3,47 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

‘The horrid mystery hanging over us in this house gets into my head like liquor, and makes me wild.’ Centred around a glorious yellow diamond that carries with it a menacing history, The Moonstone tells the story of Rachel Verinder, who inherits the stone on her eighteenth birthday. That very evening, the diamond is stolen and there begins an epic enquiry into hunting down the thief. At the same time,

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‘The horrid mystery hanging over us in this house gets into my head like liquor, and makes me wild.’ Centred around a glorious yellow diamond that carries with it a menacing history, The Moonstone tells the story of Rachel Verinder, who inherits the stone on her eighteenth birthday. That very evening, the diamond is stolen and there begins an epic enquiry into hunting down the thief. At the same time, three Indian men, Brahmin guardians of the diamond are attempting to reclaim the stone in order to return it to their sacred Hindu Idol. Told from the perspective of 11different characters, Wilkie Collins’ tale of mystery and suspicion was considered the first modern English detective novel at its time of publication.

Cudzojazyčná literatúra

Vitajte na našej webovej stránke venovanej cudzojazyčnej literatúre! Tu nájdete široký výber kníh pre všetkých milovníkov jazykov a kultúr z celého sveta.

Naša podkategória Cudzojazyčná literatúra je plná fascinujúcich príbehov, básní a románov, ktoré vás prenesú do rôznych časov a miest. Objevte bohatstvo rôznych jazykov a objavte nové perspektívy prostredníctvom týchto diel.

Máme knihy vo viacerých jazykoch vrátane angličtiny, španielčiny, francúzštiny, nemčiny, taliančiny a mnohých ďalších. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste začiatočník alebo pokročilý jazykový nadšenec, nájdete u nás niečo pre seba.

Prehľadávajte našu rozsiahlu zbierku podľa jazyka, žánru, autora alebo krajiny pôvodu. Sme hrdí na to, že ponúkame aj diela mnohých renomovaných autorov a autorky z rôznych kútov sveta.

S našim používateľsky priateľským rozhraním a dotváraním ponuky nových kníh pravidelne máte jednoduchý prístup k najnovším dielam a pevným klasikám. Okrem toho, ak máte akékoľvek špecifické požiadavky, neváhajte nás kontaktovať a radi vám pomôžeme nájsť správne dielo pre vás.

Cudzojazyčná literatúra ponúka jedinečné možnosti rozšíriť svoje znalosti jazyka, objaviť nové kultúry a nakuknúť do rôznych spoločností a histórie. Bez ohľadu na to, či máte záujem o klasickejších alebo súčasné diela, u nás nájdete to, čo hľadáte.

Objavte tajomstvá cudzojazyčnej literatúry u nás a zažite nové dobrodružstvo každýkrát, keď otvoríte našu knihu. Tešíme sa na vašu návštevu a dúfame, že si u nás nájdete knihu, ktorá vás vzruší, zabaví alebo inšpiruje.


Il sogno di Giulia č diventare una famosa detective, come il famoso commissario Salvo Montalbano. Un giorno la sua vita cambia a causa di un semplice souvenir comprato in Egitto. Ma č un semplice souvenir o qualcosa di piů?

Eileen Gray Eileen Gray

This is the new paperback version of an in-depth study of the Irish-born designer Eileen Gray (1878-1976), a contemporary of Pierre Chareau and Charlotte Perriand. The book explored nine realized buildings and more than 45 architectural projects from Gray\'s archive, including villa E. 1027 on the coast of southern France. It examines her highly original furniture and interior design, including sumptuous

Thankless in Death Thankless in Death

He looked at his hands, covered with her blood, at the wild spatters of it on the walls. An artist, he mused. Maybe he should be an artist. Murder doesn\'t stop for Thanksgiving. As NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her billionaire husband Roarke prepare for family and friends to descend, an ungrateful son, Jerald Reinhold, decides to shut up his nagging parents - for good. Soon Jerald is working his

OWC Essential Victor Hugo OWC Essential Victor Hugo

To the English, I am \"shocking\"...What\'s more, French, which is disgusting; republican, which is abominable; exiled, which is repulsive; defeated, which is infamous. To top it all off, a poet...\' Victor Hugo dominated literary life in France for over half a century, pouring forth novels, poems, plays, and other writings with unflagging zest and vitality. Here, for the first time in English, all

OWC Monk OWC Monk

The Monk was so highly popular that it seemed to create an epoch in our literature\', wrote Sir Walter Scott. Set in the sinister monastery of the Capuchins in Madrid, The Monk is a violent tale of ambition, murder, and incest. The great struggle between maintaining monastic vows and fulfilling personal ambitions leads its main character, the monk Ambrosio, to temptation and the breaking of his vows,

Caballero Del Jubon Amarillo Caballero Del Jubon Amarillo

En esta quinta entrega de «Las aventuras del capitán Alatriste» Diego Alatriste e Ínigo Balboa se enfrentarán entre estocadas e intrigas palaciegas a una conspiración en la corte de Felipe IV. El caballero del Jubón amarillo se desarrolla en el mundo de los corrales de comedias del Madrid del siglo XVII. En esta ocasión Diego Alatriste volverá a cruzarse con viejos amigos y viejos enemigos, y con los

