2 percent increase in the carbon content of the planet's soils could offset 100 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions going into the atmosphere. But how could this be accomplished? What would it cost? Is it even possible? Yes, says author Courtney White, it is not only possible, but essential for the long-term health and sustainability of our environment and our economy. Right now, the only possibility of large-scale removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere is

Poetry Please: Love Poems (Poets Various)
10,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Poetry Please: Love Poems (Poets Various)
10,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Features poets from across the ages who lead us on a journey of love in its many forms. From Shakespeare to Rossetti, Keats to Auden, Byron to Browning and beyond, as well as a host of contemporary voices including Wendy Cope, Simon Armitage and Carol Ann Duffy, this title presents love

PYP L4 Home Sweet Home single
8,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
PYP L4 Home Sweet Home single
8,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Fiction, PYP Level

Peril (Stirling Joss)
14,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Peril (Stirling Joss)
14,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

There are gifts you do not want. Mine has marked me out to be hunted. Now I am the last of my kind. Because I see peril. Seventeen-year-old Meri Marlowe is the last of her kind. Able to see peril - a colour in the UV spectrum - she is hunted by mortal enemies who will settle for nothing less than the end of her race. After losing her American parents, she has been on the run for years and is now hiding out in a climate-changed London with her guardian, Theo. Kel Douglas is one of an ancient people whose skin is covered in peril-coloured patterns when they come of age. By day he is an ordinary student, the rest of the time he is bodyguard to the heir to the throne. That's until he meets Meri. First book in a new series set in the near future. Perfect for fans of the Hunger Games or the Starcrossed

Five Great German Short Stories: A Dual-Language Book (Appelbaum Stanley)
13,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

In the 19th century, in the hands of such writers as Heinrich von Kleist and E. T. A. Hoffmann, the short story established itself as one of the most expressive and characteristic genres in German literature. Twentieth-century authors such as Arthur Schnitzler, Thomas Mann, and Franz Kafka continued to deepen and strengthen the tradition.Now five of the finest German short stories -- each a well-known pinnacle of the author's art -- have been specially chosen for this dual-language edition. Reprinted here in the order of their original publication, the stories are: Heinrich von Kleist's "The Earthquake in Chile," E. T. A. Hoffmann's "The Sandman," Arthur Schnitzler's "Lieutenant Gustl," Thomas Mann's "Tristan," and Franz Kafka's "The Judgment."For each selection, the editor has supplied complete literal English translations on facing pages, along with an introduction to each story and a

Edible Forest Gardens: 2 Volume Set (Jacke Dave)
116,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Edible Forest Gardens: 2 Volume Set (Jacke Dave)
116,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Edible Forest Gardens is a groundbreaking two-volume work that spells out and explores the key concepts of forest ecology and applies them to the needs of natural gardeners in temperate climates. Volume I lays out the vision of the forest garden and explains the basic ecological principles that make it work. In Volume II, Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier move on to practical considerations: concrete ways to design, establish, and maintain your own forest garden. Along the way they present case studies and examples, as well as tables, illustrations, and a uniquely valuable "plant matrix" that lists hundreds of the best edible and useful species. Taken together, the two volumes of Edible Forest Gardens offer an advanced course in ecological gardening-one that will forever change the way you look at plants and your environment. What is an edible

Two Steps Forward: A Story of Persevering in Hope (Brown Sharon Garlough)
15,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

The women from Sensible Shoes are taking their next steps in the spiritual formation journey. But each of them is finding roadblocks along the way. Meg, a widow and recent empty-nester, is off to see her daughter in London. But what does hope look like when nothing goes as planned? Charissa, a conscientious graduate student, is battling to let go of control and embrace her unexpected pregnancy. But what does hope look like when transformation is slow? Hannah, a pastor on sabbatical, is trying to find her equilibrium with rest and a new relationship. But what does hope look like when old grief keeps resurfacing? Mara, a wife and mother, longs for her difficult family life to improve. But what does hope look like when tension escalates and circumstances only get worse? Sometimes life feels like two steps forward and one step back. Find your own spiritual journey reflected in the lives of

Hormonal (Haselton Martie)
13,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Hormonal (Haselton Martie)
13,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Provocative, ground-breaking and entertaining, the world's leading expert on sexuality and the ovulation cycle reveals the hidden intelligence of

