Sametová diplomacie - 0
13,29 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Sametová diplomacie - 0
13,29 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Dana Huňátová působila od 11. 12. 1989 coby vedoucí kabinetu nově jmenovaného ministra zahraničí Jiřího Dienstsbiera. Na základě vlastních deníkových zápisů popisuje podrobně zákulisí vzniku čs. zahraniční politiky, a vzpomíná, jaké renomé tehdy naše země ve světě měla. Zmiňuje nejen úspěchy, ale i směry, které nakonec neuspěly. Odkrývá kořeny politických rozporů, např. mezi ministry Dienstbierem a Václavem Klausem. Závěrečné slovo je z pera Madeleine Albrightové, s kterou se autorka knihy osobně znala.

Pejsek Tom a jeho trampoty - Petr Šulc
8,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Pejsek Tom a jeho trampoty - Petr Šulc
8,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Pro zvídavé předškoláky a žáky 1. třídy nabízíme obrázkové čtení. Knížka Pejsek Tom a jeho trampoty je volným pokračováním velmi úspěšné a dětmi oblíbené knihy Pejsek Tom a jak to začalo. Půvabné ilustrace doplňují krátké a zábavné příběhy z psího života. Knížka je určena nejmenším čtenářům, proto je text psaný velkým písmem. Některá slova v textu jsou nahrazena obrázky, které má malý čtenář správně pojmenovat, a doplnit tak maminku či tatínka při čtení příběhů.Publikace jsou vhodné pro děti od 6 let. Publikace v knižní vazbě je vhodná jako dáreček pod stromeček nebo jen tak. :)

Zdravotní vodohospodářské stavby - Pavel Chejnovský
15,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Zdravotní vodohospodářské stavby - Pavel Chejnovský
15,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Předkládaná učebnice, která je určena pro 3.ročník středních odborných škol stavebních, je zpracována v souladu s rámcovým vzdělávacím č. 36-47-M/001 Stavebnictví, zaměření vodohospodářské stavby, a s učebními plány a osnovami předmětu Zdravotní vodohospodářské stavby. Z celé šíře spektra zdravotních vodohospodářských staveb učebnice zahrnuje pouze oblast dopravy a rozvodu vody v rámci veřejných vodovodů a odváděných odpadních vod v rámci veřejných kanalizací. Ve výpočtových částech v obou tématických celcích jsou uplatňovány poznatky získané v předmětu hydrologie a hydraulika, v ostatních částech poznatky získané v předmětech geologie a zakládání staveb, stavební materiály, stavební konstrukce a stavební mechanika.

Jedu na Ukrajinu - Hlocká Taťána
12,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Jedu na Ukrajinu - Hlocká Taťána
12,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

V létě 2006 se dvě kamarádky vypravily na Ukrajinu. Vyrazily osobním automobilem, který po celou cestu familiérně oslovují Audinko, a také přibírají pohanskou bohyni Kotys, jež je zvolena patronkou této cesty do neznámých krajů. Záměr poznat velký kus Ukrajiny se daří naplnit, stejně jako je úspěšné hledání kořenů autorky, jejích rodinných vazeb i osobního prožitku. Kamarádka Vanda je svébytná osobnost a šťavnatě komentuje kde co, čímž i ty banální postřehy povyšuje do humorných sfér. Děje se mnohem víc, než se dalo tušit a množí se takzvané náhody. Co dvě Češky během několika málo dnů na Ukrajině prožívají, nese pečeť vřelosti a vroucnosti, obdobně jako je tomu i v přístupu většiny tamních lidí k nim.