Gran Diccionario de Uso Espanol Actual Gran Diccionario de Uso Espanol Actual

Más de 70.000 voces y locuciones. -150.000 acepciones o definiciones. -100.000 ejemplos de uso real, extraídos del corpus. -Marcas de frecuencia de uso para cada voz. -Ordenación de las acepciones según su uso. -Indicación sistemática mediante siglas de los ámbitos de uso. -Trancripción fonética (alfabeto fonético internacional). -Separación silábica, a efectos ortográficos y de separación de palabras

Latecomers Latecomers

\'No man is free of his own history\' Hartmann and Fibich came to England on the kindertransport. As orphans of the war they were strangers in a strange land. Together, they survived. And in adulthood they have been unable to separate, sharing a successful business. Yet Hartmann\'s carefully polished manners conceal the past he refuses to think about. While Fibich, a mass of fears and neuroses, can

New Zealand Book with CD-ROM / Audio CD New Zealand Book with CD-ROM / Audio CD

Borquez - Chicas Daab Borquez - Chicas Daab

Born 1964 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Fabio Borquez currently lives in Germany. In Buenos Aires he studied art, photography and architecture. He won various scholarships for India, Columbia and Germany and has taken part in many exhibitions. His work spans over various areas of design. This book exclusively presents his female nude photography. Borquez\'s intention is not to put the nude on display,

Blauer Reiter Kg Blauer Reiter Kg

The Blaue Reiter (“Blue Rider”) group of artists was formed in Munich in 1911 on the initiative of two leading artists of Modernism: Wassily Kandinsky, the pioneer of purely abstract painting, and Franz Marc, the creator of mysterious, abstracted animal pictures. The Russian and the German, together with many other visionary painters in their train, hoped to pursue a new spirit in art. They wanted

Digital diaries Digital diaries

Christina Rossetti: Selected Poems (Phoenix Poetry) Christina Rossetti: Selected Poems (Phoenix Poetry)

Christina Rossetti (1830-94) was born into a predominantly Italian family in London. Her two brothers, Dante Gabriel and Michael, were Pre-Raphaelite painters and poets. While her lyrics and carols remain popular, she also wrote fantasy, mystical and religious poems as well as stories and books for children.

Retro Fonts Retro Fonts

Retro Fonts is a fantastic compilation of over 400 of the best retro fonts from 1830 to the end of the 20th century. The fonts are presented in the style of old type specimen books as alphabets with sample words/phrases, shown opposite classic examples of the fonts in use in their historical context. Arranged chronologically into eight sections representing different stylistic eras, each with an introduction

Mighty Odds Mighty Odds

What do you get when you mix a sci-fi nerd, a cartoonist, a social outcast, and the most popular girl in school with a mysterious bus crash? Some very specific-and mighty odd-superpowers. Martina can change her eye color; Nick can teleport four inches to the left; Farshad can develop super strength, but only in his thumbs; and Cookie can read minds, when those minds are thinking about directions. Starring

World Of Cyberpunk 2077 Deluxe Edition World Of Cyberpunk 2077 Deluxe Edition

WELCOME TO NIGHT CITY! Explore an extensive examination of the rich lore of Cyberpunk 2077. This intricately assembled tome contains everything you need to know about the history, characters, and world of the long-awaited RPG from CD Projekt Red the creators of The Witcher video game series. This deluxe edition includes: An exclusive Night City map cover. A slipcase featuring Night City graffiti. Temporary

Cannery Row Cannery Row

\"Cannery Row in Monterey in California\" is a poem, a stink, a grating noise, a quality of light, a tone, a habit, nostalgia, and a dream\". Meet the gamblers, whores, drunks, bums and artists of Cannery Row in Monterey, California, during the Great Depression. They want to throw a party for their friend Doc, so Mack and the boys set about, in their own inimitable way, recruiting everyone in the neighbourhood

Issledovania Odnoj Sobaki Issledovania Odnoj Sobaki

Рассказы Франца Кафки, одного из самых загадочных писателей XX века, \"непостижимого мастера и повелителя царства немецкого языка\" (Г. Гессе). В настоящее издание вошли повесть \"Исследования одной собаки\", а также рассказы из циклов \"Мастер пост-арта\", \"Сельский врач\", \"Наблюдение\" и др.

Die Maßnahme Die Maßnahme

\"Die Maßnahme ist nicht für Zuschauer geschrieben worden, sondern nur für die Belehrung der Aufführenden. Aufführungen vor Publikum rufen erfahrungsgemäß nichts als moralische Affekte für gewöhnlich minderer Art beim Publikum hervor. Ich gebe daher das Stück seit langem nicht für Aufführungen frei\", stellt Brecht 1956 fest. Die vorliegende Ausgabe präsentiert, der erheblichen Unterschiede wegen,

The World of Vikings The World of Vikings

MGM\'s hit show Vikings has drawn millions of viewers into the fascinating and bloody world of legendary Norse hero Ragnar Lothbrok, who led Viking warriors to the British Isles and France. Covering the first three seasons of the series, this official companion book delves into the real history as well as the behind-the-scenes stories. Viking historian Justin Pollard explains shipbuilding and navigation,

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