7,86 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 19.09.2024

The stunning new novel from the No. 1 bestselling author of Fatherland, Enigma, Archangel, Pompeii and Imperium. “The moment I heard how McAra died I should have walked away. I can see that now. I should have said, ‘Rick, I’m sorry, this isn’t for me, I don’t like the sound of it,’ finished my drink and left. But he was such a good storyteller, Rick — I often thought he should have been

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The stunning new novel from the No. 1 bestselling author of Fatherland, Enigma, Archangel, Pompeii and Imperium. “The moment I heard how McAra died I should have walked away. I can see that now. I should have said, ‘Rick, I’m sorry, this isn’t for me, I don’t like the sound of it,’ finished my drink and left. But he was such a good storyteller, Rick — I often thought he should have been the writer and I the agent — that once he’d started talking there was never any question I wouldn’t listen, and by the time he had finished, I was done for.”After five books set firmly in the past, Robert Harris returns with a contemporary novel that brings the reader face to face with some of the biggest issues of our time — the result is a gripping and genuinely thrilling read.From the Hardcover edition.

Cudzojazyčná literatúra

Vitajte na našej webovej stránke venovanej cudzojazyčnej literatúre! Tu nájdete široký výber kníh pre všetkých milovníkov jazykov a kultúr z celého sveta.

Naša podkategória Cudzojazyčná literatúra je plná fascinujúcich príbehov, básní a románov, ktoré vás prenesú do rôznych časov a miest. Objevte bohatstvo rôznych jazykov a objavte nové perspektívy prostredníctvom týchto diel.

Máme knihy vo viacerých jazykoch vrátane angličtiny, španielčiny, francúzštiny, nemčiny, taliančiny a mnohých ďalších. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste začiatočník alebo pokročilý jazykový nadšenec, nájdete u nás niečo pre seba.

Prehľadávajte našu rozsiahlu zbierku podľa jazyka, žánru, autora alebo krajiny pôvodu. Sme hrdí na to, že ponúkame aj diela mnohých renomovaných autorov a autorky z rôznych kútov sveta.

S našim používateľsky priateľským rozhraním a dotváraním ponuky nových kníh pravidelne máte jednoduchý prístup k najnovším dielam a pevným klasikám. Okrem toho, ak máte akékoľvek špecifické požiadavky, neváhajte nás kontaktovať a radi vám pomôžeme nájsť správne dielo pre vás.

Cudzojazyčná literatúra ponúka jedinečné možnosti rozšíriť svoje znalosti jazyka, objaviť nové kultúry a nakuknúť do rôznych spoločností a histórie. Bez ohľadu na to, či máte záujem o klasickejších alebo súčasné diela, u nás nájdete to, čo hľadáte.

Objavte tajomstvá cudzojazyčnej literatúry u nás a zažite nové dobrodružstvo každýkrát, keď otvoríte našu knihu. Tešíme sa na vašu návštevu a dúfame, že si u nás nájdete knihu, ktorá vás vzruší, zabaví alebo inšpiruje.

Elektronik Dadaest Poetry Elektronik Dadaest Poetry

Babi Badalov je básnik a umelec, ktorý zbavuje jazyk štatútu exkluzívnej komodity a mení ho na dar, na krádež, na exkrement, na odpad. Používaním výlučne nájdených vecí, na ktoré zaznamenáva svoju orna-mentálnu poéziu sníma z jazyka auru posvätnosti a glorifikácie. Prostredníctvom svojej vizuálnej poézie vytvára jazyk, ktorý nie je objektívnou reflexiou súčasnosti, ale ktorý sa snaží prehovoriť pravdu

A természetes fájdalomcsillapítás A természetes fájdalomcsillapítás

Csökkentsük a fájdalmat természetes módon a masszázs, a reflexzónamasszázs, az aromaterápia, a hidroterápia, a gyógynövények, a homeopátia, a jóga és a meditáció nyújtotta gyors és hatékony módszerekkel. Fedezzük fel a fejfájás, a migrén, a stressz é s emocionális problémák, a megfázás és az influenza, az izomsérülések és más gyakori panaszok velejárójaként tapasztalt fájdalom csillapítására szolgáló

On the Brink On the Brink

Fast-paced and dramatic re-telling of the financial crisis that nearly bought the developed world to its knees. Hank Paulson was at the absolute epicentre of the recent economic storm, and his account of how he dealt with the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression makes for absolutely fascinating reading. The book contains all the decisive moments in the economic crisis, including the

Room Room

Jack is five. He lives with his Ma. They live in a single, locked room. They don’t have the key.