Nevidím ani tmu - CD
22,74 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Nevidím ani tmu - CD
22,74 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Šest žen a šest neskutečných příběhů o síle, kterou v sobě musely nalézt, aby překonaly svá trápení a dokázaly jít dál. Jak dítě ovlivňuje prostředí rodiny? Pomáhá lidem v životě víra? Jaké náhody mohou zasáhnout do života a zcela ho změnit? Na někoho je toho naloženo tolik, že si říkáme, jak to jen může unést? Kniha Aleše Palána přibližuje osudy žen, které si v životě vytáhly černého Petra. Michaela Pazourková. Nic si neulehčuje, spíš naopak. Svou přímočarostí a tvrdostí vůči cizím lidem si vydobyla respekt mafie, ale v osobním životě už taková není a celý život na to doplácí. Čte Pavla Beretová Denisa Halašová. Sám autor říká, že očekává plody za horizontem. Přes své zdravotní obtíže se na svět dívá optimisticky a mnozí o ní mluví jako o "sluníčku", přestože si zdravotně prošla a prochází doslova peklem. Čte Vanda Hybnerová Jana Vinklerová. S manželem musela přestát ztrátu syna. Vedle pocitů, které tuto tragickou událost doprovázejí, popisuje i snahu o zjištění pravdy. Dodnes však neví, co se synovi stalo. Čte Jitka Smutná Sieglinde Kraliková. Přesto, že je německé národnosti, zůstala v Čechách i po konci druhé světové války. Soužití s místními v pohraničí však nebylo jednoduché, ale ona nezahořkla a dodnes dělá vše pro to, aby se rány mezi Čechy a Němci zacelily. Čte Hana Kofránková Apolena. Ani ona nežije lehký život a ti, kteří jí měli být nejbližší a chránit ji, selhali. I kvůli tomu ve svých skoro šestnácti letech po pádu z půdy oslepla. Ale to nejsou jediné fyzické (a psychické) šrámy. Přesto je samostatná a její příběh může napomoci ostatním. Čte Pavla Vojáčková Aneta Tomanová. Věkově nejmladší, ale za svůj zatím krátký život toho prožila víc, než její vrstevníci. Nevhodné domácí prostředí, drogy i pasťák ji dovedly na okraj propasti. Zjistila však, že tudy cesta nevede a snaží se intenzivně znovu začlenit do společnosti. Čte Marie Štípková

Apollo 69 - Juraj 8X
10,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Apollo 69 - Juraj 8X
10,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Opakuj tie pohyby a ver mi. Daj mi viac, najviac, celú seba. Rytmus chodníka a zápach sídliska. Tvárim sa, že nič. Bolo slovo a Ty sa tváriš, že u Teba. Pocity z ľavej komory náhle tečú do pravej. Predný náhon a zadné kolesá. Nebesá. Kto to nepozná? Tak o tom je ôsma kniha poézie Juraja 8X. APOLLO 69 v sprievode obrazov Igora Piačku.

Detoxikuj život - Barbora Englischová
14,58 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Detoxikuj život - Barbora Englischová
14,58 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Kniha, která vznikala formou blogových článků a zápisků v projektu Detoxikuj život vám otevírá možnost změnit to, co žijete. Mnoho lidí má mylný dojem, že pokud jejich život neprobíhá podle jejich představ, musí to tak zůstat napořád.A tak často spílají osudu za vše, co se jim nelíbí. Nadávají na lidi, kteří jim podrážejí nohy a kritizují situace, které jim komplikují žití. Časem už zcela automaticky fungují v roli oběti. Jenže co když je to jinak?Co když můžete svou realitu změnit nezávisle na tom, co vidíte kolem sebe?Co když můžete vytvořit život podle svých tajných představ, i když vám ostatní tvrdí opak?Co když opravdu máte odpovědnost za vše, co ve vašem životě máte (ano i za to, co vás drtí a trápí) a je nutné to přijmout, abyste mohli od zítřka vědomě vytvořit to, CO CHCETE?

Kašpárek česky mluvící pohádky plyš - autor neuvedený
38,81 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Kašpárek česky mluvící pohádky plyš - autor neuvedený
38,81 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Plyšový kašpárek vypráví česky 3 klasické pohádky - Zlatovláska, Popelka, O šípkové Růžence. Stiskem barevného puntíku spustíte pohádku, stisknete-li tlačítko podruhé, pohádku zastavíte, a stisknete-li ještě jednou, pohádka bude pokračovat tam, kde jste ji zastavili. 53 minut pohádek Rozměr kašpárka: 30 cm Rozměr krabice: 26 x 36 x 15 cm Vhodné od 3 let

Undoctored: The brand new No 1 Sunday Times bestseller from the author of ´This Is Going To Hurt´ - Kay Adam
15,62 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

THE NO. 1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERThis is Going to Hurt was the publishing phenomenon of the century, read by many millions, loved by at least fifty of them, and adapted into a major TV series. But it was only part of the story. By turns hilarious, heartbreaking and humbling, Undoctored is about what happens when a doctor hangs up his scrubs, but medicine refuses to let go of him.It's about an extraordinary medical school education. It's about opening old wounds and examining the present-day scars.It's about hospital admissions and personal ones. It's about blowing up your life and stitching it back together.It's about being a doctor and being a patient.It's about 300 pages long. Undoctored is Adam Kay's funniest and most moving book yet - an astonishing portrait of a life in and out of medicine, from one of Britain's finest storytellers.

