9,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 19.09.2024

Original / American English In the 1930s Grey Owl was the most famous North American Indian in the world. He wanted to save his land, its forests and animals. He wanted to change the world. He also had a very strange secret. This book tells his true story. This Pack contains a Book and MP3

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Original / American English In the 1930s Grey Owl was the most famous North American Indian in the world. He wanted to save his land, its forests and animals. He wanted to change the world. He also had a very strange secret. This book tells his true story. This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Zjednodušené čítanie

Zjednodušené čítanie je špeciálna kategória učebníc a slovníkov, ktorá je určená pre začiatočníkov, deti alebo ľudí so špeciálnymi potrebami, ktoré sa učia čítať. Tieto materiály obsahujú jednoduché a zrozumiteľné texty, ktoré sú prispôsobené ich aktuálnym schopnostiam a vedomostiam.

Na webovej stránke zameranej na zjednodušené čítanie môžete nájsť veľké množstvo textov, kníh a iných materiálov, ktoré sú prístupné online. Tieto texty majú zväčšené písmo, jasne oddelené odseky a jednoduchú formuláciu viet, čo uľahčuje čitateľom porozumieť obsahu. Niektoré stránky ponúkajú aj možnosť prekladu niektorých slov alebo fráz, čo pomáha pri rozširovaní slovných zásob.

S cieľom uľahčiť začiatočníkom učenie sa čítať, webové stránky zamerané na zjednodušené čítanie často ponúkajú aj cvičenia a aktivity. Tieto interaktívne prvky umožňujú čitateľom precvičiť si čítanie, porozumieť hlavným myšlienkam a odpovedať na otázky. Týmto spôsobom si postupne rozvíjajú svoje jazykové zručnosti a sebavedomie.

Zjednodušené čítanie je veľmi prospešným nástrojom pre ľudí, ktorí sa učia čítať, pretože im umožňuje začať s jednoduchými textami a postupne pokračovať po náročnejších. Tento prístup pomáha rozhodujúcou mierou zlepšovať ich čitateľské schopnosti a ovplyvňuje ich celkový jazykový vývoj.

Ak sa chcete naučiť čítať alebo hľadáte zábavné a vzdelávacie materiály pre začiatočníkov, deti alebo ľudí so špeciálnymi potrebami, návšteva webovej stránky zameranej na zjednodušené čítanie je skvelou voľbou. Tu si môžete vybrať z rôznych textov a kníh prispôsobených vašim schopnostiam a potrebám a postupne sa rozvíjať ako čitateľ.

Penguin Reader Level 1: Plastic Penguin Reader Level 1: Plastic

We all use a lot of plastic every day. It is cheap and strong, and plastic things last. But where does plastic come from? And what can we do to recycle all the plastic in our world? Penguin Readers is a series of popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the

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The Hound of the Baskervilles - Zrcadlová četba The Hound of the Baskervilles - Zrcadlová četba

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Dubliners B1-B2 (Dubliňané) - Zrcadlová četba Dubliners B1-B2 (Dubliňané) - Zrcadlová četba

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Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling

The Musicians of Bremen The Musicians of Bremen

Three titles in the popular \"First Reading\" series are re-issued with hardback covers with audio CDs inserted into a wallet inside the back cover, making the book and CD easy to store together. \"The Young Reading\" series is developed with reading expert Alison Kelly from Roehampton University to help young readers grow in confidence and ability.

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Rapunzel - Read it yourself level 3 Rapunzel - Read it yourself level 3

The classic fairy tale. Rapunzel is stolen from her parents by a witch and forced to live in a tower. Every day, the witch climbs up Rapunzel\'s hair into the tower. Then one day, a prince rides by...Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird\'s best-selling series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills. Each

The Inch Prince + CD The Inch Prince + CD

Eight titles in the popular \"First Reading\" series are re-issued with hardback covers with audio CDs inserted into a wallet inside the back cover, making this book and CD easy to store together. \"The Young Reading\" series is developed with reading expert Alison Kelly from Roehampton University to help young readers grow in confidence and ability.

The Secret Garden + CD The Secret Garden + CD

Seven titles in the popular \"Young Reading\" series are re-issued with hardback covers with audio CDs inserted into a wallet inside the back cover, making the book and CD easy to store together. \"The Young Reading\" series is developed with reading expert Alison Kelly from Roehampton University to help young readers grow in confidence and ability.

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial + CD-ROM Pack Level 2 E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial + CD-ROM Pack Level 2

Contempory / American English A little visitor from the stars who finds Earth fascinating but misses his family, he wants to \'go home\'. Can his friend Elliot him him? The story of one of this world\'s favoutite movies.

The Ghost of Genny Castle + Mp3 Pack - PLPR2 The Ghost of Genny Castle + Mp3 Pack - PLPR2

Original / British English Claire is staying with her aunt Min. There is an old castle with a black tower in the village. It has a dangerous secret - accidents happen there, animals and people die. One day, Claire goes to the castle. She wants to know its secret. This Pack contains a Book and MP3

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Protecting the Ocean - BBC Earth Do You Know... Level 4 Protecting the Ocean - BBC Earth Do You Know... Level 4

Why is the ocean important? Why do people study it? Find out all about turtles, noise pollution and plastic. Do You Know? is a series of levelled non-fiction books featuring video content, project work and critical-thinking activities to motivate and engage young learners. Covering a range of STEM topics from nocturnal animals to climate change, Do You Know? takes an enquiry-based approach, developing

Speak English 5: About urban legends Speak English 5: About urban legends

Edice Speak English je série anglicky psaných knih v pěti úrovních obtížnosti. Celou edici spojuje Základní kniha, ve které je podrobně shrnuta gramatika a slovní zásoba všech úrovní. Příběhy v Speak English 5 - About urban legends představují zajímavosti z anglicky mluvícího prostředí a uvádějí je do souvislosti městskými legendami, s fámami a historkami, které se těšily oblibě i u nás. Kniha obsahuje

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