Performance Art Performance Art

First published in 1979, the latest edition of this pioneering study in the World of Art series surveys a full century of performance, from the Futurist manifesto of 1909 to the second decade of the new millennium. Art historian and gallery curator R ose Lee Goldberg explains how a medium once used only in sporadic outbreaks of artistic dissent has become, over the course of a century, a vital and

Story Of A Shipwrecked Sailor Story Of A Shipwrecked Sailor

On February 22 we were told that we would be returning to Columbia.\' In 1955, eight crew members of Caldas, a Colombian destroyer, were swept overboard. Velasco alone survived, drifting on a raft for ten days without food or water. Marquez retells the survivor\'s amazing tale of endurance, from his loneliness and thirst to his determination to survive. \"The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor\" was Marquez\'s

Tomorrow\'s World booQs Tomorrow's World booQs

Flying cars, impossibly-shaped homes, ultrasonic travel - imagining the future has always fascinated creative people and explains why futuristic themes are often at the heart of style and fashion. This book demonstrates and comprehensively illustrates how designers and architects of today imagine and create tomorrow\'s world.

Young Adult Eli Readers - English: Stories of Mystery and Suspense + CD Young Adult Eli Readers - English: Stories of Mystery and Suspense + CD

In this reader you will find nine of Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous stories of mystery and suspense. They range from Gothic historical stories such as The Pit and the Pendulum, through to detective fiction like The Murders in the Rue Morgue and an early science fiction tale - A Descent into the Maelström. Ghostly mysteries such as Ligeia and The Fall of the House of Usher are also in the collection

Yesterday - The thriller of the summer Yesterday - The thriller of the summer

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Animated Performance Animated Performance

Love and Misadventure Love and Misadventure

Beautifully illustrated and thoughtfully conceived, Love and Misadventure will take you on a rollercoaster ride through an ill-fated love affair-from the initial butterflies through the soaring heights to the devastating plunge. And, in the end, the message is one of hope. The journey from love to heartbreak to finding love again is personal yet universal. Lang Leav\'s evocative love poetry speaks

The Silence of the Girls The Silence of the Girls

The great city of Troy is under siege as Greek heroes Achilles and Agamemnon wage bloody war over a stolen woman. In the Greek camp, another woman is watching and waiting: Briseis. She was a queen of this land until Achilles sacked her city and murdered her husband and sons. Now she is Achilles\' concubine: a prize of battle. Briseis is just one among thousands of women backstage in this war - the

Essential Shakespeare Essential Shakespeare

The ultimate visual guide to every Shakespeare play The Essential Shakespeare Handbook unravels the history, themes and language of Shakespeare\'s plays and sonnets. Romance, comedy and tragedy, Shakespeare\'s canon has it all. With act-by-act plot summaries and resumes of main characters, the Essential Shakespeare Handbook will allow you to enjoy the Bard with new confidence. See the plays and sonnets

Line of Fire Line of Fire

Nick Stone is back in an up-to-the-minute thriller - ripped fresh from the headlines. Stone has returned to London. Both the UK and the US are in a state of unrest and ever more extreme politicians are looking to take advantage of an unstable world. Their motives are unclear. But their threat is real. Who are they really working for?

The Adventures of Indiana Jones The Adventures of Indiana Jones

With his battered leather jacket, his trademark Fedora and his bullwhip, Indiana Jones has gone in search of adventure, confronted danger and unearthed an untold wealth of ancient treasures. In Raiders of the Lost Ark\", the fearless archaeologist journeys from Nepal to Cairo to the Mediterranean, dodging poisons, traps and snakes, battling rivals old and new - in pursuit of an ancient artifact that

Anatomy of a Soldier Anatomy of a Soldier

Captain Tom Barnes is leading British troops in a war zone. Two boys are growing up there, sharing a prized bicycle and flying kites, before finding themselves separated once the soldiers appear in their countryside. On all sides of this conflict, people are about to be caught up in the violence, from the man who trains one boy to fight the infidel invaders to Barnes\'s family waiting for him to return

Doctor Who: The Crawling Terror Doctor Who: The Crawling Terror

\"Well, I doubt you\'ll ever see a bigger insect.\" Gabby Nichols is putting her son to bed when she hears her daughter cry out. \'Mummy there\'s a daddy longlegs in my room!\' Then the screaming starts...Kevin Alperton is on his way to school when he is attacked by a mosquito. A big one. Then things get dangerous. But it isn\'t the dead man cocooned inside a huge mass of web that worries the Doctor.

Dogma (nem.) Dogma (nem.)

TÖDLICHE JAGD NACH DEM BUCH DER BÜCHER Konstantinopel 1203: Kreuzritter belagern die Stadt. In der Nacht gelingt einer Gruppe Tempelritter der Ausbruch durch die feindlichen Linien. Doch sie kommen nicht weit. Istanbul 2010: Ein iranischer Archäologe macht eine ungeheuerliche Entdeckung. Und überlebt es nicht. Wenige Tage später wird eine Frau entführt. Nur einer kann sie retten. Er muss dafür brisante

Gutes Geld Gutes Geld

Der Autor und Psychiater Ernst Augustin hatte 1974 einen Geldfälscher zu beurteilen, dessen Methode darin bestand, nur kleine Scheine auf den Markt zu bringen. Als er sich durch eine einmalige große Summe ein Ruhegeld verschaffen wollte, wurde er entdeckt. Während der Begutachtung teilte der Proband Ernst Augustin die Herstellungstechnik mit, verriet ihm vor allem \"das Geheimnis des Wasserzeichens\".

Éternels célibataires Éternels célibataires

Éternels célibataires

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