1000 Portrait Illustrations - Julia Schonlau, Quarry Books
21,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
1000 Portrait Illustrations - Julia Schonlau, Quarry Books
21,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

In this beautiful addition to the 1,000 series, 1,000 Portrait Illustrations showcases the best work from renowned artists from across the globe. With detailed profiles, extensive interviews, and gorgeous imagery, this book is a feast of creativity. Featured artists include:• Randy Glass:• David Fullarton:• Ward Schumaker:• Sam Wolfe:• Kyungduk Kim:• Sharmila Banerjee:• Jenny Morgan:• Kelly Thompson:• And many others.Explore a diverse range of artistic talent in portraiture and become truly inspired by this stunning collection!

Staring at God: Britain in the Great War - autor neuvedený
32,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Staring at God: Britain in the Great War - autor neuvedený
32,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

The Great War evokes images of barbed wire and mud-filled trenches, and of the carnage of the Somme and Passchendaele, but it also involved change on the home front on an almost revolutionary scale. In his hugely ambitious and deeply researched new book, Simon Heffer explores how Britain was drawn into this slaughter, and was then transformed to fight a war in which, at times, its very future seemed in question. After a vivid account of the fraught conversations between Whitehall and Britain's embassies across Europe as disaster loomed in July 1914, Heffer explains why a government so desperate to avoid conflict found itself championing it.He describes the high politics and low skulduggery that saw the principled but passive Asquith replaced as prime minister by the unscrupulous but energetic Lloyd George, and he unpicks the arguments between politicians and generals about how to prosecute the war, which raged until the final offensive. He looks at the impact of four years of struggle on everyday life as people sought to cope with dwindling stocks of food and essential supplies, with conscription into the Army or wartime industries, with air-raids and with the ever-present threat of bereavement, and, in Ireland, with the political upheaval that followed the Easter Rising. And he shows how, in the spring of 1918, political obstinacy and incompetence saw all this sacrifice almost thrown away.Throughout, he complements his analysis with vivid portraits of the men and women who shaped British life during the war - soldiers such as Lord Kitchener, politicians such as Churchill, pacifists such as Lady Ottoline Morrell, and overmighty subjects such as the press magnate Lord Northcliffe. The result is a richly nuanced picture of an era that endured suffering and loss on an appalling scale but that also advanced the emancipation of women, notions of better health care and education, and pointed the way to a less deferential, more egalitarian future.

Becoming Henry Moore - Hannah Higham, Sebastiano Barassi, Art/Books
27,50 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Becoming Henry Moore - Hannah Higham, Sebastiano Barassi, Art/Books
27,50 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Coinciding with the fortieth anniversary of the Henry Moore Foundation, and accompanying an exhibition of the same name, Becoming Henry Moore tells the story of the artist’s creative journey between 1914 and 1930, from gifted schoolboy to celebrated sculptor. Displaying artistic skill and ambition from a young age, Moore spent his early years studying the art of the past and of his contemporaries, absorbing a wide variety of sculptural ideas and forms as he developed his own individual and now iconic style. Sebastiano Barassi presents a lively account of this formative period, from Moore’s time at Castleford Secondary School, where his talent was first spotted, through his active service in the First World War and student life at Leeds School of Art, and culminating with his move to the Royal College of Art in London and subsequent entry into the world of contemporary sculpture. What is revealed is a rich story of friendships, mentors, collectors and a range of artistic influences, from classical and non-Western art to Renaissance and modern masters and dialogues with other leading figures from the British and European avant-gardes. Moore’s encounters with collections both public and private and the importance of ancient art in his development are brought to life by contributions from Tania Moore and Jon Wood, who show not only how these experiences were critical in the formation of the artist’s early style, but also how they continued to inform his work for the rest of his career. Richly illustrated with sculptures, drawings and photographs from his life, and including a chronology of the early years, this book shows the myriad influences at play as Henry Moore took his first steps on the path to becoming Britain’s foremost modern sculptor.

The New Paris - Lindsey Tramuta, Charissa Fay, Abrams
24,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
The New Paris - Lindsey Tramuta, Charissa Fay, Abrams
24,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

The city long-adored for its medieval vestiges, old-timey brasseries, and corner cafes has even more to offer today. In the last few years, a flood of new ideas and new residents has infused a once-static, traditional city with a new open-minded sensibility and energy. Journalist Lindsey Tramuta offers detailed insight into the rapidly evolving worlds of food, wine, pastry, coffee, beer, fashion, and design in the delightful city of Paris. Tramuta puts the spotlight on the new trends and people that are making France's capital a more whimsical, creative, vibrant, and curious place to explore than its classical reputation might suggest. With hundreds of striking photographs that capture this fresh, animated spirit, The New Paris shows us the storied City of Light as never before.