Brave New World (Huxley Aldous)
12,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Brave New World (Huxley Aldous)
12,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Now more than ever: Aldous Huxley's enduring "masterpiece ... one of the most prophetic dystopian works of the 20th century" (Wall Street Journal) must be read and understood by anyone concerned with preserving the human spirit in the face of our "brave new world"Aldous Huxley's profoundly important classic of world literature, Brave New World is a searching vision of an unequal, technologically-advanced future where humans are genetically bred, socially indoctrinated, and pharmaceutically anesthetized to passively uphold an authoritarian ruling order--all at the cost of our freedom, full humanity, and perhaps also our souls. "A genius who] who spent his life decrying the onward march of the Machine" (The New Yorker), Huxley was a man of incomparable talents: equally an artist, a spiritual seeker,

Holiday In The Hamptons (Morgan Sarah)
9,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Holiday In The Hamptons (Morgan Sarah)
9,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

`The literary equivalent of an ice cream on a summer afternoon' - Daily Express 'An absolute delight.' - Veronica Henry She's moved

Bad Mermaids (Pounder Sibeal)
7,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Bad Mermaids (Pounder Sibeal)
7,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Mermaid Beattie and her best friends, Mimi and Zelda, are swimming home from their fortnight living on land - with legs. But Swirlyshell Lagoon is not the same bustling, shell-studded metropolis they left. Arabella Cod, Queen of the Mermaids, has gone missing and the mysterious Dradlina Swamp has seized power. Her army of piranha patrol the highways and every mermaid in town is at her mercy. Can Beattie, Brie and Zelda stop her and find the Queen of the Mermaids? The answer is more complicated than you might think!Filled with magical mysteries, fabulous fashion, and a serious piranha problem, Bad Mermaids brings a whole new twist to the underwater world of mermaids. If you enjoyed The Little Mermaid, you'll love this

By the Spear (Worthington Ian (Curators' Professor of History and Adjunct Professor of Classical Studies University of Missouri))
12,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Alexander the Great, arguably the most exciting figure from antiquity, waged war as a Homeric hero and lived as one, conquering native peoples and territories on a superhuman scale. From the time he invaded Asia in 334 to his death in 323, he expanded the Macedonian empire from Greece in the west to Asia Minor, the Levant, Egypt, Central Asia and "India" (Pakistan and Kashmir) in the east. Although many other kings and generals forged empires, Alexander produced one that was without parallel, even if it was short-lived. And yet, Alexander could not have achieved what he did without the accomplishments of his father, Philip II (r. 359-336). It was Philip who truly changed the course of Macedonian history, transforming a weak, disunited, and economically backward kingdom into a military powerhouse. A warrior king par excellence, Philip left Alexander with the greatest army in the

Postharvest (Wills Ron (Emeritus Professor University of Newcastle Australia))
48,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Completely updated, this broad-based introductory level textbook covers the key concepts and practical technologies to slow the deterioration of harvested produce, including handling, packaging, transport, temperature management and the control of pests and

Rumi's Little Book of Love and Laughter (Barks Coleman (Coleman Barks))
14,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Rowdy, ecstatic, and sometimes stern, these teaching stories and fables reveal new and very human properties in Rumi's vision. Included here are the notorious "Latin parts" that Reynold Nicholson felt were too unseemly to appear in English in his 1920s translation. For Rumi, anything that human beings do--however compulsive--affords a glimpse into the inner life.Here are more than 40 fables or teaching stories that deal with love, laughter, death, betrayal, and the soul. The stories are exuberant, earthy, and bursting with vitality--much like a painting by Hieronymus Bosch or Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales." The characters are guilty, lecherous, tricky, ribald, and finally possessors of opened souls.Barks writes: "These teaching stories are a kind of scrimshaw--intricately carved, busy figures, confused and threatening, and weirdly funny.This is an entertaining collection from one of the

HSK Standard Course 3 - Teacher's Book (Liping Jiang)
18,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
HSK Standard Course 3 - Teacher's Book (Liping Jiang)
18,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Build a Giant Poster Coloring Book - United States Map (Zourelias Diana)
5,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Prepare to form a more perfect union when you color these pictures of all 50 states and assemble them into an enormous map. Twenty-four individual pages include capitals, fun facts, and whimsical images of regional landmarks. Each page is unbacked and perforated for easy removal. The complete map, which measures 44 x 471/4 inches, is shown on the inside back