9,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
9,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

The Recital Books congratulate students for a job well done by providing correlated repertoire to their Lesson Books that are based on concepts they've already learned. As a result, the pieces are quickly mastered. Recital Book Level 4 comprises mostly arrangements of familiar tunes like "'Country Gardens" and "Amazing Grace," and a few new originals as

Diving and Snorkelling Ascension Island (Colley Paul)
14,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Diving and Snorkelling Ascension Island (Colley Paul)
14,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Ascension is an isolated and unique location with caves, tunnels, lava flows, wrecks and rich marine life. This, the first detailed diving and snorkelling guide to the island is both an excellent aid to planning dives and the perfect memento of

New Cambridge Paragraph Bible with Apocrypha KJ590:TA
40,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
New Cambridge Paragraph Bible with Apocrypha KJ590:TA
40,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Edited by David Norton, this important scholarly edition presents a revised KJV text based on a thorough evaluation of textual variants in current renderings as well as the extant notes of the 1611 Translators. The text itself is presented in paragraph form, with marginal notes, and adopts modern conventions of spelling and punctuation to make it easy to read and use. The New Cambridge Paragraph Bible was originally published in 2005 in a large format and, like the original King James Bible and successive editions until the nineteenth century, included the Apocrypha. As it has become known in the marketplace, a demand has become apparent for this Bible in a smaller, more manageable format. Its is therefore now being issued in Personal Size editions, either with or without the Apocrypha. This particular Bible includes the Apocrypha and comes in

Indian Summer (Willett Marcia)
10,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Indian Summer (Willett Marcia)
10,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

For Kit, the quiet Devon village she visits every year is the perfect retreat. But this summer, she arrives with a heart in turmoil: years have passed since Kit last saw Jake, but now he has written asking to meet

Mariel of Redwall (Jacques Brian)
9,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Mariel of Redwall (Jacques Brian)
9,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

The mousemaid Mariel is washed up on the shores of Mossflower country, half-drowned, battered and bruised but still alive! She has no idea of her identity but her incredible story of badger lords, fighting hares and Gabool the Wild Warlord of the Waters gradually unfolds and helps Redwall Abbey in its latest battle against evil sea rats

To The Last Round (Salmon Andrew)
14,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
To The Last Round (Salmon Andrew)
14,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

The story of the most desperate battle fought by British soldiers since World War

1914-goodbye to All That (Greenlaw Lavinia)
8,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
1914-goodbye to All That (Greenlaw Lavinia)
8,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

In this collection of essays, ten leading writers from different countries consider the conflicts that have informed their own literary lives. 1914-Goodbye to All That borrows its title from Robert Graves's "bitter leave-taking of England" in which he writes not only of the First World War but the questions it raised: how to live, how to live with each other, and how to write. Interpreting this title as broadly and ambiguously as Graves intended, these essays mark the War's centenary by reinvigorating these questions. The book includes Elif Shafak on an inheritance of silence in Turkey, Ali Smith on lost voices in Scotland, Xiaolu Guo on the 100,000 Chinese sent to the Front, Daniel Kehlmann on hypnotism in Berlin, Colm Toibin on Lady Gregory losing her son fighting for Britain as she fought for an independent Ireland, Kamila Shamsie on reimagining Karachi, Erwin Mortier on

Love on the Rocks (Henry Veronica)
9,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Love on the Rocks (Henry Veronica)
9,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

It was the opportunity of a lifetime - a rundown hotel in Cornwall, just waiting to be brought back to life... Secrets, rivalry, sunshine - from the author of THE BEACH HUT and A NIGHT ON THE ORIENT

Brian Jones (Jackson Laura)
10,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Brian Jones (Jackson Laura)
10,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

In this definitive biography of Brian Jones, Laura Jackson - the first to insist that Jones was murdered and the first to identify his killer - rejects the stereotype of a narcissistic rock star who was doomed to self-destruct. Instead, she spoke to the people who knew him best: his family and friends, girlfriends and confidantes, the musicians and friends who lived and worked with him right up until his death in 1969. Jones emerges as a man of immense talent, energy and humour, but crippled by insecurities and shyness - a portrayal greatly at odds with the sordid rumours that plagued him throughout his life, which continue to this day. Jackson provides new testimony on the rivalries within the Rolling Stones and the bitter final split, together with telling details from the pathology and coroner's reports, to tell the story behind the headlines and get to the heart of the

Fact or Fiction Behind Urban Myths (Mason Paul)
7,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Fact or Fiction Behind Urban Myths (Mason Paul)
7,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Truth or Busted's Urban Myths title explores popular myths and legends, sayings and notions in a light and humorous way that kids will find unputdownable. Such statements as 'You can get sucked down an aeroplane loo!' or 'Your fingernails keep growing after you die!' are examined, as well as where the ideas came from, whether they have any basis in truth, or whether they are simply myths. Each statement is given a TRUTH or BUSTED

District Nurses of Victory Walk (Groves Annie)
8,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
District Nurses of Victory Walk (Groves Annie)
8,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

The compelling new bestseller from the author of The Mersey Daughter and Winter on the Mersey.Alice Lake has arrived in London from Liverpool to start her training as a District Nurse, but her journey has been far from easy. Her parents think that she should settle down and get married, but she has already had her heart broken once and isn't about to make the same mistake again. Alice and her best friend Edith are based in the East End but before they've even got their smart new uniforms on, war breaks out and Hitler's bombs are raining down on London. Alice must learn to keep calm and carry on as she tends to London's sick and injured, all the time facing her own heartache and misfortune while keeping up the Spirit of the

Mindful Me: Get Outdoors: A Mindfulness Guide to Noticing Nature (Christelis Paul)
14,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Beautiful picturebook stories showing how children can use mindfulness in their

The Making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (Rinzler J. W.)
73,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
The Making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (Rinzler J. W.)
73,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

In this lavish thirtieth-anniversary tribute to the blockbuster film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, New York Times bestselling author J. W. Rinzler draws back the curtain to reveal the intense drama and magnificent wizardry behind the hit movie--arguably the fan favorite of the Star Wars Saga. Following his The Making of Star Wars, the author has once again made use of his unlimited access to the Lucasfilm Archives and its hidden treasures of previously unpublished interviews, photos, artwork, and production mementos. The result is a comprehensive behind-the-scenes, up-close-and-personal look at the trials and triumphs, risks and close calls, inspiration, perspiration, and imagination that went into every facet of this cinematic masterpiece. Here's the inside scoop on: - the evolution of the script, from story conference and treatment to

Advice for a Young Investigator (Ramon y Cajal Santiago)
21,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Advice for a Young Investigator (Ramon y Cajal Santiago)
21,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

An anecdotal guide for the perplexed new investigator as well as a refreshing resource for the old pro, covering everything from valuable personality traits for an investigator to social factors conducive to scientific work.Santiago Ramon y Cajal was a mythic figure in science. Hailed as the father of modern anatomy and neurobiology, he was largely responsible for the modern conception of the brain. His groundbreaking works were New Ideas on the Structure of the Nervous System and H istology of the Nervous System in Man and Vertebrates. In addition to leaving a legacy of unparalleled scientific research, Cajal sought to educate the novice scientist about how science was done and how he thought it should be done. This recently rediscovered classic, first published in 1897, is an anecdotal guide for the perplexed new investigator as well as a refreshing

Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World (Stamets Paul)
23,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World (Stamets Paul)
23,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

From the author of GROWING GOURMET AND MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS comes the only identification guide exclusively devoted to the world's psilocybin-containing mushrooms. Detailed descriptions and color photographs for over 100 species are provided, as well as an exploration of their long-standing (and often religious) use by ancient peoples and their continued significance to modern-day culture. Some of the species included have just been discovered in the past year or two, and still others have never before been photographed in their natural

Global to Local Curriculum Policy Processes (Ledger Susan)
155,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Global to Local Curriculum Policy Processes (Ledger Susan)
155,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

This book explores the dynamics of curriculum policy processes involved in the adoption, production and enactment of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IBPYP), accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). It addresses deficits in current literature and provides insight into and the complexities involved within a framework that takes cognisance of the relationships between global, regional, national and local levels of education policy processes. In doing so, it contributes to the current body of research on international education, remote education and policy processes. The IBPYP is one of the three programmes that go to make up the increasingly popular suite of programmes offered by the IBO. Given the exponential growth of international schools caused by an ever changing globalized world and a mobile workforce, international curriculum policy

Message of Joel, Micah, Habakkuk (Prior David)
13,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Message of Joel, Micah, Habakkuk (Prior David)
13,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024

Where is God in times of disaster? How can God allow suffering? What are God's people to do about moral decay in society? Three of the minor prophets--Joel, Micah and Habakkuk--provide insights to these problems. David Prior's passage-by-passage exposition of these three books provides careful study and measured insight and application for today's